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Step 1 WordsStep 2 SentencesStep 3 ExpressionsStep 4 GrammarDifficult sentences:1. There did not seem much point in working on my PhD.Theres no point in doing something.做某事没有意义。 1.) 彼此争吵下去没有意义了。 Theres no point in quarrelling with each other.2.) 撒谎没什么用,无论如何我都会查清楚的。Theres no point in lying. Ill find out anyway.Theres no need to do sth 没必要做某事Theres no way doing 没法做某事Theres no sense in doing 没道理做某事It is no good/use doing 做-没用/没好处例: 怨天尤人是没有用的。 It is no good/use complaining. 2. Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of. (P3 p 3)3. Everyone has his or her special skills and interests, and only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference. (P7p4)_ _ 1.) 只有通过这种方式,我们才能学好英语。Only in this way can we learn English well.2.) 直到那时我才认识到英语的重要性。Only then did I realize the importance of English.3. ) Only a few important people know about it. 只有少数重要的人知道这件事。only 修饰主语位于句首时,句子不倒装。 4. To explain what they have seen, they build a theory about the way in which things happen and the causes and effects. (P4p2)_ the way the causeseffects 为了解释看到的东西,他们创立理论,来阐 述事情如何发生及其前因后果。5. It is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference. (P7p1)_ _( )为了成为一名伟大的科学家,没有必要与众不同。6. It was only later_ the world recognised his greatness. (P7p3)thatlater7. Perhaps the most important thing if we want to make a difference is to find something that we like to do and that we are good at.我们如果想要有所作为,最重要的也许是从事自己 愿意做,且善于做的事情。_ _( )( )1. be known for / as / 2. be on fire for 3. be similar to 4. a branch of science 5. work on 6. go by 7. get engaged to 8. get married 9. go on with 10. dream of 11. give lectures 12. make a discovery 13. seek answers to 14. according to由于/ 作为而闻名 对 充满激情 和相似 科学的一个分支从事,进行 过去,走过 和 订婚 结婚 继续某事 梦想某事/ 做某事 做演讲,上课 作出发现寻求 的答案 根据Expressions15. on the other hand 16. turn out (to be) 17. build a theory 18. in a practical way 19. be happy with 20. use up 21. fall to the ground 22. rise into the air 23. environmental pollution 24. take measures 25. crime scene 26. be supposed to 27. make a difference 28. the best minds 另一方面 原来是,结果是 创建一个理论 用切实可行的方法对 感到幸福 用光,用完 掉到地上 升到天上 环境污染采取措施 犯罪现场 应该做某事 与众不同 最杰出的人物29. be satisfied with 30. take a closer look at 31. what if 32. be described as 33. all the time 34. change from season to season 35. believe in 36. the other way around 37. reach ones goal 38. come up with 对 满意 近距离观看倘使 又怎么样被描述成 总是 随季节变化而变化 信任 从相反方向,相反地 达到某人的目的 赶上,提出Fill in the blanks with proper words:1. be known _ / _ / 2. be _ fire _ 3. be similar _ 4. a branch _science 5. work _ 6. go _ 7. get engaged _ 8. go on _ 9. dream _ 10. seek answers _ 11. according _ 12. _ the other hand 13. turn _ (to be) 14. _ a practical way 15. be happy _ 16. use _ 17. fall _ the ground 18. rise _ the air 19. be satisfied _ 20. take a closer look _ 21. be described_ 22. _ the time 23. change _ season _ season 24. believe _ 25. the other way _ 26. come up _ forasonfor toof onby towith ofto toon outin withup tointo withat asall fromtoin aroundwith27. get _ to 28. _ married 29. _ lectures 30. _ a discovery 31. _ answers to 32. be _ with 33. take a _ look at 34. be _ as 35. _ a theory 36. _ pollution 37. _ measures 38. crime _ 39. be _ to 40.
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