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汉译英(明天听写)1. 属于某人2. 发带3. 野餐中唯一一个小孩子4. 她最喜爱的作家5. 听古典音乐6. 太小了(much)7. 在交响乐大厅8. 占期末考试的30%9. 在验光师处验光配镜10. 如果你知道(idea)belong to sb.hair bandthe only little kid at the picnicher favorite authorlisten to classical musicmuch too smallin the symphony hallmake up 30% of the final examat the optometrist appointmentif you have any idea汉译英(明天听写)1. 为.焦虑(anxious)2. 因为考试3. 书包的主人4. 给妈妈的一份礼物5. 追赶某人6. 看那个正沿街跑的男人7. 看见一个奇怪的生物正 从UFO中出来8. 为赶公交车而跑步9. 为锻炼而跑步10.一个拿着相机的女人be anxious aboutbecause of the test/because sb. has a testthe owner of the backpacka present for ones motherrun after/chase sb.look at the man running down the streetsee a strange creature getting out of the UFOrun to catch a busrun for exercise (U. 锻炼)a woman with a camera汉译英(明天听写)1. 在空中2. 某人的隔壁邻居3. 在Bell Tower小区4. 奇怪的事情5. 极为担心6. 听见窗外有奇怪的声音7. 接受当地报纸的采访8. 从动物园逃出来9. 午夜脚步声10.准是有某人在做某事in the skyones next door neighborin Bell Tower neighborhoodstrange events/thingsextremely worriedhear strange noises outside the windowbe interviewed by the local newspaperrun away/escape from the zoolate-night footstepsThere must be sb. doing sth.汉译英(明天听写)1. 当地动物园的主管2. 许多的,大量的(ocean)3. 当心那条狗4. 上飞机5. 举起一块石头6. 用光,耗尽7. 装睡8. 完全靠自己9. 企图逃跑10.发出噪音(noise)the director of the local zooan ocean of/oceans ofbe careful of the dogget on the planelift a stoneuse uppretend to be asleep/sleepingall alone/all by oneselfattempt to escapemake a noise
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