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Paris profile 1Local food2Scenic sports3目录CONTENTS巴黎简介1当地美食2风景名胜3目录CONTENTSAbout Paris Paris is the capital of France, and the heart of the country. Frances road mileage from the beginning of the Notre Dame de Paris, a small stone marks the center of the country.The French have two kinds, one is “the people“, the other is “living outside Paris“. Today, the city is still walking in nineteenth Century on the gravel road, along the road, dotted with these names: Place de la Concorde, Triumphal Arch, Le Louvre Museum, Notre Dame de Paris. Most of the tourists in the heart of longing, is an ancient and romantic Paris, a very historic Paris. Here is enough to make people forget places of historic interest and scenic beauty, and another with avant-garde and Bohemia breath the same fascinated. 关于巴黎 巴黎是法国的首都,也是这个国家的心脏。 法国的公路里程从巴黎圣母院开始,一块小 小的石碑标志着这个国家的中心。 法国人有 两种,一种是“巴黎人”,另一种是“住在巴黎 以外的人”。今天的巴黎人依然走在十九世纪的碎石路上 ,在这条大道的沿线,点缀着这些名字:协 和广场、凯旋门、卢浮宫、巴黎圣母院大多数游客心中向往的,是一个古老而浪漫 的巴黎,一个极具历史感的巴黎。这里的名 胜古迹已足以让人流连忘返,而另一个充满 前卫与波西米亚气息的巴黎同样让人心驰神 往。 Pair Live -Magnificent; Ornate; Fascinating 令人神往的迷人的巴黎Recommended route-Paris 7 day tour: ONE DAY:Hotel Alison - Louvre - Le petit machon - Eiffel Tower - 58 Tour Effel TWO DAY: Palais de Versailles - A la Ferme THREE DAY: Montmartre- le grenier a pain - Notre Dame de Paris - Le Roi du Pot au Feu FOURTH DAY:Triumphal Arch - Avenue des Champs Elysees - Place De La Concorde - Musee de lOrangerie- la Cabane a Huitres FIVE DAY: Fontainebleau - Paris Opera SIX DAY:Jardin du luxembourg- conciergerie Ste-Chapelle SEVEN DAY: go back 推荐旅游路线:巴黎七日游第1天巴黎 艾莉森酒店入住- 卢浮宫建(议游玩时间2小时) - -Le petit machon餐厅品尝美食(这间餐厅紧邻卢浮宫 ,供应地道的里昂特色菜) - 埃菲尔铁塔(建议游玩时间2-3小时,夜游) - -58 Tour Effel 用餐第2天巴黎 凡尔赛宫(建议游玩时间半天- A la Ferme 用餐(这家凡尔赛宫里的装潢典雅的餐馆提供法国西南部的美 味菜肴)第3天巴黎 蒙马特高地(清晨吃过早餐后乘坐地铁来到Anvers站前往极具文艺小清新气质的蒙马特高地) - le grenier a pain(吃性价比最高的法国糕点,在靠近Abbesses地铁站的这间可爱的餐厅就对了) - -巴黎圣母院(建议游玩时间 半天) - Le Roi du Pot au Feu 经典的巴黎式小酒馆第4天巴黎 凯旋门 建议游玩时间1-2小时- 香榭丽舍大道漫步在全世界最著名的商业街香榭丽舍大道上,街上整齐 时尚,可以看到LV总部和Catier总部。- - 协和广场在协和广场可以看看周边恢弘的建筑和美丽的郁金香花园 展开 - - - 橘园美术馆在这里安静地欣赏莫奈的睡莲花园真是美不胜收- la Cabane a Huitres 想吃牡蛎吗?坐地铁前往 Montparnasse Bienvenue的la Cabane a Huitres餐厅吃真是在美味不过了第5天巴黎 枫丹白露建议游玩一天,前往枫丹白露,欣赏皇室夏宫,精致的法式花园每次都不会让你失望 - - 巴黎 歌剧院 第6天巴黎 卢森堡公园坐地铁到Luxembourg站下车,这里有全世界最美丽的卢森堡公园。看看周边的行人,如画的风景 ,你一定会沉醉。 - conciergerie Ste-Chapelle 在巴黎古监狱Conciergerie可以看到非常独特的欧式建筑,犹如一个永远 走不出去的迷宫。而在Ste-Chapelle你能看到世界上最美丽的教堂彩色玻璃,不容错过第7天 返程Eiffel TowerTypes of scenic spots: the history of the building, the Eiffel Tower is a hollow structure of the tower built in 1889 is located in the French Paris war on the square, 300 meters high, the antenna 24 meters high, 324 meters high. The best season: all seasons. A best when it is Fine weather at the top of the wonderful view of Paris. At night, the bright lights of Eiffel Tower. Suggested play :2-3hoursTickets: elevator to the two floor8.5euros,elevator to the top floor 14.5 euros ,Stairs to the two floor 5 euros Open time:9:30-23:00( From 1 to September 3rd, June 15th to December 31st ); 9:00-24:00(June 16 to September 1st )。 Address: Paris, France, Mars square 埃菲尔铁塔 Eiffel Tower景点类型:历史建筑,埃菲尔铁塔是一座于1889年 建成位于法国巴黎战神广场上的镂空结构铁塔,高 300米,天线高24米,总高324米。最佳季节:四季皆宜。天晴时登塔最好,在顶端把 巴黎景色一览无余。夜间华灯初上,埃菲尔铁塔灯 光璀璨。建议游玩:2-3小时门票:电梯至二层8.5欧元电梯至顶层14.5欧元楼 梯至二层5欧元开放时间:9:30-23:00(1月1日到6月15日,9月3 日到12月31日); 9:00-24:00(6月16到9月1日) 。 地址:法国巴黎战神广场Chateau de VersaillesTypes of scenic spots: the history of the building, Palace of Versailles is located 20 kilometers west of Paris, built by Louis Xiv, with its luxurious rich and imaginative architectural design is well known in the world. The best season: all seasonsRecommended play: half day Tickets: tickets (including the main attractions of the Versailles Palace): July 4th to October 31st, 25 euros / person, November 1st to March 31st, for 18.16 euros / person. Open time: July 4th to October 31st from 09:00 to 18:30, the last admission time was 18:00; November 1st to March 31st from 09:30 to 17:30, the last admission time was 17:00; in addition, Monday, public holidays and official ceremony time is not open.Address:1 Rue Robert de Cotte, 78000 Versailles凡尔赛宫 Chateau de Versailles景点类型:历史建筑,凡尔赛宫位于巴黎以西20公里, 由路易十四建造,以其奢华富丽和充满想象力的建筑设 计闻名于世。最佳季节:四季皆宜。建议游玩:半天门票:联票(包括凡尔赛宫内的主要景点):7月4日到 10月31日,为25欧元/人,11月1日到3月31日,为 18.16欧元/人。开放时间:7月4日到10月31日09:00到18:30,最后 入场时间为18:00; 11月1日到3月31日09:30到17 :30,最后入场时间为17:00; 此外,周一,公共 假日及官方举行典礼等时间不对外开放。地址:1 Rue Robert de Cotte, 78000 Versailles, 法国Avenue des Champs-lysesChamps Elysees Street is the famous street city of Paris. She is regarded as one of the most beautiful streets in Paris, according to a French common saying.The Elysee rural street from Greek mythology “mythology Xianjing“ meaning, which is French AVENUE DES CHAMPS ELYSEES。CHAMPS(香)mean Countryside ,ELYSEES(爱丽舍)之mean “Elysian Fields, The French describ
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