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语篇衔接与连贯研究的 发展 Progress in Studies on Text Cohesion and Coherence张德禄 中国海洋大学外语学院1引言:衔接与连贯研究n为什么研究衔接与连贯n是确定是否语篇的主要标准;n是语篇分析的主要研究对象;n到了需要总结一下的时候。n在衔接与连贯的研究中应主要研究衔接n衔接与语言形式最接近的意义关系,可以通过形式 显性化;n衔接研究中存在争议和需要解决的问题;n如何根据衔接来推测连贯是一个十分引人注目的题 目。2一、起始阶段:1976n1、(Halliday to forgive divinen6 And sings a solitary song,n That whistles in the wind.nBearbears: 重现nErrforgive: 反义nSingwhistle: 搭配7一、起始阶段:1976表1:衔接在英语描述中的地位( Halliday tree apple tree 同延(co-extension):singwhistle; water teapot.15二、衔接理论的第一次发展同时,Hasan还证明下列衔接机制也可以组成衔接关 系: 1、相邻问答对A:What are the police doing?B:The fascists are arresting the demonstrators。 2、平行对称结构He raised a mortal to the skies,She drew an angel down。 3、主位结构和信息结构之间的关系:相同、相反、相 似、相关。16二、衔接理论的第一次发展n T1 Although the United States participated heavily in World War I, the nature of that participation was fundamentally different from what it became in World War II.n T2 The earlier conflict was a one-ocean war for the Navy and a one - theatre war for the Army;n T3 the latter was a two-ocean war for the Navy and one of five major theatres for the Army.n T4 In both wars a vital responsibility of the Navy was escort-of- convoy and anti-submarine work,n T5 but in the 19171918 conflict it never clashed with the enemy on the surface;n T6 whilst between 19411945 it fought some twenty major and countless minor engagements with the Japanese Navy.n T7 American soldiers who engaged in World War I were taken overseas in transports and landed on docks or in protected harbors;n T8 in World War II the art of amphibious warfare had to be revived and developed, since assault troops were formed to fight their way ashore.17二、衔接理论的第一次发展n T9 Airpower, in the earlier conflict, was still inchoate and almost negligible;n T10 in the latter it was a determining factor.n T11 In World War I the battleship still reigned queen of the sea, as she had, in changing forms, since the age of Drake, and Battle Line fought with tactics inherited from the age of sail;n T12 but in World War II the capital naval force was the aircraft carrier taskgroup, for which completely new tactics had to be devised.n S. E. Morrison, 1963, The Two Ocean Wars n整个语篇的主位是按照第一次世界大战和第二次世界大 战的对比展开的,由相同和相似(对比)关系组织起来 。18二、衔接理论的第一次发展这样,Widdowson的例子中就有了相邻问答对,所以不能说没有衔接关系。19三、衔接理论的第二次发展n在国外,在系统功能语言学内容,虽然也具 有不同的声音,但没有人出来修正Halliday的 理论。胡壮麟教授在上个世纪90年代初就发 现,语篇的中衔接关系不仅包括Halliday 2.衔接需要与连贯联系起来 3.衔接的基本性质是什么;(1).衔接关系研究;(2).衔接力研究;(3).衔接原则研究;30五、衔接与连贯研究的深入n1. 将来的研究n正向研究:有哪些形式机制可以在语篇中的句子之 间和部分之间具有相互联系的作用;它们对于语篇 意义的解码具有什么作用;n(3) Wash and core six cooking apples. Put them into a fireproof dish.nSix cooking apples-them; wash-dish; imperative- imperative.n变异研究: Putthrow, cut, kick; themthe apples, n(替换) apples, apple; dishbowl, basket, stonen反向研究:首先,确定语篇是连贯的,然后看那些 有联系的形式机制对把语篇解释为连贯的语篇起作 用。31五、衔接与连贯研究的深入n2、衔接需要与连贯联系起来n衔接能够和连贯联系起来;(但两者是对应关系, 而不是决定关系;如果说是决定关系,是连贯决定 衔接,不是衔接决定连贯)。n衔接在连贯中的作用要看衔接关系是否对连贯语篇 的建构起到作用;n衔接本身只是连贯的一种表现形式,不是决定连贯 的因素;n决定语篇连贯的因素在语篇的外部和上部;n衔接机制选择的精确性应该成为衔接研究的重点, 因为只证明语篇有衔接机制不行,还要证明衔接机 制是否用的恰如其分。32五、衔接与连贯研究的深入3、衔接的基本性质衔接关系的类型差别很大,需要进行更加深 入的研究,主要有线行衔接;层次性衔接; 宏观衔接;整体部分衔接等衔接关系的力度有区别,需要了解在什么语 境下,衔接的力度大,什么情况下衔接的力 度小。衔接项目的选择和衔接机制类型的选择受到 衔接原则的控制。33五、衔接与连贯研究的深入n(一)衔接关系研究n明确语篇的衔接关系(van Dijk,1977)n线性关系(微观结构)n总体和整体关系(宏观结构)n1.非结构性线性关系(Hasan, 1985)n同指性n同类性n同延性n(对比性)34五、衔接与连贯研究的深入n2. 结构性衔接关系n(1)重复性: 同一结构的重现,表达相同关 系n 5 De rail road bridges n A sad song in de air,n De railroad bridges n A sad song in de air.n Ever time de trains passn I want to go somewhere.n (Langston Hughs, Homesick Blues) 35五、衔接与连贯研究的深入n(2) 同类性:相同类型的结构形成衔接关系n 6 The bushes twisted again. Lok steadied by the tree and gazed. A head and a chest faced him, half- hidden. There were white bone things behind the leaves and hair. The man had white bone things above his eyes and under the mouth so that his face was larger than a face should be. The man turned sideways in the bushes and looked at Lok along his shoulder. A stick rose upright and there was a lump of bone in the middle. Lok peered at the stick and the lump of bone and the small eyes in the bone thing over the face. n(相同和相似的及物性结构)36五、衔接与连贯研究的深入n(3) 同延性:两个相关事物联系起来,形成衔 接关系。n 7 It is true that Admiral yamamotos aircraft destroyed the American Pacific Fleet, but please remember that in the course of that action Japanese airmen killed very few American civilians: 68 noncombatants. 37五、衔接与连贯研究的深入n(4)层级性n上一个层次的概念与下一个层次的概念形成衔 接关系。n语篇的语义关系从实质上讲是层级性的,还有 成分之间的交叠、包含、跨级等现象。n “宏观结构” 与微观结构之间的关系n上一个层次的宏观结构与下一个层次的宏观结 构之间的关系。38五、衔接与连贯研究的深入n10nAgent: Hi! Welcome to Rental Property Management. How may I help you?nBill: Hi. Yes. Im interested in renting a two bedroom apartment.nAgent: Okay. If you have a seat, one of our rental agents will be with you in a moment.nBill: Thank you.nAssociate: Hi, my name is Ann Smith.nBill: Hi, Im Bill Harrington.nAnn: Hi, Mr. Harrington. So that we will be able to match your needs bette
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