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新课程理念下初中英语课堂教学 设计n一:根据教学内容和任务,分为新授课、复习课、练习课。n二:根据教学目的、教学内容、技能培养,分新授课、巩固课、阅读课和复习课。n三:根据教学内容和教学过程,分为讲练课、巩固课、复习课、阅读课和语法课。n四:根据教学任务和教学内容,分为讲练课和复习课。n五:根据语言知识目标分为语音课、语法课、词汇课;根据技能培养目标,分为听力课、说话课、阅读课、 写作课、翻译课;根据教学过程,分为讲练课、巩固课、 复习课、测验课、测验分析课。n六:根据教材编写的体裁,分为对话课和短文阅读课。初中英语课堂教学课型中学英语教学的课型分类分类基准语言知识教 材 编 写 题 材技 能 培 养 目 标教学过程各类课型语音课 语法课 词汇课 句型课对话课 短文阅读课听说课 阅读课 写作课 综合技能课新授课 巩固课 复习课 测试课 测试分析课Section A 第一课时:听说操练课。Section A第二课时:阅读讨论课。Section B 第一课时:听说操练课。 Section B 第二课时:阅读讨论或写作课。Selfcheck 第一课时: 单元复习课Selfcheck 第二课时: 阅读课初中英语各课型课堂教学设计1、词汇课2、听说课3、阅读课(读说课、读写课)4、单元复习课(综合技能课)。词汇教学课(Goforit!七下Unit3 Why do you like koalas?)一、英语新课标五级词汇要求: 1、学习有关本级话题范围的600700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语; 2、了解单词是由字母构成的。二、词汇教学目标与策略: 教学目标:能熟练听说读写目标单词。 教学策略:课前预习检查预习难点突破单词练习活动单词综合运用复习巩固 反复循环巩固单词。词汇教学设计思路单元单词提前集中教学是针对新目标英语单元教学 时的Section A第一课时和SectionB部分几乎都是以 单词教学及活动为主的课型而提出的,为了能突出听 说读写语言技能的培养,一课时中单词教学及相关的 活动过多,学生的听说读写技能得不到有效的培养, 故我们采取单元单词提前集中教学,使每一课时少些 时间进行机械操练,有充分的时间进行语言技能和语 言能力的培养。词汇教学设计思路词汇教学属于语言知识的教学,它包括认读、识记、理解 和运用四个层面。词汇教学的教学目标是能正确理解词 义、能准确发音、能熟练地拼写、能运用词汇简单地表 达,同时通过教学过程,学生能掌握词汇学习和记忆的方 法,提高自主学习的能力。词汇教学过程采取 1听读单词、准确模仿地道的发音。 2看图片读单词或在情景中认读单词、理解单词的含义。 3在活动中操练单词的发音、 熟练掌握单词的发音。 4根据情景说出相应的单词、检测对单词的理解和发音。 5创设情景运用词汇进行简单的表达。本单元词汇分析物质名词4 words :grass、meat、map、box 其他7 words:kind of、Africa、bingo、other、sleep、during、relax 人名3 words:Henry、Molly、Larry描绘性形容词14 words : scaryugly beautiful quiet shycute small interesting friendlyclever smart tall lazy lovely 动物名词10 words : zooanimal tiger taigelephant elifnt koala kua:l dolphin dlfin panda pnd lion lain penguin pegwin giraffe d ira:f dog dg本单元词汇共38 words,分类如下:本课时教学目标 学习37个单词和1个习惯用语,做到:1、能理解含义;2、能准确发音;3、能根据发音拼写单词;4、能用所学单词简单地表达;5、掌握巩固“根据发音” 记忆单词的方法。 (Learn how to pronounce each new word. An important part of using new English words effectively is learning how to pronounce them. As you know, many English words do not sound the way you think they will!)教学过程设计 1、学生课前准备:Listen to the tape and read the vocabulary list of Unit3 as many times as possible until you can read them fluently and accurately.2、教师准备:图片、ppt 3、 3、教学步骤: Step1 听读单词、准确模仿地道的发音。 Ss listen to the tape carefully , read after it without the vocabulary list and mark the following words with the numbers from 1 to 38 .物质名词4 words :grass、meat、map、box 其他7 words:kind of、Africa、bingo、other、sleep、during、relax 人名3 words:Henry、Molly、Larry描绘性形容词14 words : scaryugly beautiful quiet shycute small interesting friendlyclever smart tall lazy lovely 动物名词10 words : zooanimal tiger taigelephant elifnt koala kua:l dolphin dlfin panda pnd lion lain penguin pegwin giraffe d ira:f dog dgDo you want to go to the zoo with them?Step2:在活动中操练单词的发音、熟练掌握单词的发音及拼写。 (1)A visit to the zoo. Look at the pictures and say what they are. Then write them down in your notebook.Lets go to the zoo and see animals. What animals can we see?预期目标:在活动中操练,能准确地发音, 能拼写单词。A map of the zooLets go to the zoo and see animals. What animals can we see?预期目标:能准确地发音,能拼写单词。(2)A memory test:Look the pictures and remember the animals,then say How many animals you remember.What animals can you remember(记住,想起)?tigerpenguinelephantpandagiraffedolphinlionkoalakangaroomonkey(3)A Hearing test:Listen to the voices and tell what animals they are.(4)Guess what animals they are.根据英语意思写出动物名称。a very large, grey animal with big ears and a very long nose:_an Australia animal like a small bear with grey fur which lives in trees and eats leaves:_penguin, koala, elephant, panda, giraffe3. a large, black and white animal that lives in forests in China:_4. a large African animal with a very long neck and long, thin, legs:_5. a large, black and white sea bird that swims and cannot fly:_(3)1. What animals can swim?2. What animals eat ?5. What animals are only from China?3. What animals eat ?4. What animals eat ?6. What animals only come from Australia?grassleavesmeat7.What animals only come from Africa?(5) A Knowledge test: How much do you know about the animals?预期目标:通过听说读写活动,能熟练新单词的读音、拼写,理解其含义。Step3创设情景运用词汇进行简单的表达。 (1)Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.1、Dont be s_. Please loudly.(响亮)2、Pigs are very l_. I like dogs very much. Because theyre k_ of cute.What animals eat g_?Clever means (意思是) s_.I have a pair of shoes. One is new, but the o_ is not.Dont r_ yourself, we will have a test.(测试)His sister does her homework d_ the day on Sunday.形容词:scary ugly beautifulquiet shy cutesmall interesting friendly clever smart tall lazy lovely ngrass、meat、map、boxnkind of、Africa、bingo、other 、sleep、during、relax(2)A description of the animals: Describe the animals with the words in the following box.预期目标:能用所学的单词描述动物。意识到单词学习的方法和策略。Step4 HomeworkRead the new words as fluently and accurately as possible.Write your description of animals.词汇教学复习课
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