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旅游景点范例之四:九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou (Nine-Village Gully)【概述】 九寨沟的水是九寨沟的灵魂,因为 那大大小小,星罗棋布的“海子 ”, 九寨沟闻名遐迩。本文虽短, 却把九寨沟地景观特色展现无遗, 而且还讲述了一个优美的传说故事 ,九寨沟又因此平添了几分魅力。我们这次旅游 的目的地是举 世闻名的大熊 猫故乡,列入 世界自然遗产 名录的九寨沟 自然保护区。The destination of our trip is the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, the natural range of the world-famous giant pandas, listed and one of the world natural heritage sites. 九寨沟位于我 国四川省阿坝 藏族自治州境 内,因沟内有 九个藏族村寨 而得名,是一 片纵深达35公 里的自然风景 区。 Jiuzhaigou is located in the Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, covering a land of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. Its so named because of the nine Tibetan villages in the scenic area. 风景区内那终年 积雪的山峰、苍 翠繁茂的森林、 宁静悠远的湖泊 、各种各样的珍 禽奇兽,都构成 了九寨沟风景区 的独特风貌。进 入九寨沟如同进 入世外桃源一般 ,人间烦恼都会 置于脑后。This land features perennially snow- topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests, stretches of serene lakes, and various rare and precious birds and animals, all contributing to the unique views of Jiuzhaigou. Upon entering the resort, you will find yourself strolling in a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and vexations. 九寨沟是水的天 地,九寨沟的水 是人间最清澈的 水,水构成了九 寨沟最富魅力的 景色,是九寨沟 的灵魂。无论是 宁静的湖泊,还 是飞泻的瀑布, 都是那么的神奇 迷人,令游人流 连忘返。Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, the clearest in the world. Water brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views; it is the soul of Jiuzhaigou. Whether you are met with serene lakes or plunging waterfalls, you will enjoy yourself so much among the charming sights as to linger on with no thought of leaving for home. 当地人把九寨沟 的湖泊叫做“海 子”。九寨沟有 108个“海子”, 虽大小不一,形 状各异,却都清 澈见底。这些湖 泊有的隐匿在峡 谷中,有的镶嵌 在原始森林中。 The local people of Jiuzhaigou call these lakes “haizi” (meaning “little sea”). Jiuzhaigou has 108 “haizi” of varying sizes and shapes, but of invariant limpidity to the bottom of the lakes. Some of the lakes are hidden in the valleys, and others inlay the virgin forest. 晴天日,湖底 的水藻和沉淀 物在阳光的照 射下,发射出 一圈圈色彩班 谰的光环,所 以又被人叫做“ 五花海”。On sunny days, algae and sediments at the bottom of the lakes project colorful light rings in the sunshine. The lakes, thus, have acquired another name “Wuhua Sea” (meaning “multicolored sea”) from the locals. 据当地的一个动 人的传说,很久 以前,九寨沟的 东山上住着一位 美丽善良的女神 ,九寨沟的西山 上住着一位勤劳 勇敢的男神。两 个相处久了便产 生了爱情。 A romantic local legend has it that a long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful and kind- hearted goddess in the mountain east of Jiuzhaigou and an industrious and chivalrous god in the mountain west of Jiuzhaigou. As time went by, they fell in love. 一天男神为了表达 自己的爱慕之情, 特意送了一面又大 又亮的神镜给女神 。女神在接过神镜 时,由于心情过于 激动,镜子竟然从 她颤抖的手中滑落 ,掉到山下,碎成 了108块,从此给九 寨沟留下了108个形 态各异、晶晶闪亮 的湖泊。 One day the god presented a big and shiny divine mirror to the goddess as a token of love. The goddess reached out to take the mirror, but she was so excited and nervous that the mirror slipped from her trembling fingers and dropped to the valleys, breaking into 108 pieces. The 108 mirror pieces turned out to be 108 winkling and glittering crystal lakes of different sizes, covering the land of Jiuzhaigou.
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