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Wordsboycott, zoom, expose, overlook, hatch, resemble, popcorn, sponsor, criterion, disappoint, deliberately, contradict, accumulate, shoot, formal, spokesman, representative, entry, edge, lantern, robbery, finance, partner, broom, restriction, laundry, maid, modest, disappointment, screenwriter, scar, Wordspreference, anecdote, thriller, dizzy, curriculum, philosopher, forehead, congratulation, biography, institution, fantasy, swift, fierce, sincere, salty, attraction, broad, top-ranking, tiresome, tense, contradictory, full-length, parallelExpressionsin defence of, be fond of, show off, show favour to, be likely to do / be, point out, in the minority, give thought to, regardless of, work on, be responsible for, come out, take care of, fall asleep, write down, give out, make sure, have access to, in ones opinion, Expressionsmake restrictions on sth., qualify for, be aware of, refer to, compared with, view . as ., have a tendency to do sth., realize ones dream, devote . to ., have a good reputationPatterns1. 为为使句子平衡引起的倒装句 2. I dont like to argue / I hate to contradict you, but . 3. Its appropriate for sb. to do sth. 4. There is a good chance (that) . 5. Think twice before . 6. Its fair to say . 7. so +系动词动词 /助动词动词 /情态动词态动词 + 主语语Patterns8. Its said (that) . 9. 情态动词态动词 + have done 10. every time引导导的时间时间 状语语从 句 Grammar强调调1 n代表 2 n(评判的)标准,准则,原则 3 vt. 给提供经费n. 财政,金融;资金 4 v. 拒绝购买,抵制 5 adv. 故意地 6 n. 赞助者,赞助商v. 赞助,资助;主办,举办 7 vt. 使接触,使体验,使面临;暴露,显露,揭露 representative criterion financeboycott deliberately sponsorexpose(一) 基本单词8 n. 优势;边缘;刀刃 9 adj. 各种各样的,广泛的; 宽阔的,广阔的;概括的 10 vt. 忽略,未注意到;不予理会;俯视 11 n. 偏爱,偏好 12 adj. 讨厌的,令人厌烦的 13 v. 拍摄;射击;打猎;射门,投篮n. 拍摄,摄影;幼苗,嫩芽 14 adj. 平行的;相似的n. 相似的人或事物;相似特征broadoverlookpreferenceshoottiresomeedgeparallel15 n限制,约束 vt. 限制;控制;约束 16 vt. 看起来像,类似 n. 相似,类似 17 adj. 迅速的,迅捷的 adv. 迅速地,立刻地 18 adj. 真诚的,真挚的 adv. 由衷地,真诚地;诚挚地 n真诚,真挚,诚实resemblerestrictresemblancerestrictionswift swiftly sincere sincerely sincerity(二) 派生单词19 n祝贺,恭喜 vt. 祝贺,向道喜 20 n抢劫 vt. 抢劫,打劫 n. 强盗,盗贼,抢劫者 21 v. 积累,积聚;逐渐增加 adj. 渐增的,累积的 n积累,积聚 22 adj. 令人紧张的;神经紧张的;绷紧的,不松弛的 adv. 紧张地,焦虑地 n. 紧张;绷紧congratulation congratulate robbery rob robber accumulate accumulative accumulation tensetensely tenseness23 n幻想,想象 adj. 极好的;吸引人的,有趣的 24 adj. 相互矛盾的,对立的, 不一致的 v. 反驳;否认;与抵触,与相矛盾 n反驳;矛盾 25 adj. 激烈的,猛烈的;凶狠的,凶猛的 adv. 激烈地;凶狠地fantasy fantasticcontradictorycontradictcontradiction fiercefiercely26 n. 吸引人的特征;有吸引力的地方;吸引,吸引力 v. 吸引 adj. 有魅力的;有吸引力的;美观的 27 vt. 使失望,使扫兴 adj. 失望的,沮丧的 adj. 令人失望的 n. 失望;令人失望的人或事attractionattract attractivedisappoint disappointed disappointing disappointment1 为辩护;防卫 2 炫耀,卖弄;使引人注目 3 认真考虑,思考 in defence of show offgive thought to1. Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose from the Cannes Film Festival, Hanz Muller from the Berlin International Film Festival, Kathy Barnes from the Sundance Film Festival, Maria Bella from the Venice Film Festival, Mike Taylor from the Toronto International Film Festival and Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival. 【句析】 此句是一个_句。倒装 【句析】 此句是一个_句。2. Maria, do tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival.简单 3. Redford has acted in and directed many big Hollywood films, but wanted to expose the public to films made outside of the Hollywood system that ordinary people might have no access to otherwise. 【句析】 此句是一个_句。复合 1. hatch vt. 更喜欢的人(或物)【归纳】 have a preference for 更喜欢 give (a) preference to 给以优惠;优待 in preference to 优先于,而不是【拓展】 prefer vt. 更喜欢 prefer to do sth./prefer doing sth. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁可做而不做;喜欢做而不喜欢做 prefer d
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