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Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标Unit 3 Life in the futurePart 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标【素材示例】最近,你校学生会倡议议在全校开展“低碳生活”活动动。请请你为为校广播站写一篇英语语稿件。内容包括:1我们为们为 什么要低碳生活。2在日常生活中,我们该们该 怎么做。审题审题 构思: 篇章结结构: 内容要点: 拟拟关键词键词 : 构建句式: Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标【佳作播报】Lets live a lowcarbon lifeLowcarbon living means that everyone of us should try our best to cut down the consumption of energy to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide,which can help to lessen air pollution and protect the environment.In order to make the earth a better place for the generations to come,lowcarbon living is becoming more and more popular in the world.Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标What shall we do to live a lowcarbon life?First of all,lets go by bike or on foot instead of going by car.Furthermore, lets try to save water,paper and electricity in our daily life.In addition,using environmentally friendly shopping bags instead of plastic bags will greatly cut down the amount of white garbage globally.Protecting the environment calls for the efforts of everyone and every small effort of us will make a big difference.Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标【赏文酌句】作者文笔清晰,段落分明,问题问题 分析透彻彻、到位,观观点明确。在句法上使用了:高级词汇级词汇 和短语语:try ones best;cut down;in order to;call for;make a difference过过渡词语词语 :first of all;furthermore;in addition黄金句式:that引导导的宾语宾语 从句that everyone of us should.;which引导导的非限制性定语语从句which can help to lessen air pollution.;动词动词 ing形式作主语语using environmentally friendly shopping bags will.Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标【佳句模拟】1furthermore adv.“而且,此外”是写作中常用的表达“递进递进 关系,过过渡语语”的高频频用词词。模拟拟 The house isnt big enough for us,and furthermore,its too far from the town.这这所房子对对我们们来说说不够够大,另外它离城镇镇也太远远。2v.ing 或短语语作主语语,或用it作形式主语语,是很常用的句型。模拟拟 Learning new words is very useful to us.学习习生词对词对 我们们很有用。Its a waste of time arguing with him.和他辩论辩论 是浪费时间费时间 。Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标佳句背诵 What really matters is whether you can concentrate on your lessons.真正要紧紧的是你是否能全神贯贯注于你的功课课。 Above all/Most important of all, you should believe in yourself.最重要的是,你要相信自己。 The reasons for this can be listed as follows.原因如下。Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标 The answer to this problem involves many factors.这个问题的答案涉及很多因素。 There are several reasons accounting for /that account for the phenomenon reflected in the picture.有几种原因能够说明图中所反映出的现象。 A number of factors account for/contribute to/result in/lead to the phenomenon reflected in the picture.图中所反映出的现象是由若干的因素造成的。Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标 The change in peoples way of life largely results from the fact that peoples living conditions have been greatly improved.人们生活方式的变化主要是由于人们生活条件有了大幅度的提高。 The answer to this question lies in the fact that rivers are being seriously polluted.问题的答案在于河水正在受到严重污染。 Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标汉译英英译汉核 心 单 词1.印象;印记 nimpression 2时常发生的 adj.constant 3在前的;早先的 adj.previous 4指导;指引;导游 n &v.guide9.aspect n方面,层面 10surrounding n环境 11tolerate vt.容忍;忍受 12adjustment n调整 ;调节Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标汉译英英译汉核心 单 词5缺乏;没有 n &v.lack 6乐观的 adj.optimistic 7瞬间;片刻 n instant 8定居;解决 n settlement 13carriage n四轮马 车,客车 14motivation n动机 15citizen n公民 16material n原料, 材料Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标重点 短 语1.与相似 be similar to. 2接受;拿起;开始 take up 3安全带 safety belt 4打扫;横扫 sweep up 5加速 speed up6.be back on ones feet 恢复;完全复原 7lose sight of 看不见 8slide into 移动;溜进 9take up 拿起;接受;开 始;继续;占据;从事 10in no time 立刻Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标经 典 句 式1.我还是无法相信我是在接受 去年获得的这个奖励。 I still cannot believe that I am taking up my prize that was won last year. 2因为担心这次旅行,头几 天我心里总是不踏实。 Worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.3.The air seemed thin, as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left. 空气似乎很稀薄,好像在 混合的气体中氧气剩下 得很少。 4Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached. 由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感 到头痛。Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标温故 知 新A馨然过关 B基本通过 C再努力Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语语言运用与应试应试 技巧Part 4 单单元语语法强 练练Part 5 双基达标标impression n.印象;感想;印记 重点突破(教材原句)FIRST IMPRESSIONS第一印象Part 1 话题话题 晨背Part 2 单单元基础础自 测测Part 3 热热点关注Part 6语
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