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1._n.阳台,平台 2._n.烤架;V.烤 3._ n.安排 4._ n.梳子vi.梳头 5._ n.宇航员 6._n.目录 7._ n.(pl.oxen)公牛 8._n.树干,大衣箱 9._n.裁缝vt.剪裁10._n.安全;保障 11._ n. 小诊所12._ n.航空邮件 13._n.两星期14._n.屋顶;车顶 15._ n.观念;概念16._每周的 17._adj.遥远;18._ n.杂草;v.除草 platformgrillarrangementcomb astronautcatalogue oxtrunk tailorsecurity clinicairmail fortnightroof conceptweekly remoteweed19._ n.矩形 20._ n.扫帚 21._n.锡 22._ n.罐子 23._ v.嗅 24._ vi.参与;参加 25._ n.作口译的人26._n.文书工作 27._ n.角;角度 28._ adj.自愿的,志愿的 29._n拖拉机;牵引机30._发出咔嗒声 31._ adj.政治的 32._ n.周年纪念 33._ v.分配.分发 34._ n.贡献.分配 35._ n.经融 36._ v.操作、运转rectanglebroom tinjar sniffparticipate interpreterpaperwork anglevoluntary tractorclick political anniversary distribute distribution financial operate 1._ adj. 有关的;切题的 _adv. 2_vi. otherwise youll miss your bus. 4退伍军人很难适应平民生活。(用 adjust to和have difficulty in) _ _ _ 答案:The former soldiers have difficulty in adjusting to civilian life. 5我知道你渴望知道我这儿的一切生活 状况。(用be dying to do) _ _ _ 答案:I know youre dying to know all about my life here. 一、帮你归纳 1be dying to do sth.该结构表示“想 得要命”,其中dying为die的现在分词。 (1)be dying for sth.表示“渴望得到”。 如: He is dying for a piano.他渴望得到一部 钢琴。 (2)表示“渴望”的短语还有: be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 be eager for sth. 渴望得到 be longing to do sth. 盼望做某事 be longing for sth. 盼望得到 We re longing for peace.我们盼望和平 。 Im longing to see him.(不能说:Im longing for seeing him.)我渴望见到他。 2relevant adj.有关的;切题的 be relevant to 与有关 a relevant suggestion/question/point 相关的提议/问题/观点 relevance/relevancy n. 关联;贴切;中 肯 relevantly adv. 有关地;切题地 irrelevant adj .无关的;不切题的 be irrelevant to sth./sb.与不相关 irrelevant remarks 不相关的言论 have relevance to.与有关 have no relevance to.与无关 辨析:relevant,related与relative (1)relevant指与某事有关联,特别是在逻 辑上有关联,因而或多或少有重要意义。 根据不同的上下文,其汉语除“相关的”意 思以外,还可以是“切题的,有重大意义 的”。 (2)related用来说明人的时候,一般表示 有血统关系的,或有姻缘关系的。用来 说明具体事物或抽象事物时,表示存在 某种关系,常常是比较亲 密的关系,或 源于同根,或有共同的起因,或相互依存 ,对等,对立等。如: She is related to the royal family.她与王 室有亲戚关系。 (3)relative意为“相对的,比较的”。如: Supply is relative to demand.供与求的关 系是相对的。 这样考过 (烟台模拟)A government official was murdered last Friday and the police are collecting information that is_ to the case. Asimilar Bdevoted Crelevant Daddicted 答案:C 3adjust vt.调整;调节 vi.适应 adjust+名词+to调整,校正 adjust+oneself to使自己适应 adjustable adj. 可调节的 adjustment n. 调整,调节 这样考过 (2008河南实验中学)After several weeks,I have _ myself _ the life of Senior High School. Agot; used to Badopted; to Cadjusted; to Dapplied; to 解析:adjust oneself to.使自己适应。 答案:C (黄冈中学)Obama,the new president of the USA,is trying to help the Americans suffering from Wall Street crisis make the _ needed to rebalance their lives. Achange Bimprovement Cdecision Dadjustment 答案:D 4participate in participate vi.参与;参加 participant n参加者 participation n 参加 提示:participate intake part in,但 participate in更正 式,take part in更口语化。 注意:以上动词 短语 和happen,occur,come about等都不能 用于被动语态 。 这样考过 (2007湖北)How many countries will be _the 2010 Olympic Games? Ajoining Bparticipating Cparticipating in Dtaken part in 解析:句意为“2010年的奥运会会有多少 个国家参加?”。participating为不及物动 词,所以要和介词连用。join“参加”;意 为加入某一个组织并成为其中一员。D项 语态错误。故应选C项。 答案:C 5dry out(使浸水等之物)完全变干;干 透 dry off(使)变干;弄干 dry up(指河流、井等)干涸 这样考过 (2008江苏南京质检)All his clothes were wet after the heavy rain,so he couldnt go out until his clothes _. A.dried out Bmade out Cgave out Dpicked out 答案:A 6privilege n特权;优待;(个人的)恩 典,殊荣 vt.给予特权(或优待) privileged adj. 享有特权的;特许的; 幸运的 grant sb. the privilege of doing sth. 赋予 某人做某事的特权 这样考过 (兖州模拟)Merry is the youngest of the four children,but she has no _ and is treated just as the others. Abenefits Badvantages Cprivileges Dguarantees 答案:C 7otherwise adv.用别的办法;其他方面 adv. otherwise,youll be in trouble. 叫你怎么做就怎么做,否则就有麻烦。 提示:otherwise常用在虚拟语气中,替 代非真实条件句;另外与其他副词、短语 介词的区别也是高考的重点。 这样考过 (皖南八校联考)Every member tries their best to finish the important work; _ they arent permitted to go home on time. Atherefore Bmeanwhile Cotherwise Dsomehow 解析:therefore,因此;otherwise adv. ,否则,不然;somehow,由于某种原 因,用某种方法。 答案:C 8in need 在危难中;在危急中 in need of 需要 satisfy ones needs 满足某人的需要 There is no need for (of) doing sth.没必 要做某事 There is no need (for sb.)to do sth.没必 要做某事 A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难 见真情。 辨析:in need of,in need与in want of (1)in need
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