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Project Writing a report on growing painsWord preview adolescence n. 青春期 along with 与一起 misunderstand vt. 误解 normal n.Have to depend on your parents and cant make your own choice; Cannot get along with your classmates;Be mistaken by your teacher or classmates ;Do not do well in Maths, English, Chinese; mainlymainlyConclusion:Growing painsPart A ReadingIn what time of life do teenagers usually experience growing pains? (adolescence-usually the time of life between child and adult, that is from 11 to 18) What different kinds of growing pains are talked in the article? (physical changes, psychological changes, how to fit in society)Read 失去控制 The plane got out of control and crashed into the sea. 飞机失控,坠入大海。 in control 掌管,管理,控制 Dont worry; I am in full control of the situation. 别担心,局势完全在我控制之下。They grow taller and their voices get deeper, among many other developments.among prep. 在中间,在之中(一般指在三者或三者以上之中)between prep. 在之间 (一般指在两者之中)I found the letter among the papers.I was sitting between my parents.risk 名词 n. 危险,风险C U (+of) at risk 有危险He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. He was ready for any risks. 及物动词 vt. 使遭受危险,以.作为赌注 The brave man risked his life in trying to save the child. 冒.的风险+v-ing By criticizing her boss, she risked losing her position. Many boys become risk-takersThey may badly want and need their parents love, yet feel distant.distant a. 远的;久远的;远离的(+from) The sun is distant from the earth. 远亲的,疏的 He is my distant relative. 冷淡的,疏远的 Shes always very distant with Ann. badly adv. 坏,差;拙劣地 The book is badly written. 非常 They want money badly.He is badly in need of help.be part of 成为的一部分 Libraries are a part of modern education.They may want to be part of the groupthey often question who they are and how they fit in society.society n. 社会Its a common phenomenon in Western society.在西方社会中,这是一个普遍的现象。tradefor/be traded for 交换 They traded their clothes for food.turn out (to be) 结果(是),证明(是)His story turned out to be true.他的说法后来证明是真的。 In the end everything turns out OKthis period of change and challenge is traded for the changes and challenges of grown-up life.Writing a report Topic: generation gap Suggestions: Problems between you and your parents (things you like while your parents hate, or activities your parents want you do while you do not like); Good parents in your eyes; If parents and children want to get on well with each other, they shouldPart BCommunication comes firstThe main problem in family is the generation gab between parents and children. Many teenagers prefer to tell friends their puzzles but not their parents. They refuse to take the advice of them or even act opposite to their suggestion. Because they dont think their parents can understand their pains so that its meaningless to communicate with them. For example, teenagers are in favor of Hip-Hop nowadays while their parents treat it as a thing of damage to the art. So what can you do to solve this situation? Please dont hurt your parents feelings when you stick to your opinion. If you think you are doing the right things while your parents disagree, youd better talk to them gently and try to find the common understandings. The reason why your parents pay so much attention on you is that they love you. Quarrels will do nothing except for saddening your parents. Communication should come first.HomeworkAccording the suggestions above and discussed results of your group, write the body part of the report (not less than 120 words).
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