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高 一 英 语Module 1 Unit 1 Welcome to Tigers class 授课教师:黄 长 泰Part 1Something about TigerNameHobbiesNicknameEnglish nameNationality AddressDate of birthCell phonePlace of birthHome No.黄长泰泰哥 Tiger ChineseSept. 25, 1955 ChangshaMountain- climbing, Fishing & Pingpong Fuzhong 11 -505 13874886080 8852747Questions to answer:Part 21. Why do you come to school?To learn how to learn. 2. What is the best way to learn English?To learn a language by using it often. 3. What do you think of English grammar?Practice is more important than grammar.Something about each unitPart 3第一课时: 本单元学习目标说明+词汇(阅读部分)+Welcome to the unit 第二课时:Reading Comprehension 第三课时:Reading: Language points (1) 第四课时:Reading: Language points (2) 第五课时:Word power (Iris) 第六课时:Grammar and usage (1) 第七课时:Grammar and usage (2) 第八课时:Tasks: Skills building 1 and 2 (Iris) 第九课时:Tasks: Skills building 3(Iris) 第十课时:Project: (1)Reading + Language points 第十一课时:Project: (2)Language points + Presentation 第十二课时:Test on the unit 第十三课时:试卷讲评 + self-assessmentImportant things to do1. Before class:1) Preview the unit to be learnt. 2) Learn the new words by heart.3) Read aloud the new text twice.4) Listen to the recording of the new text.5) Try to find more information about the unit.Part 42. During class: 1) Listen carefully.2) Be active in class activities.3) Take necessary notes.4) Do your best to speak English.We speak English when possible and Chinese when necessary.3. After class: 1) Complete all the homework andhand it in on time. 2) Review what is taught in class.3) Do some English reading and listening as is required. 4) Try to speak English as much as possible.4. Something about homework:1) Forms of homework: Getting ready for dictation of new words Translation of sentences Recitation of the text Compositions Translation of given phrasesOthers in the textbook and workbook2) Assessment of your homework: Excellent! Very good! Well done / Well written! Good! Pass! Failure!Todays homework1. Preview Welcome to the unit on page 1. 2. Preview the text on page 2. 3. Learn the new words by heart.(From attend to experience); http:/www.juxing688.com/ 聚星娱乐 bgk162utb 钟思当时不免笑着揶揄她“小白白,没想到你居然也会有发奋图强的这一天啊,居然还是为了一个男生! ”白荌苒赶紧捂紧她的嘴急的直瞪她“你小点声,被你爸妈听到我就完了! ”钟思只得不住的点头表示自己的忠心才得已脱离她的魔爪,她深吸一口气“你这也忒重色轻友了吧,你居然为了一个男生想要灭我的口! ”又 悠悠然的调侃地叹一句“子非良友,不可深交也! ”白荌苒居然急了起来“好思思,你快帮帮我吧,我可不想在大学的时候让他被别人抢了先去! ”钟思敛起了佯装的正经冲她笑了笑“知道了、知道了,我能拿你这小女子有什么办法呢! ”再回头想想,上学的时候也不是没有人跟她示好过,但都是被她一本正经的以学业为重的理由给婉拒了。她难免会跟白荌苒诉苦“你说说、我老爹跟老娘都是怎么想的,真是想一出来一出,上学的时候总是期盼着我年年拿第一,要考一流的大学、 要做上乘的工作,这些我都做到了以后又开始给我出新的难题,简直都不让人消停了。”白荌苒安慰她“别这样,我集美貌与智慧于一体的思思,就算是去相亲也会是花见花开、人见人爱那一挂的! ”钟思被她逗笑“你也不带这样酸我的牙”未了又做哀叹“还是你好,高中的时候就知道给自己留一条后路,也不至于如我这般晚景凄凉! ”她 说的甚是哀怨,以至于白荌苒听到这话不禁笑到涕泪横流。白荌苒抹了一把泪笑的不亦乐乎“我说大才女,你至于这样说自己么? ”钟思幽幽叹道“我向来甚是有自知自明!”她终于在年末之际,被父母硬逼上了相亲的桌上,她临行之前还不忘给白荌苒打上一通凄风苦雨的“从此、我将在相亲的路途中一去不复返了 ,你且珍重! ”
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