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5B 阶段性测试阶段性测试 08.4 Class Name Mark 一、听力部分 (30 分) A、听录音,选出你所听到的选项,将序号写在括号内 (8 分) ( )1、A. listen B. lesson C. listens ( ) 2、A. some B. sun C. same ( ) 3. A. here B. her C. hair ( ) 4. A.hand B. head C. have ( ) 5. A.write carefully B. sing beautifully C. sit quietly ( ) 6. A.play games B. play chess C. play cards ( ) 7. A. Helen likes playing the guitar.B. Helen likes playing the violin.C. Helen likes drawing pictures. ( ) 8. A. Dad usually goes home at 4:15.B.Dad usually goes home at 4:50.C. Dad usually goes home at 4:45. B、听录音,标序号 (6 分)C、根据录音内容选择合适的答案 (5 分)( )1. Q: Whats wrong with Nancy ?A: Shes got a bad cold.B: Shes got a bad cough.C. Shes got a headache.( )2. Q: Does WangBin run fast?A: Yes,he does. B.No,he doesnt.C.No,she doesnt.( )3. Q: Whats Davids hobby ?A: He likes making model ships.B: He likes making model planes.C: He likes making clothes.( )4Q:How many lessons do they have on Wednesday?A:Three B:Four C:Five( )5Q:What does Jims grandfather like?A:He likes growing flowers.B:He likes reading newspapers.C:He likes reading magazines. D、听录音,完成句子(听两遍) (6 分)1. SuYang_ _English in the morning. But SuHai_.2. What_do you have on_?3. _are seven_in a_.4 How do you _now?5 Im_an_to my_. E、听短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案(听三遍) (5 分)( )1.Is Andy an English girl?A.Yes,she is. B.No,she isnt. C.Sorry,I dont know.( )2.How many lessons does Andy have every day? A.She has four. B.She has three. C.She has seven. ( )3.Does Andy jump high?A.Yes,she does. B.No,she doesnt. C.Yes,she can. ( )4.What subject does SuSan like?A.She likes PE.B.She likes Art.C.She likes Computer Studies and Art. ( )5.Whats Andy and SuSans same hobby?A.They like jumping.B.They like making model planes.C.They like drawing pictures. 二、笔试部分 ( 70 分 ) A.语音。找出划线部分发音不同的单词 (5 分)( )1. A.clock B.hot C.mother( ) 2. A. puppet B.music C.jump( ) 3. A. doctor B.brother C.monkey( ) 4. A. Sunday B.student C.bus( ) 5. A. some B.love C.coffee B.词汇 (15 分) A)写出下列词组 (5 分) 1.每个星期三 2.收集花的邮票 3.严重的咳嗽 a 4.和她打电话 5.住在一个小镇上 in a small B)根据句子的意思选用所给单词填空 (10 分)1.I a letter to my English friend, Tom . (am writing, writing) 2.He likes running, he fast. (run, runs) 3.SuHai doesnt to school on Saturdays.(go,goes) 4.My aunt likes dancing. She dances (beautiful, beautifully) 5.We want cards. (to play, play) 6.We are age.(same, the same) 7.My father can play basketball . (good, well) 8.What do you have this term ? (lessons, subjects) 9.Do you have an Art lesson (on, in) Friday afternoon? 10.Mike doesnt like PE. He cannot (jump, jumps) high. C.单项选择 (10 分) ( )1. Whats wrong with ?A. he B. him C. his( ) 2. He got a cold.A. have B. is having C.has( ) 3. My brother often in the study.A. study B.studys C.studies( ) 4. A: Does your father flowers every day ? B: No,he .A. water, doesnt B.waters,does C. water, does( ) 5. Ben likes collecting stamps,but Mike .A.cant B.dont C. doesnt( ) 6. My brothers hobby is photos.A. taking B.take C.takeing( ) 7.Please show your doll.A.we B.I C.me( ) 8. May I to Miss Li ? Yes, .A.speak, speaking B. speaking, speak C. speak, speak( )9. Nacy and David go to school Monday Friday .A.for, to B.to ,from C. from, to( )10. This lovely dog is my dayghter ,Ann.A.for B. to C.give D、在栏中找出能对栏句子做出正确反映的答句 (10 分) ( )1.Why are you absent today ? A.We have four.( ) 2.How do you feel now ? B.I still feel ill.( ) 3.What day is it today ? C. Im sorry to hear that.( ) 4.Ive got a high fever . D.Its Monday.( ) 5.How many PE lessons do you have a week? E. Im ill.( )1.Do you have any hobbies ? A.He does his homework.( )2.Welcome to our school . B.Yes,I do.I like going shopping.( )3.What do you like ? C.Thank you.( )4.Does Helen dance beautifully ? D.I like going shopping.( )5.What does Mike do on Sundays ? E.Yes,she does. E.找出下列各句中的错误选项,将序号写在题前括号内 (6 分)( )1.His hobbies is playing chess and growing flowers.A B C( )2.Can you tell they at once ?A B C( )3.Does your brother watches TV at night ?A B C( )4.Can David skate beautiful ?A B C( )5.Is your sister writeing carefully in the study ?A
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