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2007-2008 学年度四年级第一学期英语期末知识抽查模拟题班别:_姓名:_成绩:_听力部分一 听音选图。(12)1 ( )( ) 2( ) ( )3( ) ( ) 4( )( ) 5( ) ( ) 6 ( ) ( )二 听音判断图的正确与否。(10)1( ) ( ) 2( )( )3. ( )( )4. ( ) ( )5. ( ) ( )三 听句子选单词。(12)1 ( ) A door B board C floor 2( ) A teacher B picture C finger3( ) A short B sport C strong 4( ) A forty B thirty C twenty5( ) A wall B ball C tall6( ) A knife B kite C nine四 听问题,选答案。(8)1 ( ) A Miss Green is. B Yes, she is . C Shes a teacher.2 ( ) A Yes ,it is . B Two pencils. C Its a bag.3 ( ) A Its my ruler. B I have a ruler. C Its blue.4 ( ) A Yes, I do. B Yes, it is . C Yes ,I can.五 听一段话,填写单词。 (一空一词)(10)Welcome to my _. This is my _. I like reading books in it. I like reading books. I have many books in my study. You can see _ story-books,_ picture-books and _ English books.笔试部分笔试部分六 看图补充句子。(22)A: What would you like for breakfast, Alice?B: Id like some _ , some _ and some _ .A: Wow! What a nice breakfast! And what about your dinner?B: Id like some _ , some _ and some _ .七 看图回答问题。(10)1. A: Where are my keys ?B: Are they on the sofa ?C:_,they_.2. A: Where are my pencils ?B: Theyre on the _.3. A: Where are the books ?B: Are they in the _?A:_, they _.4. A: Wheres the phone ?B: Its on the _. 5. A: Can you see a fridge in the picture ?B: _, _ _.八、补充对话完整。(8)A: Hi, come and meet my f_. Look, this is my m_. Shes nice.B: Whats your m_?A: Shes a n_. B: Is this your f_?A: Yes, he is. Hes a d_. B: Whos that g_. She has long hair.A: Shes my s_. She likes music. This is my u_. Hes cool and strong.九 阅读理解。(10)Look at my family photo. This is my father. Hes a teacher. Hes tall. He likes sports. This is my mother. Shes a teacher, too. She likes reading. This is my brother. Hes a baseball player. Hes strong. I love my family.1.( )My parents are teachers.2.( )My father likes sports.3.( )My brother likes music.4.( )My brother is tall and strong.5.( )There are four people in my family.
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