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学前英语综合教程 第一册Learning ObjectsPhoneticsListening and SpeakingReadingGrammarFun TimeUnit 3 FriendsUnit 3ReadingText B1. How can parents help their child make friends?Pre-reading questionsParents can help their child make friends by 1) doing some role playing at home with their child. 2) encouraging their child to bring a friend home after school occasionally, with adult supervision. 3) encouraging their child to say hello every day to an unknown schoolmate. 4) teaching their child to make eye contact and to smile when talking with others. 5) getting together with others who have children near the age of their child. 6) helping their child learn good ways to talk to others. 7) trusting their childs taste in friends.Words PhrasesUnit 3ReadingText B2. Why does the author say peers are important?Peers are important because they teach each other facts of life. They provide emotional support and teach acceptable behavior. Its largely through a childs interaction with peers that some of lifes most importa- nt attitudes and behaviors are shaped.Words PhrasesUnit 3Friends Author unknown(Para.1) Friends are an important part of a childs life. The degree of popularity or isolation children experience1 can affect their self-esteem and their view of their social skills. Often, the relationships with friends are similar to2 those with siblings best friends one minute, enemies the next.ReadingText BWords PhrasesUnit 3译文: 朋友是幼儿园孩子生活的重要组成部分。孩子所 经历的受欢迎或受孤立的程度会影响到他们的自信以 及对自身社交技巧的看法。通常,朋友关系和兄弟姐 妹关系相似前一分钟是最好的朋友,后一分钟就 成了敌人。ReadingText BUnit 3解析: 1. (S-Note 1) children experience为省略了that which的定语从句,修饰 popularity or isolation。ReadingText BUnit 32. be similar to 与相似 e.g. Im similar to my twin sister. ReadingText B我和我的双胞胎姐姐很像。Unit 3(Para. 2) What about popularity? Theres so much emphasis placed on popularity that having only a few friends may seem like a failure1. Dont confuse quantity with quality. A child with few friends isnt necessarily lonely or a social outcast since2 the number of3 friends varies considerably at this age. Try to respect the level of sociability your child chooses. 4ReadingText BWords PhrasesUnit 3译文:受欢迎程度怎么样呢?人们太重视孩子的受 欢迎程度,以至于朋友少似乎像个失败者。不要 把交友的数量和质量混为一谈。朋友少的孩子并 不一定孤独或不合群,因为在这个年龄段,朋友 数量的变化是十分常见的。试着去尊重你孩子所 选择的社交层次。ReadingText BUnit 3解析: 1. (S-Note 2) 本句中placed on popularity修饰emphasis; so . that . 引导结果状语从句;having only a few friends 是从句中的主语。ReadingText BUnit 32. since 因为 e.g. Since you are so sure of it, hell believe you. ReadingText B既然你对此这么有把握, 他会相信你的。Unit 33. the number of 的数量 e.g. The number of private colleges has increased. ReadingText B私立大学的数量已增加。Unit 34. 此句中,your child chooses是定语从句,修饰the level of sociability。ReadingText BUnit 3(Para. 35) Here are some tips to help your child make friends more easily:Do some role playing at home with your child. Together think of questions that lead to conversation and activity with others1. Use dolls, puppets and books that relate to friendship topics2.Encourage3 your child to bring a friend home after school occasionally, with adult supervision.ReadingText BWords PhrasesUnit 3译文:以下一些小技巧,有助于你的孩子轻松交友。和你的孩子在家做一些角色扮演游戏。一起思考能 与人对话和互动的问题。利用娃娃、木偶以及与友谊相 关的书籍。鼓励你的孩子放学后偶尔带朋友回家,但必须在成 年人的监督下。ReadingText BUnit 3解析: 1.that lead to conversation and activity with others 为定语从句,修饰questions。ReadingText BUnit 32. that relate to friendship topics 为定语从句,修饰 books。ReadingText BUnit 33. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 e.g. The teacher encouraged me to study aboard. ReadingText B老师鼓励我出国留学。Unit 3(Para. 68) Encourage your child to say hello every day to an unknown schoolmate.Teach your child to make eye contact and to smile when talking with others1.Get together with others who have children near the age of your child2. Doing something specific as a group picnic, park visit, bicycling will relax the kids and make things easier than sending them out to play while the adults talk.ReadingText BWords PhrasesUnit 3译文:鼓励你的孩子每天向不认识的校友问好。教会你的孩子在和别人谈话时进行眼神交流并保 持微笑。与有同龄孩子的家庭聚会,作为一个群体一起做 些具体的事,比如野餐、去公园、骑自行车,这将使 孩子放松,也比大人聊天时让孩子出去玩更容易。ReadingText BUnit 3解析: 1. when talking with others,完整的表达是when he/she is talking with others。ReadingText BUnit 32. who have children near the age of your child 为定语从句,修饰others。ReadingText BUnit 3(Para. 9) Help your child learn good ways to talk to others. 1 Try this game:You say something negative “( That sweater is funny looking.”) and have your child come back with something positive 2 “( I like this sweater my grandma made for me 3.” ) ,then switch roles.ReadingText BWords PhrasesUnit 3译文: 帮助你的孩子学习与人交谈的好方法。尝试一下这 个游戏:你说否定意义的句子( 如“那件毛衣看上去很滑 稽”) 让你的孩子给予肯定的反驳(“我喜欢我奶奶给我织 的这件毛衣”),然后交换角色。ReadingText BUnit 3解析: 1. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 e.g. I helped him (to) look for his key. ReadingText B我帮他寻找钥匙。Unit 32. 形容词作定语修饰不定代词something, anything, nothing时,应后置。 e.g. I have something important to tell you. Can you see anything unusual in the picture? ReadingText B我有重要事情要告诉你。你能看出这幅画中的不寻常之处吗?Unit 33. my gr
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