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第2讲 创新管理与战略分析创新的风险与收益 创新合作与战略联盟 技术战略管理与典型的创新战略 创新战略分析工具之一:产品生命周期 创新战略分析工具之二:罗氏九方格法 创新战略分析工具之三:技术路径图方法 创新管理工具之一:产品平台与产品族方法 创新管理工具之二:创新源与领先用户方法技术创新的风险(1)创新的不确定性 (uncertainty)(1)市场不确定性 - 潜在需求信息的不完全性 - 市场拉动型创新面临的市场不确定性大大低于技术推动型创新 (2)技术不确定性 - 产品原型与工程化/规模生产之间的差距 - 新技术与现行技术系统之间的不兼容性 - 制造成本问题S P Blake(1978)(1)大约40%的RM. Uzumeri and S. Sanderson(1995): We define a model to be a product design that differs sufficiently from other designs that the manufacturer assigns it a distinctive commercial designation. Similarly, a product family is a set of models that a given manufacturer makes and considers to be related.产品族与产品平台(2)产品平台 (product platform/platform architecture)产品平台(product platform):被定义成“产品族的技术基础”a product platform is the physical implementation of a technical design that serves as the base architecture for a series of derivative products。 The platform also embraces the manufacturing technologies and processes employed in production (Meyer, Terzakian, and Utterback,1997)。“产品平台”指一系列产品所共有的产品设计和产品构件(Meyer and Utterback,1993);产品平台(product platform):a set of subsystems and interfaces (between subsystems and the external environment) that form a common structure from which a stream of derivative products can be efficiently developed and produced (Marc H. Meyer and Robert Seliger,1998)。Platform architectures for software firms are also a business model, allowing for rapid development of market share and revenue(Marc H. Meyer and Robert Seliger,1998).产品族与产品平台(3)产品族与产品平台概念的应用该概念不仅被运用于传统的产品,而且也被运用于软件产品(Meyer and Lopez,1995)以 及信息产品(Meyer and Zack,1996)。那些生产无形产品(如软件和基于计算机的信息 服务)的公司也可以运用产品族、产品平台和衍生产品的概念(Marc H. Meyer and Robert Seliger,1998)。Well-designed platform for software products can provide substantial R (2) specific subsystems development groups; (3) lead users; (4) senior executives sponsorship。产品族与产品平台(5)产品族/产品平台的测度指标效率(platform efficiency) the degree to which a platform allows economical generation of derivative products, which equal to the ratio of R 产品平台的效率可以用从基础平台产生出产品所需要的成本和时间来测度(Marc H. Meyer and Robert Seliger,1998)。有效性(platform effectiveness) the degree to which the products based on a product platform produce revenue for the firm relative to the cost of developing those products(Meyer, Terzakian, and Utterback,1997).产品族生命周期 采用model ( or product family) variety和rate of model (or product family) replacement change来描述产品族生命周期曲线M. Uzumeri and S. Sanderson,1995。模型变化度被定义成在给定时点上产品族中所具有的模型数量; 模型变动率则定义为模型生命周期的倒数,量纲为(models per year)。创新的功能源创新的功能源(functional sources) 创新类型用户制造商供应商其他NA(n) 总数(n) 科学仪器77%23%0%0%17111 半导体与印刷板工艺67%21%012%649 拉制成型工艺90%10%00010 牵引式铲车及相关创新6%94%00016 工程塑料10%90%0005 塑料填加剂8%92%00416 工业气利用42%17%33%8%012 热塑料利用43%14%36%7%014 线路终端设备11%33%56%0220 NOTE:NA案例不进入表中的百分比计算。科学仪器的创新源分布(Sources of Innovation中译本第16页) 重大改进性创新用户(百分比)制造商NA总计 气体色谱分析仪9(82%)2011 核磁共振光谱仪11(79%)3014 紫外线分光光度仪5(100%)005 透射电子显微镜11(79%)3014总 和36(81%)8044创新的功能源前提条件 潜在的创新者必定不能轻易地转换其职能角色; 潜在创新者可以从创新中直接获益而无须通过将创新转让给他人而获益。引起创新源变化的根本原因在很大程度上是潜在创新者对创新利润的预 期(expected innovation rent)。竞争对手之间非正式诀窍交易 作为一种有用的机制,创新者可以用它去和竞争对手分享(或避免分享)创 新成本和利润。管理意义 通过理解创新的预期利润是如何分配的,我们可以预测创新的可能源; 通过改变预期利润的分布,我们有可能改变创新源。领先用户方法 (lead user method)“前范式阶段”(preparadigmatic phase):创新者必须很小心地使其基本设计保持一定的柔 性,直至有足够的证据表明这种基本设计将成立未来的产业标准。因此企业需要很好地使技 术发展与市场需求整合在一起,尤其是那些将充分影响主导设计形成的用户需求。一些分析 关键用户需求及其发展趋势的方法就充分表现出它们的价值。领先用户(lead user) (1)他们对技术产品的需求一般会成为整个行业的需求,但他们的需求比普通用户提前数月 甚至是数年; (2)他们期待能满足自身的这些瓶颈需要,以获取潜在的巨大利益。领先用户的价值 通过分析来自领先用户的需求和问题解决的信息,可有效地提高企业新产品开发效率,尤其 在一些技术发展变化迅速的工业领域。领先用户方法的步骤 STEP 1:针对具体的产品/市场细分,找出领先用户的特征;这可以通过研究用户追求产品 性能的趋势来判定; STEP 2:找出若干能满足上述条件的领先用户; STEP 3:将这些领先用户召集,与本企业的工程技术人员和市场营销人员共同讨论产品开 发方向与解决问题的技术方法; STEP 4:检验这些新设想是否也被其他典型用户所认同。资料来源:Eric von Hippel著,柳卸林等译,技术创新的源泉,科学技术文献出版社,1997年。缩短产品开发周期的方法Three ConceptsR success in one is not a guaranttee for achieving the other. CASE IBM a system integrator in PC industry: APPLE技术领先者战略 (technological pioneering strategy)Antecedents and Outcomes of Technological Pioneering资料来源:Shaker A. Zahra, Sarah Nash, and Deborah J. Bickford, Creating a competitive advantage from technological pioneering, IEEE EMR, Spring 1994, pp.76-85R its cheaper to reach customers through the WEB than through catalogs, which are expensive to print and mail, and also could not be continually changed; A web transaction costs half as much to process as a catalog order; for large contract customers, the authorization system eliminates paper purchase orders, which typically cost corporations anywhere from $75 to $200 each to generate and process. it is more easy to analyze the characteristics and trends in customers purchasing behavior.Barnes & Nobel - Amazon.comIn order to compete with Amazon.com, Barnes & Nobel established a completely separate division, Barnesand nobel.com, which ultimately spun off as a stand-alone company. By breaking free of the existing organization, the on-line outfit gained many advantage.It was able to: speed up its decision mak
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