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人工耳蜗植入术后听觉言语训练方法 研究 Study for Auditory and Speech Therapy Postoperation of CI卢晓月提要 Summary从康复效果评估及语言学理论知识两方面探讨 科学的听觉言语康复方法.对目前国内使用较为广泛 的三种康复方法(听觉口语训练法、综合感官训练 法、音素辨听训练法)效果进行了比较分析Determine the appropriate approach for CI children on analysis the effect of three therapy model used in China: AV therapy, multiple sensory therapy and phonematic recognizing and production therapy.听觉口语训练法(方法一) AV Therapy (method one)强调听觉、言语和认知依照自然发展之程序结合起来 ,在有意义的情境中透过会话式的互动学习说话。注重残余 听力的运用和口语表达能力的培养。强调在训练中应先将听 觉加以发展,否则听觉或视听并用的技巧不会建立起来。( 在日常交流中不刻意回避视觉线索)Focus on the combination of hearing, speech and cognization according the natural developmental process. Learning speech through communication in significative context. Emphasizing hearing remained v听觉口语法认为“听”是发展说话能力的最佳途径,通过“听” 对言语清晰度进行自我监控和自我调整是最有效的。vListening is the best way to self-monitor and self- adjust on articulation. v应以语音作为主要的听觉刺激。vSpeech sounds is the most important resource of auditory stimulation.v要采用“整体语言”的原则。vApplying the rule of “whole language”v遵循语言发展的自然过程vFollow the natural process of language development.v语言是整体发展的一部分,语言的使用离不开语境。在语言 交际过程中语言信息和非语言信息都同样重要vLanguage cant be separated from context.v要用完整的句子讲话。只听单个词语不利于感受超音段音位 和完整语言的理解。连续性语音的听辨是一个合成和分析的 主动的心理过程。vTalk to CI with whole sentences. It will make against on perceiving suprasegmental and understanding whole language.综合感官学习法(方法二) Multiple Sensory Therapy (method two)强调从初始阶段,在整个训练期及各个环节中 都应将视觉、听觉、触觉等多种感官相结合,来帮 助聋儿感受声音、学习语言。Advocate integrating visual, auditory and tactile to help CI recognizing phonetics and learning language from beginning and through whole therapy.音素辨听训练法(方法三) Phonematic Recognizing Therapy (method three)注重术后听觉功能的培建和汉语拼音的学习, 以拼音音素为核心,组织相应的词汇、儿歌和故事 等作为主要的辨听学习内容。从训练初期即强调语 音清晰度的矫正。Focus on phoneticize discrimination and learning, select vocabularies, nursery rhymes and stories around them. Stress on articulation intervention from beginning. 材料和方法 Materials and Methodsv观察对象(Sample): 124人(2-7岁)v分组(Grouping):依据不同教学方法分为三组 (Divided in three groups according different intervention methods):一组(Group 1)(听觉口语法-AVT):54人二组(Group 2)(综合感官训练法-MST):34人三组(Group 3)(音素辨听训练法-PRT):36人控制因素 Control Factorsv术前听力水平(Hearing Level Preoperation)所有样本双耳裸耳纯音气导听阈均大于90dBHL,ABR大于100dB SPL佩带助听器后采用Lings sound test,组一中3人、组二中2 人、组三中4人对2000HZ以下语音有反应,其余人只对 1000HZ以下语音有反应或不能做出反馈。所有样本均不能听 辨词语。控制因素 Control Factors v术前语言水平(Speech and Language Level Preoperation)组一中10人、组二中9人、组三中11人术前有一定 词汇水平。其余人没有任何口语基础。v智力水平(Intelligence Level)所有样本均经过希内学习能力测试,智力水平均在 正常范围内。三组样本手术年龄和开机时间分布情况 Contrast Operative Age and Length After Accepting CI In Three Groups材料和方法 Materials and Methodsv本研究采用全国统一的聋儿听觉言语康复评估标 准及方法对三组聋儿进行评估测试。vEvaluate by “Hearing and Speech Assessment Standard and Methods for Deaf Children”v实验者采用SPSS10.0软件对评估数据进行统计分 析。用General Linear Model 中的Multivariate进 行统计。vStatistics and Analysis by General Linear Model.不同训练方法对聋儿听觉和语言能力的影响 Effect of Different Approaches on Deaf Childrens Hearing and Speech Abilities听觉能力评估分析 Analysis on hearing ability assessmentv在听觉能力评估的双音节词识别、韵母识别、声母识别这三 项词汇水平的辨听测试项上:方法一、方法三与方法二存在 显著差异(p0.01),方法一与方法三差异不显著;但是在“ 短句辨听”项上,三者的成绩都有显著差异。vAchievement on identification of double syllables, vowels and consonants: Method one and three have obvious difference with method two (p0.01); method one is similar with three.Achievement on “identification of short sentences”: There are obvious difference in all the three methods. 言语能力评估分析 Analysis on Speech Ability Assessment v从言语能力三项评估(可唇读)来看:方法一和方法二在“ 模仿句长”、 “主题对话”上与方法三有差异显著;方法一和 方法二差异不显著。在“语音清晰度”的成绩上三者没有显著 差异(p=0.941)。vMethod one has obvious difference with method three on “sentence imitation” and “topic conversation”, whereas resemble method two. There are no obvious difference on “articulation” in all the three methods.不同训练方法对不同手术年龄的聋儿听觉和语言能力的影响 Effect of Different Approaches on Deaf Childrens Hearing and Speech Ability with Varied Operated Age手术年龄对听觉能力发展的影响 Effect of Operated Age on Hearing Ability Developmentv不同手术年龄组在韵母识别、声母识别和短句识别三个分测验上差异达 到显著水平,但在双音节词识别上差异不显著(p=0.39)。vGroups with different operated age have obvious diversity on identification of vowels, consonants and short sentences; but resemble on identification of double syllables.v在韵母识别、声母识别和短句识别3个方面,均为2-3岁组与6-7岁组差异 显著,4-5岁组与6-7岁组差异显著,而2-3岁组与4-5岁组差异不显著。 此结果表明5岁前开机者语言辨听能力发展较好。(亦不能排除评估内 容对结果可能有一定影响)vGroup of 2-3years and 6-7years, 4-5years and 6-7years have obvious difference on identification of vowels, consonants and short sentences; not in group 2-3years and 4-5years. This result documents that children with CI switched on before 5years old have better language identification ability development.手术年龄对言语能力发展的影响 Effect of Operated Age on Speech Ability Developmentv不同手术年龄组对语音清晰度影响显著。手术年龄小则清晰度发展好。 2-3岁与6-7岁、4-5岁与6-7岁差异显著,2-3岁与4-5岁差异不显著。vVaried operated age has obvious effect on articulation. Operated more younger, articulation development more better.v对主题对话和模仿句长影响不显著。 vVaried operated age has no obvious effect on topic conversation and sentences imitation.v可能影响评估结果的因素:vFactors those maybe
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