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商务英语交流技巧Part I Opening a conversation 开始交谈 Learning objectives: 自我介绍与介绍他人及开始交谈 介绍工作、产品及公司情况 确认及核实对方所说内容checking and clarifyingVocabulary 词汇 colleague customer be based in corporate training concept turnaround get around bring out speed up同事 客户 总部设在 企业培训 概念 想法 周转期 传开 散播 推出 发布 加速Part I Opening a conversation Presentation 语言呈现 1.1 Pair Work 1. Please find out the three speakers names and their relations with your partner? 对话背景:_和_在一家叫 做Speedsystem的公司工作, 他们与一位_ 公司的名叫_的客户会面。2. Please underline the expressions for introducing yourself and your colleague. 3. Please underline the expressions for checking and clarifying(确认及核实)Part I Opening a conversation Introductions 介绍 Im / This is 我是/这是 . How do you do? 你好! Pleased/ Delighted/ Nice/ Glad to meet you!很高兴见到你。 Let me introduce 让我来介绍. You must be 你一定是.Part I Opening a conversation Checking and clarifying确认及核实 Could you say that again? Could you repeat that for me?您能再说一遍吗? Sorry, I didnt catch your name. Pardon? 请再说一遍。 Youre from which company? Sorry, (Peterson), did you say?抱歉,你是说(Peterson)吗?Part I Opening a conversation 反义疑问句用来核实信息 Youre in corporate training, arent you?Your company is based in Qingdao, _?Youre updating your product line, _?Youve got a copy of our brochure, _?Part I Opening a conversation 发音训练。听下面这些问候,在重读的音节或单 词下面划线,并跟读。 1. Pleased to meet you. 2. How do you do. 3. Sorry, I didnt catch your name. 4. Im so glad you could come. 5. Im really pleased weve finally met. 6. Id like to welcome you here today.Part I Opening a conversation 发音训练。听下面这些问候,在重读的音节或单 词下面划线,并跟读。 1. Pleased to meet you. 2. How do you do? 3. Sorry, I didnt catch your name. 4. Im so glad you could come. 5. Im really pleased weve finally met. 6. Id like to welcome you here today.Review 复习 Pair Work 两人一组,复习第一次见到某人可以用到的句子 Student A: you want to greet a person in a warm and welcoming manner; Student B:you want to check and clarify what the other person says.Group Work 三人一组,表演1.1的对话。注意重音、连读和语 音语调。Part II Making Conversation 将交谈继续下去Learning objectives: 谈论工作职责、公司计划及商业形势 (job roles, company plans and business situation) 对别人的话表现出兴趣并积极回应。 (showing interest and responding in a positive way) 轮流说话,确保每个人的说话机会相当(Turn-taking: an equal share of the conversation)Vocabulary vibrant well-established be stuck in ones way revenue diversify look into take over pan out forecast premise充满活力的 信誉卓著的知名的 停滞不前 收益 收入 使多样化 调查 研究 接管 接手 发生 进展 预测 办公地点Task 1 for 2.1 Ricardo Castelli 刚刚在米兰机场接上Werner Klinsmann, 正开车送他去宾馆。途中,Ricardo 询问Werner 的工作 及其公司情况。 listen to the dialogue between Ricardo and Werner. 判断 下列说法是否正确。 1. Werners company has existed for only 13 years. 2. Werners company wants to extend its range of products. 3. Werners job is to sell the companys existing products. 4. Werners company has changed in the last two years.Task2 for 2.1 听一遍对话的开头,补全下列句子 1. Can you _a bit more background to your company? 2. _ for over 30 years now. 3. I see. So presumably thats _. 4. _ look into new possibilities all over Europe. 5. Oh, really? In _? 6. _much more ready to respond 7. _ positive Pair Work 1. 找出对话中对另一方的话积极回应,推进谈话 继续下去的表达。 2. 找出对话中谈论工作职责和公司情况的表达。积极回应,推进谈话的表达 respond in a positive way 1. Can you fill me in with a bit more background to . ? (your job role/company/project) Oh really? In what sort of ways? Sounds really positive.有关工作职责和公司情况 jobs roles and company background My role is to look into new possibilities all over Europe. So presumably thats where you come in. Were very well-established. Weve being going for over 30 years now. Were looking to diversify into new products. We were taken over by A lot of moneys gone into new software, which has revolutionized our turnaround times. Its made us much more ready to respond to our customers and to changes in the market. An important aspect of American sound is the heavy use of synonym. They consider it awkward for a word or phrase to be repeated more than twice. 多样化也适用于积极倾听。因此,不要反复使用 一个词语, 至少要有5-10个你提前练习好的不同 的回答方式。积极倾听 Listen positively积极倾听 listen positivelyAh, I seeReally?Is that a fact?Oh, thats interesting!Oh, yeah!You dont say.Hmm, tell me more.Right.Wow, thats weird!Got it!Fair enough.Oh, no!Gotcha!Good point, I can see that.Thats too bad.轮流说话 turn-taking How about you? Is that in line with your plans? Broadly in line, yes. That mirrors our own experience. I had the same experience. Thats true. I totally agree. /I cant agree more.了解更多信息 Finding out more翻译下列句子并朗读 I understand you are in advertising. I believe you are in software. How do you see things panning out over the next 12 months? Are you aiming to expand your business? Whats your forecast for the next financial year? How does the market look to you at
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