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外研版 高二年级(选修6) Module 3Vocabulary we built a tree house. We gave a salute to the local policeman as he passed on his bicycle. Dannys parents moved to London. The pain was acute, and I couldnt 7. _, because I felt he had betrayed me. This is the first time I lost my best friend, I thought it was the 8. _ I have ever experienced.NowIm now back 9. _ Danny, and its a privilege to call him my friend.out of branchesforgive him for leaving meworst lossin touch withNowIm 10. _ my feelings, and I dont want to rewind the recording of my life and remember my loss and my pain.ashamed of II. Tell whether the following statements are true or false according to the text.1.A happy childhood is very important for the writer. ( )2.The writer will never forgive his childhood friend for leaving him. ( )3. The writer was afraid of a kind of flies that bit him and made his face swell. ( ) 4. The boys thought the policeman in their village was an enemy spy. ( ) 5. The writer feels ashamed of his feelings when he thinks about his childhood. ( )III. Read the passage and answer the questions.1. What do you think a happy childhood means for the writer? 2. A happy childhood means living in a small village in a close family, and having a best friend to grow up with.2. What was the countryside around the writers home like? The countryside around his home had pine forests, and was near the sea as well.3. How did the writer and his friend spend their time together? They spent their time together digging worms, collecting feathers, chasing squirrels and going to the sea.4. Why do you think the writer couldnt forgive Danny for going to London? Because he felt the loss of his friend so strongly, it as like the end of the world for him.1.The first time I lost my best friend, I thought it was the end of the world.2.I still measure all pain by how hurt I was when Danny left.Important sentences可我仍然依据丹尼离开时我的伤心程度来衡 量全部痛苦。3. It was here that I discovered that I was allergic to the tiny flies which bit me and made my face swell.4. We made brooms out of branches, which we tried to sell in the village shop.我们把树枝作成扫帚,想方设法卖给 村里的店铺。5. Im now back in touch with Danny, and its a privilege to call him my friend.现在我和丹尼又恢复联系了,能够称他为 我的朋友是我的荣幸。6. But while Im nostalgic for the happy times we spent together many years ago, Im ashamed of my feelings, and I dont want to rewind the recording of my life and remember my loss and my pain.但当我回忆起许多年前我们一起度过的美 好时光,我就对我的一些感觉感到羞愧, 我不想再重拾以前的生活,换起我曾经的 损失和痛苦。 be blessed with 有的福气;幸 运享有Language points我一直不是一个富有的人,但有幸有健康 的身体。I have never been a rich man, but I have always been blessed with good health.2. be allergic to 对过敏不喜欢某事,对某事反感他对青霉素过敏。He is allergic to penicillin.I think hes allergic to work.我认为他讨厌工作。3. considerate adj. 体贴的,体贴人的 ,考虑周到的He has a considerate wife.他有一位体贴的妻子。她对周围的人很周到。She is considerate towards all the people around her.consider vt. 考虑,认为,看作考虑做某事认为是consider doing sth. consider sb./ sth. (to to/ as)consideration n. 考虑,体贴,关心considered adj. 经过深思熟虑的,被尊敬的considering prep. 就而论considerable adj. 值得注意的,相当多的,相 当大的a considerable quantity相当大的数量Considering hes only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.考虑到他只是刚刚开始,他对此的了解已经不少了。经深思熟虑后得出的意见ones considered opinion4. tear n. 眼泪 v. 撕破,撕开(tore, torn)burst into tears 忽然哭起来 in tears 哭泣,流泪tear open 把撕开 tear apart 拆散,使分离 tear sth. into pieces 把撕成碎片 tear up 撕裂,撕毁 tear down 拆掉,撕下 tear oneself away from 忍痛舍去,忍痛 离去The little girl was in tears because she lost the read.Why did you tear the clothes when I had advised you to cut it with scissors?5. be on good/bad terms with 与某人关系好或不好 keep on good terms (with sb.)(同某人)保持友好关系Were on good terms with all the neighboring countries. 我们与所有周边国家的关系都很好。6. be nostalgic for sth.7. be ashamed of/ that 对感到羞耻,惭愧 对怀念You should be shamed of yourself for telling such lies.I feel ashamed that I havent written for so long.我很久未曾写信,甚为惭愧。因为羞耻或惭愧而勉强做某事be ashamed to do sth.Im ashamed to say I havent been to church for three years.随堂测试I. 根据句意,用方框内所给单词的适当式填空。(有多余选项)betray, scratch, swell, slide, slip, tear, rewind, spray, scold 1. The girl fell off her motorbike, _ her face and legs. 2. Last night I missed a step and fell down the stairs. My ankle is still _ now.scratchingswelling3. We hope that the woman volleyball team wont _ our trust and win the championship in 2008. 4. Sorry, but I didnt quite catch it. If so, Id like to _ the tape for you. 5. _ for his carelessness in his homework, Jack was in low spirits. 6. While learning to _ on the ice, the boy _ over and broke his leg.betray rewind Scoldedslide slippedII. 用适当的介词填空。 1. He was surprised to find himself allergic _ little worms. 2. She is blessed _ having such a family. 3. The little boy came late and slid _ the classroom quietly. 4. He tried to sc
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