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CHAPTER 2Managing in Managing in Todays WorldTodays World*1天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632Learning Objectives (1)nDifferentiate the symbolic from the omnipotent view of managementnDefine organizational culturenIdentify the ten characteristics that make up an organizations culturenExplain how culture constrains managersnDistinguish between the general and specific environmentDate2天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632Learning Objectives (2)nContrast certain and uncertain environmentsnDescribe the various components in the specific environmentnDescribe the factors in the general environmentnExplain how the environment constrains managersDate3天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632Parameters of Managerial DiscretionOrganizational CultureOrganizations EnvironmentManagerial DiscretionDate4天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632Characteristics of an Organizations CultureMember IdentityGroup EmphasisPeople FocusUnit IntegrationControlRisk ToleranceReward CriteriaConflict ToleranceMeans-Ends OrientationOpen-Systems FocusUnit IntegrationOO R RGGA AN NI IZ ZA AT T I IOON NA AL LC CU UL LT T U UR RE EDate5天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632Examples of Managerial Decisions Affected by CulturenPlanningnThe degree of risk that plans should containnWhether plans should be developed by individuals or teamsnThe degree of environmental scanning in which management will engagenOrganizingnHow much autonomy should be designed into employees jobsnWhether tasks should be done by individuals or in teamsnThe degree to which department managers interact with each otherDate6天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632nLeadingnThe degree to which managers are concerned with increasing employee job satisfactionnWhat leadership styles are appropriatenWhether all disagreements - even constructive ones - should be eliminatednControllingnWhether to allow employees to control their own actions or to impose external controlsnWhat criteria should be emphasized in employee performance evaluationsnWhat repercussions will occur from exceeding ones budgetExamples of Managerial Examples of Managerial Decisions Affected by CultureDecisions Affected by CultureDate7天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632Environmental Uncertainty MatrixCell 1 Stable and predictable environment Few components in environment Components are somewhat simi-lar and remain basically the same Minimal need for sophisticatedknowledge of componentsCell 2 Dynamic and unpredictable environment Few components in environment Components are somewhat similar butare in continual process of change Minimal need for sophisticatedknowledge of componentsCell 4 Stable and unpredictable environment Many components in environment Components are not similar and are incontinual process of change High need for sophisticatedknowledge of componentsCell 3 Stable and predictable environment Many components in environment Components are not similarand remain basically the same High need for sophisticatedknowledge of componentsDegree of ChangeDegree of ComplexityStableDynamicComplexSimpleDate8天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632The Organization and Its EnvironmentSuppliers Public pressure groupsGovernmentCompetitorsCustomersThe OrganizationGlobalSocialEconomicTechnologicalPoliticalDate9天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632Types of ADA Complaints60%Physical BarriersPUBLIC ACCESS24%5%11%Physical BarriersLack of Auxiliary AidsOther49%DismissalJOB BIAS22%8%13%Refusal to AccommodateRefusal to HireOther8%Retaliation for Filing a ChargeTotal of 1,730 complaints filed with the Dept. of Justice since 1/1992 by type of violation.Total of 14,330 complaints filed with the EEOC since 1/1992 by type of violation.Date10天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632Executives Views on External Environmental Changes (Survey of 400 Executives)Change in their companies is rapid or extremely rapid 79%They have a conservative or reluctant approach to change 62%The pace of change will accelerate 61%Their companies are very capable of coping with change 47%Their companies have formal structures to handle change 44%Large corporations are best equipped to manage change 32%They could not name a company good at managing change 25%General Electric is the best company at managing change 17%Date11天马行空官方博客: http:/t.qq.com/tmxk_docin ; QQ:1318241189;QQ群: 175569632Selected Companies Deriving 50% or More of Revenues from Non-U.S. OperationsCompanyNon-U.S. Income as Percentage of Total Alfa Exxon Manpower Colgate-Palmolive Coca-Cola Gillette Mobil CPC International Avon Products IBM Citicorp Digital Equipment Texaco Hewlett Packard84.3 77.4 68.8 68.4 68.3 68.0 67.6 64.4 64.0 62.3 62.3 61.5 55.
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