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Unit 3A Complete the descriptions.Thief AThief B Ageabout 20about _Heightquite_rather _Weightvery thinvery _Hairblack and _in colour ,quite long hair, over his _hair; black baseball _ Clothes _T-shirt with red _on it;blue_dark _shirt; red _.Shoes_shoesold, white _tallbrownearswhite writingjeans black17 shortthin shortcap blue shortstrainersB Use the descriptions in Exercise A to help you find the two thieves in the crowd of people below. 1234567821Now, could you describe the first man for me, please? Yes, certainly. He was aged about 20. He was quite tall. And he was very thin. What about his hair? It was black and brown in colour. He had quite long hair. It was over his ears. I see. And his clothes? He was wearing a white T-shirt. I think it had some red writing on it. And he was wearing a pair of old, blue jeans.PPPWWWDid you notice his shoes? Im not sure. I think he just had black shoes. Good. Now, can you describe the second man?What about his age? He was younger. I guess he was about 17 years old. But he wasnt as tall as the first man. He was rather short. What about his weight? Oh, he was very thin, too.PPPWWWAnd his hair? He had short hair, I think. I couldnt see it, really, because he was wearing a black baseball cap. Can you remember his other clothes? Yes, he had a dark blue shirt. And shortsa pair of red shorts. And did you notice his shoes? Yes. He was wearing some old, white trainers. Old, white trainers. Right, thank you very much for your help.PPPWWW P
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