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Unit 8Mainly Revision张素宏ChinaI am a Chinese. I live in China. China is a big country. Beijing is the capital city of China. China has a Tiananmen Square and Palace Museum, the Summer Palace. Chinas flag is red. It has five yellow stars. One big and are four small. China is a great country. Tiananmen Square,the Palace Museum and the -is bigfour areChina is in the east of Asia. It is a very great country with a long history. There are 56 peoples in China. So it is a big family. Chinas flag is red and yellow. There are five stars on it. There are many places in China. They are Tian anmen Square ,the Palace Museum and the Great Wall. They are very famous.The capital city of China is Beijing. In Beijing,we speak Chinese. And Chinese people are very kind and friendly. I love China.国 家语语 言国 籍复 数ChinaChinese Chinese ChineseThe U.S. America English American AmericansThe U.K. EnglandEnglish Englishman EnglishmenCanadaEnglish Canadian Canadians French AustraliaEnglish Australia Australians JapanJapanese Japanese JapaneseFranceFrench Frenchman Frenchmen1.I know only a little_(English).English2.(Canada)_flag is red and white.Canadas3. Hello! Are you_?No,were_.A.Chinese; American B.Chinese;JapaneseC.Japanese;AmericanD.Americans;ChinesesB4.Niagara_(fall) is a famous waterfall in Canada.Falls5.The United States _(be) south of Canada.is6. One of my classmates_(be) from_(French).isFrance7.There are two_(英国人) and three_(China) in the roomEnglishmenChinese8.Kings and queens live in_ in the U.K.Buckingham Palace9.(Kangaroo) _live in_.KangaroosAustraliaSome important points:1.Ill meet my friends _(来自说英语国家).from English-speaking countries2.Its_(容易的) for me _(speak) English.easyto speakIts easy for sb to do sth3.Australia has _.(美丽的海滩).beautiful beachesThe girl in the red coat is very_.( 漂 亮 )beautifulListen! The birds are singing_ (beautiful).beautifully4. WangJing is a _(著名) singer.famousfamous=well-knownChina _( 因而著名)the Great Wall is famous forZhou Jielun _(作为而著名)a singer.is famous asbe famous for 因而著名be famous as 作为而著名5.Do you know_(他住在哪)?宾语从句陈述句语序Do you know_? A.how he go to school B.how he does go to schoolC.how he goes to school D.how does he goes to schoolCwhere he livesDo you know ? What do they speak in Canada?Do you know? What country is it? Do you know what they speak in Canada?Do you know what country it is? Do you know when will he come back?( )Do you know when he will come back?6.Its _(同样的颜色)the flag of The U.S.the same colour asbe the same as / be different fromLucy and Lily _(在同 一个班).are in the same classin the same class / in different classesYou look _(相同不同).the same/ differentlook the same/ look differentThank you _(仍然).all the sameHappy New Year to you!_.The same to you!7.Shandong is _(在中国东部).in the east of ChinaJapan is_(在中国东部).to the east of ChinaMongolia( 蒙古)_(在中国北部)is on the north of China句型转换:Canada is north of the U.S.They speak English in Australia.Canadas flag has a leaf.Is Canada north of the U.S. ?Do you speak English in Australia?Does Canadas flag have a leaf?1.She is from the U.K.Where is she from?2.I know this is the United Kingdom. _you know_?Dowhat country this is3.He speaks French.What does he speak?4.Canada is north of the U.S.What country is north of the U.S.?5. Beijing is the capital of China.What city is the capital of China?6. Its a flag in English.What is it in English?7.The Spring Festival is in January or February.When is the Spring Festival?8.She comes from China.Where does she come from?9.Jenny knows the U.S. is south of Canada(否定句) Jenny doesnt know the U.S is south of Canada.Good bye Good bye
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