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Learning Goals:1. To review some key phrases and sentences in M3 Unit 1-3.2. To consolidate some language points and the usage of grammar by doing some exercises.Module3 Unit1-3晨背佳作日积月累本课栏课栏 目开关晨背佳作日积月累短语句型夯实基础高频考点深度探究作业讲解答题策略语法填空步步为赢Module3 unit1-3晨背佳作日积月累本课栏课栏 目开关晨背佳作日积月累短语句型夯实基础高频考点深度探究作业讲解答题策略语法填空步步为赢Module 3unit1-3晨背佳作日积月累本课栏课栏 目开关晨背佳作日积月累短语基础夯实基础高频考点深度探究作业讲解答题策略语法填空步步为赢Unit 3晨背佳作日积月累本课栏课栏 目开关晨背佳作日积月累短语基础夯实基础高频考点深度探究作业讲解答题策略语法填空步步为赢Module 3unit1-3短语句型夯实基础本课栏课栏 目开关SundayMondayTuesdayThursdayFridayWednesday短语语句型夯实实基础础 phrases in unit11.注意到某人正在做某事 2.注意/被注意到某人做某事的全过过程 3宁可,而不是 4.理解,明白 5.扫视扫视 6.在。视线视线 之内 7.和。有联联系/关系 8.开始,着手做某事 9.避免做某事 10.小心,留心 observe sb doing sthobserve sb do sthsb be observed to do sth rather than make sense ofglance atin sightbe related/linked to be connected/associated withset about doing stset out to do sthget down to doing sth aviod doing sth watch out forbe careful of take care of 短语语句型夯实实基础础 phrases in unit1 11.那么远远 12动动身,出发发 13 与。有/没有共同之处处 14 突然 15 充分地利用 16 与。相比起来 17 很有可能做某事 18 击击打鲨鱼鲨鱼 的鼻子 19 禁不住做某事 20 发现发现 。正在做什么that/so far set off have sth/nothing in common all of a sudden make the best/most of compared to/with be likely to do sth hit the shark on the nose cant help doing sth find sb/oneself doing sth短语语句型夯实实基础础 (回归课归课 本) Module 3 unit11.一到街上,她就急急匆匆向往常的车车站走去。 Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 2.现实现实 情况是雾雾太大了,公交车车开不了那么远远。 The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far. 3.她能感到由于害怕自己的心脏脏砰砰直跳。 She could feel heart beating with fear. 4.这给这给 了我一个机会,来回报报晴天时时人们给们给 我的帮助。 It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when its sunny. 5.和许许多人可能认为认为 的正好相反,证证据显显示鲨鱼鲨鱼 极少攻击击人类类。 Contrary to what many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attacked by a shark.短语语句型夯实实基础础 (回归课归课 本) Module3unit16. 人类类被闪电击闪电击 中的几率要比鲨鱼鲨鱼 攻击击的几率大30倍。 The humans are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark. 7.他将信系在鸟鸟儿的腿上,便松开鸟鸟儿。 Attaching the message to its leg,he sets the bird loose. 8.这这个罗盘罗盘 是如何工作的仍然是个谜谜。 How this compass works remains a mystery. 9.科学家们对们对 嗅觉觉是否可疼痛有关系感兴兴趣。 Scientists are interested in whether the sense of smell is related to pain. 10.事实实是我由于害怕而僵住了,而不是寒冷。 The fact was that I was frozen by fear,not by cold.短语语句型夯实实基础础 Module 3 unit2 1.从广义义上讲讲 2.代表,象征 3.由。组组成 4.A和B在C方面不同5.做某事的方法6.以。命名 7除。之外 8控制,掌管 9导导致,引起 10某事被广泛使用in a broad sense stand for be made up of/consist of A differs from B in C A is different from B in C the approach to sth/doing sth the method for sth/doing sth name after aside/apart from take /in control of lead to/result in/contribute to come into widespread use短语语句型夯实实基础础 Module 3 unit211.经历经历 12.20世纪纪50年代 13.由。取代 14.为为。筹款 15偶然学会,廉价购买购买 。 16.朝着。的方向 17 视视情况而定 18.作为为整体,就整体而言 19.实实用的 20.为为。树树立标标准go through in the 1950s/in the 1950s be replaced by/with raised money for pick up in the direction of that/it all depends as a whole be of practical use set a standard for 短语语句型夯实实基础础 Module 3 unit21.那就是为为何英语语有那么多令人困惑不解的规则规则。 That is why English has so many difficult rules that confuse people. 2.了解有关动动物和肉的词汇词汇 是怎么演变变而来的,是件挺有趣的事。 It is interesting to learn how the words for animals and meat developed. 3.并非所有的汉汉字都从物体的图图画演变变而来的。 Not all characters were developed from drawings of objects. 4.汉语汉语 和西方语语言不同,区别别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉汉字表达思 想,物体和行为为。 The chinese language differs from Western language in that, instead of an alphabet,it uses characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds. 短语语句型夯实实基础础 Module 3 unit25.英语语在未来是否会继续变继续变 化,这这一问题问题 很容易回答的。 The question of whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer. 6.虽虽然学生们们都觉觉得士兵的想法非常有趣,但是这这一方法并不实实用。 While the students found the soldiers idea interesting,the system was too difficult to be of practical use.短语语句型夯实实基础础 Module 3 unit3夺夺取,接管 为为了纪纪念 以。为为例 倘若,在。条件下 作为对为对 。的回报报 留待以后去做/去看 专专心于俗话说话说 想象某人干某事 实实行,实实施take over in memory/honour of take sth as an example on condition that in return for it remains to be done/seen be buried in /bury oneself in be dovoted to/concentrate on A saying goes that
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