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Unit 1 This is me!常州市花园中学 陈赜T:Good Morning! Im Miss/Mr My English name is Whats your name? S:Good morning. Miss/Mr Im /My name is T:Do you have an English name? S: Yes.T: What is it?S:Look at each picture and answer questions:1. Whats the girls name?2. Whats the boys name?SimonKitty MillieSandy/ /Daniel/Amy/ ei / ai / / /7.15 a.m.Good morning.2.45 p.m.Good afternoon.6.00 p.m.Good evening.10.30 p.m.Good night.Whats this?Do you have an animal in your family?You are the dogs master.You look after the dog.Answer Questions:1. Whats the two dogs name?Hobo and Eddie.2. Who is the master?Eddie is the master.3. Is Hobo a dog?Yes, Hobo is an e-dog.Homework:1. Read what we have learned today.2. Recite words and useful expressions.3. Finish the exercises.
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