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Business Ethics and Business Ethics and Conscientious BusinessConscientious BusinessBUS 483 Professor Tvorik December 2, 2009 Present by: Ten MichizukaContent List Content List 1.Introduction 2.Conscientious Business 3.My “Thou Shall” 4.Moral Philosophy 5.ConclusionIntroduction Introduction vI think it is possible to maintain Christian or moral principles in our business dealings of today or maybe I can say it in another way which is I think it is possible to maintain religion or moral principles in our business dealings of today because a lot of real examples told us that if you do not do business ethically then you will be fail someday no matter how big and rich you are. But also the important point that I want to mention is that I think all the people who are doing business they should do it conscientiously no matter you have believed in religion or not.Conscientious BusinessConscientious BusinessvThe reason I said that conscientious Business is very important because even people who have believe in religion it does not mean they will really follow Gods law to do business. Some people they just go to church or temple to confess when they made bad or unethical business decision, for me that mean nothing because you have already made bad or unethical business decision and you have already hurt someone. So my point is that before you make any decision you have to ask yourself that is it right thing to do and is it the right moral philosophy for you company or your society.My “Thou Shall”My “Thou Shall”1. Thou shall be honest 2. Thou shall create value for customers 3. Thou shall service responsible for customers 4. Thou shall respect for everyone 5. Thou shall be on time 6. Thou shall fairly trade and positive compete 7. Thou shall create a safe workplace 8. Thou shall encourage individual initiative and innovation in an atmosphere of flexibility, cooperation and trust 9. Thou shall promote a culture where promise keeping, fairness, respect and personal accountability are valued, encouraged and recognized 10.Thou shall protect the environmentMoral PhilosophyMoral Philosophy Utilitarianism: Defines right or acceptable actions as those that maximize total utility, or the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Deontology: Focuses on the preservation of individual rights and on the intentions associated with a particular behavior rather than on its consequences. Virtue ethics: Assumes about what is moral in a given situation is not only what conventional morality requires but also what the mature person with a “good” moral character we deem appropriate.Utilitarianism Deontology Virtue EthicsConclusionConclusionvNow I think we have very cruel business environment, so some companies already forget about what is business ethics. All they want to do is to survive in the harsh business environment, so they really only care about their profit. However, experiences and lot examples tell us that it is unwise choice. We have to keep in our mind with that only ethically doing business is the right way, and it does not matter if you have belief in religion or not just remember that before you make any decision think about is it worthy of your own conscience.
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