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帕金森病的诊断及鉴别诊断唐北沙 教授中南大学湘雅医院神经内科 中南大学神经退行性疾病研究中心帕金森病诊断与鉴别诊断 帕金森病概述 帕金森病的病因及发病机制 帕金森病的临床症状 帕金森病的辅助检查 帕金森病的诊断标准英国脑库帕金森病诊断标准(1992年)中国帕金森病诊断标准(2006年, 神经病学分会运动障碍及帕金森病学组)l 帕金森病的鉴别诊断帕金森病(Parkinsons disease, PD)是最常见的神经退行性疾病之一,65岁以上患病率约为1700/10万;临床上以静止性震颤、肌强直、运动减少和姿势平衡障碍等为特征 ;主要病理改变是中脑黑质多巴胺能神经元进行性变性坏死,造成多巴胺生成障碍,残存神经元 胞浆中出现蛋白包涵体(Lewy小体),在中国 有超过200万的PD患者帕金森病概述It is characterized by “involuntary tremulous” motion, with lessened muscular power, in parts not in action and even when supported, with a propensity to bend the trunk forward, and to pass from a walking to a running pace, the senses and intellect being uninjured.(不自主震颤动作伴肌力减弱,部分患者震颤不仅发生在运动时,而静止时也有;躯干前屈,步态越走越快,感觉和智能不受损害)Parkinson未提到僵直和运动缓慢,而强调肌力减退,感觉和智能不受损害帕金森病概述Parkinson J. An Essay on the shaking palsy. London: Snerwood, Neely and Jones, 1817. PD的命名是出于对英国医生James Parkinson的敬意,他 的经典论文“An Essay on the shaking palsy(简论震颤麻痹)” 写于1817年,为该病提供了临床特征性的描述帕金森病的病因及发病机制p氧化应激和线粒体功能障 碍p蛋白质错误折叠与聚集p泛素蛋白酶体功能障碍p金属离子、神经毒素p兴奋性氨基酸p炎性/免疫反应p PD的病因及发病机制尚未完全明 确,研究表明与下述因素有关遗传 因素环境 因素年龄 老化高铁 离子多巴胺能神经元变性死亡路易小体(Lewy body)帕金森病的病因及发病机制帕金森病的病因及发病机制Chu CT, Caruso JL, Cummings TJ, Ervin J, Rosenberg C, Hulette CM. Ubiquitin immunochemistry as a diagnostic aid for community pathologistsevaluating patients who have dementia. Modern Pathology. 2000;13:420 426. 路易小体A.二氨基联苯胺染 色法;B.泛素免疫 化学染色法;C.苏 木素-伊红染色法; D.-synuclein免疫 化学染色法Lewy(1912)发现嗜伊红包涵体路易 小体 (主要成分为-突触核蛋白、泛素、 蛋白酶体成分、热休克蛋白等);常分布 于黑质和蓝斑区,此外还可见于基底节、 皮质、脑干、脊髓甚至交感神经节、肠肌 丛和心神经丛D帕金森病的病因及发病机制6AO PD inclusion body pathology in selectively vulnerable cellular types of the lower brain stem (- synuclein immunoreactions in 6 m-thick paraffin sections). AC LNs can be seen in cholinergic neurons of the motor nucleus of the vagal nerve (arrowheads). Maturing or mature intraneuronal LBs are found in cholinergic nerve cells (large arrows), whereas particulate - synuclein occurs as aggregates (smaller arrows). The discrete particles aggregate to form LBs. D A large LN dwarfs a nerve cell in the intermediate reticular zone of a at stage 5. EG PD lesions in the Auerbach plexus of the enteric nervous system. Start of LB pathology (E, large arrows), mature LB (G), and LNs (F,arrowheads) in the esophagus. HO Dopaminergic melanoneurons in the substantia nigra, pars compacta. H Multiple LBs (arrows) fill a nerve cell directly next to a healthy melanoneuron. I MParticulate-synuclein (small arrows) aggregates to form LBs (larger arrows). In K, compare the normal melanoneuron, without -synuclein particles, to the one right. In L, two astrocytes have ingested - synuclein- immunoreactive material plus neuromelanin (asterisk). The term “extraneuronal” neuromelanin can be applied to such material. N In this nerve cell, it is difficult to distinguish the LB (arrow) from the surrounding - synuclein particles. O Here, a group of neuromelanin- containing macrophages mark the shape of the former nerve cell. Bar in A applies to AOHeiko Braak . etc. Stages in the development of Parkinsons disease-related pathology. Cell Tissue Res (2004) 318: 121134 PD病理改变始于延髓Braak等发现路易小体、路易轴突以及突触核蛋白病理始于 延髓,逐渐依次进展到脑桥、 中脑,最后到间脑和皮质,损 害边缘系统、内脏运动系统和 感觉运动系统提出了Braak假说,把整个PD 的病理改变进程分为6个阶段帕金森病的病因及发病机制Heiko Braak . etc. Stages in the development of Parkinsons disease-related pathology. Cell Tissue Res (2004) 318: 121134帕金森病的病因及发病机制中脑黑质致密部、蓝斑神 经元脱失致上述部位及其 神经末梢处多巴胺 (Dopamine,DA)减少,DA 减少70%-80%时产生PD临床表现黑质纹状体系统中与DA功能拮抗的乙酰胆碱( Acetylcholine,ACH)作 用相对亢进,DA与ACH平衡失调其它神经递质异常,如5- HT等http:/www.oralchelationblog.com帕金森病的临床症状Atlas of Clinic Neurology, Movement Disorders, 348- 349Textbook of Clinic Neurology, Movement Disorders, Vedeo323帕金森病的临床症状 运动症状p静止性震颤p肌强直p运动迟缓p姿势步态异常帕金森病的临床症状p 静止性震颤常为首发症状,多由一侧上肢远端开始手指呈节律性伸展和拇指对掌运动,如“搓丸样”动作,频率为4-6Hz安静时出现,随意运动时减轻或停止,紧张时加剧,入睡后消失 湘雅医院帕金森病的临床症状p 肌强直 多自一侧肢体开始 表现为“铅管样”或“齿轮样”强直性 肌张力增高 初期患者感到患肢运动不灵活,有僵硬或紧张的感觉,逐渐加重,出现运动困难湘雅医院帕金森病的临床症状p 运动迟缓指患者有运动起动困 难和动作执行困难 表情肌活动少:双眼凝视、瞬目减少、面具脸(mask face) 球部活动困难:流涎,说话缓慢、语调低平及构音障碍 手指精细动作(系扣纽、 鞋带等)困难、小写症 做连贯性动作困难,不能同时做多个动作: 起床、翻身、步行、变换方向等运动迟缓帕金森病的临床症状p 姿势步态异常 站-屈曲体姿 行-启动困难、小碎步、行走时上肢摆动消失、呈慌张步态 转弯-躯干僵硬、平衡困难、用连续 小步使躯干与头部一起缓慢转动Textbook of Clinic Neurology, Movement Disorders, Vedeo068帕金森病的临床症状 非运动症状p 神经精神症状:抑郁、焦虑、认知障碍、幻觉、淡漠等p 自主神经功能障碍:便秘、排尿障碍、体位性低血压、多汗、流涎等p 睡眠障碍:快动眼睡眠期行为异常、白天过度嗜睡、不宁腿综合症、周期性肢体运动病、失眠、睡眠呼吸暂停等症状 p 感觉障碍:麻木、疼痛、痉挛、嗅觉障碍等p 其他:疲乏、皮脂溢、视物模糊等帕金森病的辅助检查 嗅觉功能测试PD患者在症状前期即可出现嗅觉减退,采用嗅觉定量测量,可有效反映PD患者的嗅觉功能,并可作为PD早期诊断的参考指标C H Hawkes, B C Shephard and S E Daniel,Olfactory dysfunction in Parkinsons disease,J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1997 62: 436-446 计算机断层扫描(CT)、磁共振成像(MRI)可发现脑萎缩、腔隙性脑梗塞等;无特异性改变,可用于排除其他因素诱发的帕金森综合征帕金森病的辅助检查N. Pavese, D.J. Brooks / Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1792 (2009) 722729PETPETPETSPECTSPECT SPECT 66:1951帕金森病的辅助检查 B超帕金森病的辅助检查基因型基因位点遗传方式致病基因临床表现 PARK1/44q21-23ADSCNAEarlier onset, features of DLB commonPARK26q25.2-27ARparkinEarlier onset with slow progressionPARK32p13AD?Classic PD, dementiaPARK54p14ADUCH-L1Classic PDPARK61p35-3
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