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Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. The sport , which first appeared in 1896, was ever suspended during the 1904 and 1928 Games. It was only four years before the sport returned to the Olympic. However, not until 1968 were women first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting. With the sport becoming more and more popular, it has grown steadily from just 3 shooting events at the 1896 Olympic Games to 17 today.广东08高考基础写作范文 :句子表达有何亮点?写作中复合句常见的错误1.只有从句,没有主句The keeper who had lived in the light tower for a long time, so he could keep calm in the storm.2.以逗号代替句号,把两个简单句当成一个句子 The old man thought of his son, tears came down from his face. The hall is different from all other buildings , it is made of glass.3.刻意使用从句,表达不自然There are over fifty students in this school who are going to take part in the sports meet next Sunday.Over fifty students in this school are going to take part in the sports meet next Sunday.4.过多地使用并列句组合信息 We were driving out into the country, and we saw our English teacher riding in a bus, and the bus was crowded. It is a beautiful day, and the sun is shining and a breeze is blowing. It is a beautiful day with the sun shining and a breeze blowing. As we were driving out into the country, we saw our English teacher riding in a crowded bus. 学会运用复合句和非谓语动词 Kate is a new student. She comes from a northern province. She speaks a dialect. We find it hard to understand her dialect.Kate, a new student from a northern province, speaks a dialect which we find hard to understand.用一句话表达不是人人都能学好英语,小学生同时 学汉语和英语反而会影响汉语学习。学会运用复合句和非谓语动词第一步:拆分成几个简单句不是人人都能学好英语。小学生同时学汉语和英语。这会影响汉语学习。第二步:分别翻译这几个简单句 Not everyone is good at learning English. Children from primary school learn English and Chinese at the same time. This will affect their Chinese study. Not everyone is good at learning English. Children from primary school start to learn English and Chinese at the same time. This will affect their Chinese study.第三步:合并句子That children from primary school start to learn English and Chinese at the same time will affect their Chinese study because not everyone is good at learning English. Not everyone is good at learning English. Children from primary school start to learn English and Chinese at the same time. This will affect their Chinese study.第三步:合并句子If children from primary school start to learn English and Chinese at the same time, this will affect their Chinese study方法2 :because not everyone is good at learning English.学会使用复合句和非谓语动词你来试试现象 学生作文中出现很多错别字原因1.上网聊天时经常使用网络语言。2.每天有很多作业做,没有记住生字 。参考词汇: 错别字: wrongly-written characters 网络语言:web language要求:1. 用两句话表达表格内容2. 两句话要有连贯性第一句(两个信息点):1. 学生作文中出现很多错别字2.(他们)上网聊天时经常使用网络语言。 There are many wrongly-written characters in students compositions.The reason why there are many wrongly- written characters in students composition is that they often use web languages when chatting on line.合并句子: They often use web languages when chatting on line. 1. They have so much homework to do every day that they fail to memorize the new characters第二句: 1. 每天有很多作业做 2. 没有记住生字。 They have much homework to do every day.2. With so much homework to do, they fail to memorize the new characters. 3. Because they have so much homework to do, they fail to memorize the new characters.合并句子: They fail to memorize the new characters.连接两句话:The reason why there are many wrongly- written characters in students composition is that they often use web languages when chatting on line. Moreover, they have so much homework to do every day that they fail to memorize the new characters. 一个乞丐在路边讨钱(ask for money)。李先生匆忙赶路上班,没有注意到那个乞丐。 乞丐很生气,伸出(stick out)拐杖,差点把李先生 绊倒了(trip over)。 李先生意识到他是个残疾人,便在口袋里找钱给他 。 李先生拿出了一张百元钞票(a 100-yuan note)。 突然一阵风把钞票吹到了空中。 乞丐迅速跳起来去追那张钞票。李先生站在那里,惊得合不拢嘴。实战演练实战演练:以下是你根据图画内容和题目要求,经过 观察、整理排列成的五个信息块,请分别用一个句子 表达出来,并组成一篇连贯性的短文。A beggarExchange and discuss your partners composition, then give each other a score according to the following criteria.Criteria(标准) MarkContent(内容)(是否用5句话表达了全文要点)0 5 分Language(语言)(句子结构及用词是否得当)0 8 分Coherence(连贯)(是否用了恰当的词语来衔接句子 )0 2 分Pair workA beggarOne day, when Mr. Li hurried on his way to work, a beggar on the roadside was asking for money, but Mr. Li paid no attention on him. As a result, the beggar got angry and stuck out his walking stick, which almost tripped Mr. Li over. Realizing the beggar was a disabled person, Mr. Li began to search for some money in his pocket to give him. He took out a 100-yuan note, which was suddenly blown into the air by the wind. Seeing this, the beggar jumped quickly to run after the note, which made Mr. Li so surprised that he stood there with his mouth open.HomeworkRewrite the composition and hand it in.
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