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一、大学英语四级题型介绍试卷构成测试内容 测试题型 比例第一部分 听力理解听力 对话短对话多项选择8%35 %长对话多项选择7%听力 短文短文理解多项选择10%短文听写复合式听 写10%第二部分 阅读理解仔细 阅读篇章阅读理解 多项选择20% 35 %篇章词汇理解 选词填空5%快速阅读理解是非判断 句子填空10%试卷构成测试内容测试题型比例第三部分 综合测试完型填空 或改错多项选择10 %15%错误辨认并改错篇章问答或 句子翻译简短回答5%中译英第四部分 写作写作短文写作15 %15%四级新题型对记分体制和成绩报道方式也做了调整:1、满分为710分,不设及格线;2、各单项的满分分别为:听力249分;阅读249分;综合测试70分;作文 142分二、听力训练的要点和应试方法(一)听力训练的几点建议1、 减少听音的遍数,整体把握听音内容;2、 不要对照文字材料听录音;3、 保持平衡的情绪和良好的心理状态;4、 精听和泛听相结合;精听要熟练掌握语篇的语音、语义、词汇和句型等,可以采用Listen and write (dictation), listen and repeat, listen and answer questions等方法, 材料不宜过长过难;泛听是在精听的基础上,不需要完全理解,是培养从整体上扑 捉信息的能力和逻辑思维能力。(二)听力记忆的训练方法1、 复述记忆法;2、情景记忆法;3、 重点记忆法;4、关键词、句记忆法(三)应试方法1、 充分利用考试中可以利用的时间;2、 进行快速训练;3、 略听听力考试中反复出现的部分;4、 仔细听问题;5、 大胆猜测答案;三、听力三种题型应试技巧(一)对话部分应试技巧1、 把握宜混读音;2、 关注表意功能强的词、短语或句式;3、 掌握常见话题中短语与表达方式1)借书、2)教师与学生关系、学生问教师问题、3)同学之间交流、4)家庭生 活场景如外出活动、旅行、家居生活、休闲等、5)顾客与医生、服务员、秘书等如在 机场、约见、餐厅、旅馆、商店、邮局、医院等;6)社会交往如谈运动、爱好、娱乐 、闲聊、在公共场所、谈工作、谈天气谈居住、租房等; 7)警察与公民(二)短问理解应试技巧1、 浏览问题,根据问题预测内容;1)由于问题多为对细节的考察,所以选项加上题干的内容大致相当与文章 的内容;2) 问题的出现顺序与文章内容的顺序基本一致;3) 综合运用相关北京知识和文章中出现频率较高的词 来确定文章的大致 内容;2、 做适当、简要的笔记;3、 抓主题句;4、 记住关键词,进一步确定文章的中心内容;5、根据常识做适当的猜测;6、 注意关键词,把握短文的发展脉络。(三)复合式听写应试技巧复合式听写比听力选择题更强调语言的综合运用能力,考生不仅应具有良好的听力能力,还 应具有叫强的拼写能力,记笔记能力和书面表达能力。1、 通过卷面提供的文字扑捉信息,找出线索、了解大意;2、 听写结合,双管齐下;3、 提高记笔记的效率;4、 书面表达的内容要点;1)将内容要点分列为几点 ;2) 要点尽可能用完整的简单句表达;3) 尽量省去 句中可有可无的修饰成分,4)检查核对内容要点;5) 听写第一部分要求填写所缺单词, 不能仅凭读音判断为何词,还应运用语言知识,修正听力细节上的不足,从语法结构、词语 搭配、意义连贯、上下文等去推测;第二部分应力求要点完整、准确,减少语法、拼写错误 。四、翻译应试技巧(一) 词类转换法1、副词转名词座位上的那个女孩正好奇地大量着那位老妇人。The girl in the seat is studying the old woman with interest.2、动词转副词真正的胜利不是胜过其他选手,而是胜过自己的体力。The real victory is not over ones fellow runners but over ones own body.3、名词转动词一位穿着考究、外表、谈吐像英国人的人上了火车。A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an English, got into the train.4、 形容词转名词无论发生什么,我们都深信这一新政策是正确的。Whatever happens, we are deeply convinced of the correctness of this new policy.(二) 正反转换法英文中有些正面意义的词在译成中文时从反面来表达更符合汉语的习惯,反之亦然 。When we read we may visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue, inconvenience, and expense.我们阅读时可遍访地球上最美丽的地方,轻松、便捷、便宜。You will lose your chance if you delay your action.如果迟迟不采取行动, 你就会坐失良机。(三)增译法增译法是在译文中增加适当的词,是译文意思更完整,符合英语的习惯,如英语 中的先行词、系动词、代词、介词、连词、冠次、名词复数形式等。汉英希望这次会议尽早召开。 It is desirable that the meeting should be held as soon as possible. (it)他们已经适应了这里的气候。 They have fitted themselves to the climate here. (themselves)我们从工人和技术人员那儿学了不少东西。 We have learned a lot from the workers and technicians. (名词复数)(四)省译法在将汉语翻译成英语时,可适当省略部分词。1、单位量词学生们在一间明亮的教室里上课。The students have their class in a bright classroom.2、 助词我的梦想终于实现了。At last my dream came true.3、 概括词或表示名词复数的词这个问题涉及心理和生理两个方面。The problem was both psychological and physiological.4、表达不同事态的词现在应该从全球范围来考虑环境问题。It is time to consider the environmental problems on a global scale.5、解释性文字尽管有种种不周到之处。这个计划仍被认为是最佳方案之一。This plan with all its disadvantages is considered to be one of the best.(五)语太转换当地政府要求他在医院里创建一个创伤医疗中心。He was asked by the local government to set up an injury center at the hospital.(六)分译与合译Man are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers.男人们不会上时装设计者的当,因为他们很聪明。(分译)We look forward to the day when the scientists can discover more secrets of the universe.我们期待着科学家们能够发现更多宇宙奥秘的那一天。(合译)五、快速阅读技巧I. PredictingActive readers are making predictions before serious reading and they Active readers are making predictions before serious reading and they make corrections of their understanding of the reading passage from time make corrections of their understanding of the reading passage from time to time while reading the material. There are many helpful steps to take to time while reading the material. There are many helpful steps to take in order to read for information before you actually begin reading. You in order to read for information before you actually begin reading. You can look ahead to the content of a passage in a number of ways.can look ahead to the content of a passage in a number of ways.1. Look at title. It tells what you will be reading about, so that you can make some possible predictions about the content of the reading passage. 2. Look for subtitles. Appearing below titles in heavy, dark print or in italics, subtitles suggest the kind of material you will find in a small section of the reading, which offers help in making predictions.3. Look at pictures, charts, or drawings if there are any. Often an illustration helps you figure out ahead of time what your reading will deal with.4. Look at the first sentence of each paragraph. This may also give you a quick idea of what the reading is about before you begin to read carefully. If you find your prediction is not correct when you read on, dont worry! You can adjust your understanding of the paragraph with the information you acquire during your reading. This is the reading process after all!II. SkimmingScanning involves searching for details or isolated facts (see Unit 1) Scanning involves searching for details or isolated facts (see Unit 1) whereas skimming is to read quick
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