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形容词和副词的比较级和最高级( The Comparative and Superlative degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs)英语中有时需要对两者或三者以上进行比较 ,这时就需用形容词或者副词的比较等 级 。比较等级分为: 原级 old late cheap high 比较级 older later cheaper higher 最高级 oldest latest cheapest highest1.形容词比较级和最高级的构成:单单音节节形容词词 、副词词的构成方 法原级级比较级较级最高级级一般在词词尾加- er 或-est以字母e结结尾的 单词单词 加-r 或-st以“辅辅音字母+y” 结结尾的双音节节 词词,先改为为i, 再加-er或-est规则变化talltallertallestshortshortershortestnicenicernicestfinefinerfinestearlyearlierearliesteasyeasiereasiesthappyhappierhappiestheavyheavierheaviest重读闭音节 词尾只有一 个辅音字母 时,应双写 这个辅音字 母再加-er或- est.多音节词或 少数双音节 词,在单词 前面加 more 或 mostthinthinnerthinnestbigbiggerbiggesthothotterhottestwetwetterwettest redredderreddestusefulmore usefulmost usefulexpensivemore expensivemost expensivedifficultmore difficultmost difficultfatfatterfattestelder/eldest 只 表示年龄的长 幼关系,不表 示比较。如: elder sister, eldest brothergood/wellbetterbestbad/badly/illworseworstmany/muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfartherfarthest (further) (furthest )oldolderoldest (elder)(eldest)比较级的用法:1.两个人或两件事物或是两个整体进行比较时, 需用“形容词比较级+than(比)” 这一比较级结 构,表示“比更一些”. 英语比数学要难。 English is maths.more difficult than地球比月球大。 The earth is the moon.bigger than今天我来学校比他早。 I came to school he.earlier than2.可以用much/far/a lot(比得多), a little/ a bit(比一点)等程度副词或词组来修饰比较级 , 表示不同程度。 如: 电脑比电视贵得多。 A computer is expensive than a TV set.much more这条河比那条河宽一些。 This river is wider than that one.a little她学习比皮特努力得多。 She works harder than Peter.a lot/far3.还可以用even(甚至), two years等表示数量 的词组来修饰比较级。 如: 昨天很热,今天甚至更热。 Yesterday was hot. Today is hotter than yesterday.even我爸爸比我妈妈大三岁。My father is older than my mother.three years他比我高2厘米。He is taller than I.two centimeters4. 最高级还可被序数词或表示倍数的词修饰。如: Which is _ (第二大) city in China? Sue is _ (第三高) student in our class. Your house is _(大两倍) than mine. The city is _(小三倍) than that one.the second largest the third tallest twice bigger three times smaller6. 表示 “两者中较的一个” 比较级前要加the。Peter is of the two boys. the taller 5. 表示 “哪个更” 的句型。Which is , English or math? more difficultWho is , Mary or Sue? more careful 7. 表示同等比较的句型:表示双方在程度、性 质、特征等某方面相同用: 肯定:as+ 原级形容词/副词 + as the same +名词 + as 否定:not so/as + 原级形容词/副词 + as He is _ (clever) his brother.He runs _(fast) a rabbit.He is _(as tall as) as his father.She is _(as old as) as I.I am _(as heavy as) as Mary.the same heightthe same age the same weightas clever as as fast as 8. 表示一方不如另一方,用下面句型:less + 形容词和副词原级 + thanless beautiful than她不如她妹妹漂亮。 She is her sister.Her sister is more beautiful than she.She isnt so beautiful as her sister.P.E. is music.P.E is not _ _ _ music.体育不如音乐有趣。 less interesting thanso interesting as9. 表示 “越来越”,用下面句型:比较级+ 比较级hotter and hotter. 天气越来越热了。 It is getting Shenzhen is .深圳越来越漂亮了。 more and more beautiful The queue is getting .longer and longer 队伍越来越长了。 10. 表示 “越就越”,用下面句型:the + 比较级,the + 比较级the better. 越快越好。 The sooner, you work, you will be.你现在越努力,将来就会越成功。 The harder grades you get, your parents will be.the more successful The better the happier 最高级的用法1.最高级一般用of 或 in来表示比较范围。一般来讲, of + 参加比较的人或物, 而in + 范围。如:1)The Changjiang River is the longest _ (of/in) all the rivers in China.2)The Changjing River is the longest river _ (of/in) China.ofin3)Lily is the tallest girl _(of/in) allthe girls in class 3.Lily is the tallest girl _(of/in)class 3.4)Shenzhen is the most beautiful city_(of/in) G
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