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Unit 9 words and expressions 1. statistics A. hospital2. income B. data3. hopeless C. wages4. fundamental D. desperate5. clinic E. burden6. pressure F. essentialabuse vt. 1.) 滥用,妄用while in office. 他在职时滥用权力。 2.) 辱骂;毁谤你总是出言不逊得罪人。 3.) 虐待,伤害 Those captives 那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残。He abused his powerYou are always abusing and offending people.were physically abused.n. 1.) 滥用,妄用CU他因滥用职权而被捕。 2.) 辱骂U She greeted me with a stream of abuse.3.) 虐待;伤害U这个国家虐待孩子的情况很普遍。He was arrested for his abuse of the power.她一见我就吐出一连串的污言秽语。Child abuse is widespread in this country。Insurance n. 1.) 保险;保险契约U 保险业U我找到一份推销保险的工作。她从事保险业。 2.) 保险金额;赔偿金U (+on)她丈夫去世後, 她得到50000英镑的保险金.I found a job selling insurance.She works in insurance.When her husband died, she received 50000 in insurance.3.) 预防措施;安全保证US1(+against)他还申请了另外两份工作, 以防这份工作面试不 合格. 4.) 保险费U我的房屋保险费很高。Hes applying for two other jobs as an insurance against not passing the interview for this one.The insurance on my house is very high.Allowance n. 1.) 津贴,补贴;零用钱C这孩子每星期有五元零用钱。 2.) 分配额;允许额C他拨出一百美元用于购买食物。 3.) 承认;允许U对要求权的允准 4.) 认可;容忍CU你应该体谅他, 因为他一直病著.The child has a weekly allowance of 5 dollars.His allowance for food is $100.the allowance of a claimYou must make allowances for him because he has been ill.Pressure n. 1.) 压;按;挤;榨U The small box was flattened the heavy book on it. 小盒子被这本厚厚的书压扁了。 2.) 压力;压迫;紧迫;催促UC他在有压力的情况下工作很出色。 3.) 困扰;艰难U这些老人不习惯现代生活的紧张压力。by the pressure ofHe works well under pressure.These old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life.Consult vt. 1.) 与.商量我采取行动之前一定和你商量。 2.) 找(医生)看病;请教他进城去看医生。 3.) 查阅(词典、参考书等)repeatedly during his speech. 他讲演时不断看他的笔记本。Ill do nothing without consulting you.He went to town to consult his doctor.He consulted his notebookvi. 1.) 商议,磋商(+with)我们将一起商议她的教育事宜。 2.) 当顾问(+for)那位退休的总裁在好几家大公司当顾问。We will consult together about her education.The retired executive consults for several large companies.significance n. 1.) 重要性, 重要U The proposals 他们在会上提出的建议无足轻重。 2.) 意义, 含义; 意思US他没有领会我眨眼的意思。they put forward at the meeting were of little significance.He did not understand the significance of my wink.Devotion n. 1.) 献身;奉献U (+to)我们感谢他为这一项目花费的时间和金钱。他对科学的献身精神为人熟知。 2.) 忠诚;挚爱,热爱U (+to/for)热爱音乐We appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project.His devotion to science is well known.devotion to musicmake ends meet: 使收支相抵;量入为出e.g. Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to make ends meet.; http:/www.juxing688.com/ 聚星娱乐 bgk162utb 在去往约定的地方之前,钟思的内心是十万分忐忑的,她向来很少动过哪方面的心思,其实,说到底,她自己很少去做多余的计划 ,左不过只是一件件的完成父母给的目标任务,想来不免觉着人生开始有点戚戚然了起来。她想那个叫做陆尘的男士大概也如她这般对于一个未知的陌生人持有着不知名的忐忑心境吧,这样想来的时候便觉着自己应是要从 容些的,至少不应该让初次见面的人感到不适!钟思到达指定地方之后看到那一家店面的落地窗前坐了一位男士,穿很舒适的着装,很符合他的短信描述,便走进那家店面,保持 着自己得体的笑容,施施然的向他走去,微笑着开口“你好,我是钟思”。那男子抬头看她随即淡然一笑的开口“你好,陆尘”待她落座又作补充的开口道“钟思、螽斯,多子多孙、很有意思的名字”。钟思讶然的再次看向他,因为这样的一句话,莫名的对他增添了不少好感,她冲他微微一笑,回了句“是么”。陆尘也不再做过多解释、只将菜单递向她笑容和煦的开口“你喜欢吃点什么?”钟思笑了笑“不用了,喝点东西就好,我还不饿,一杯橙汁! ”陆尘很绅士的顺带给她点了份甜点,给自己点了杯茶。钟思开口“你的尘,怎么会是灰尘的尘?”陆尘仍是笑的淡然“世间万物终归回归尘埃,是我自己改的!”钟思再次不自觉的对他有了几许好感,她笑着看向他“这么巧,我居然也会有这样的想法! ”
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