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课型:写作课教学目标:通过这节的讲授,让学生掌握如何 用英语介绍人物.重点:讲授描写人物的常用句型和步骤.难点:灵活运用所学词汇及句型写一篇短文.教学方法: 顺序法,归纳演绎法授课时间: 星期一 (1课时)授课教师:廖夏露授课班级:高三(8)班Basic Writing- Character introduction (人物介绍) - 常用句子结构人物简介的一般步骤the right order(1)概况age, sex, birth-place, background(2)外貌性格appearance ,character(3)教育education (4)生平big events in his or her life ( in the order of time )(5)评价evaluation【Useful words and expressions】 1.年龄、出生 2.1)二十岁的时候_3.2)于1987年5月生在北京 _at the age of 20be born in Beijing in May 1987【Useful words and expressions】2. 外貌、性格特征: 1)漂亮_2)1.80米高_3)勤奋的_beautiful/pretty/handsome/good-looking1.80 meters tall/ in heightdiligent/ hardworkingambitious, competent, confident, considerate, creative, outspoken, devoted, energetic, humorous, independent3. 教育: 1)努力学习_2)获得硕士学位_3)毕业_work hard at his studiesreceive/get a masters degreegraduate from4. 经历: 1)致力于_2)有天赋_devote oneself tohave a gift/ talent for5. 评价: 做出了贡献_对的评价很高_make great contributions tospeak/think highly of Lets do a fast reading:Just guess the person who is described by the following sentences.u 1.Born on the 18th of January, 1979 in Taiwan, he was brought up by his mother and was shy and quiet during his childhood. u 2. Showing interest in music, he began learning to play the piano at the age of 3. u 3. When his first album(唱片 lbm ) was released in 2000, he got the worlds attention. u 4. He becomes very popular with the young, and has received many awards for his songs. u 5. His own unique Chinese R *博士:doctor
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