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L/O/G/OChinese Diet Culture and Translation 2010级英语5班 #20104169Contents123我国饮食结构及调制法 中国驰名菜系 中式菜肴的翻译法 国以民为天,民以食为天。 -Food is the first necessity of the people. 食色,性也。 - Desire for food and sex are basic human instincts. 繁体字“國”- 抄起武器“戈”以保护“口”。Importance of Diet in Chinese culture第一节 我国饮食结构及调制法Nutrition of Chinese diet扁鹊-安身之本,必资于食。救疾之 速,必凭于药。 Food is the essential supply for ones health while medicine serves as a rapid solution to ones sickness.第一节 我国饮食结构及调制法Five chief tastessaltyEg:心中如打翻了五味瓶 ( All kinds of feelings swell up.)sweetsourbitterpungent第一节 我国饮食结构及调制法常用食用菜肴原料 鱼肉类 蛋乳类 油脂类 蔬菜类 瓜果类 调味类第一节 我国饮食结构及调制法常用调味品seasoning的翻译: 葱Onion or spring onion or scallion 姜ginger 蒜garlic 花椒Chinese (wild) pepper 茴香aniseed 辣椒hot pepper 芥末mustard 咖喱curry 盐salt 糖sugar 酱油soy sauce 醋vinegar 料酒rice wine 味精gourd powder 鸡精granulated chicken bouillon第一节 我国饮食结构及调制法五谷为养,五果为助,五畜为益,五菜为充。Cereals supply men with necessary nutrition, fruit is a subsidiary, meat is an added benefit and vegetables are nutritional enrichment. A diversified diet helps maintain the function of the organs. -黄帝内经(the Yellow Emperors Classics of Internal Medicine) 第一节 我国饮食结构及调制法常用食用菜肴的制作方法: 1、制作精细。讲究刀工 用到的方法和技巧主要有: 切、削cutting 切片slicing 切丝shredding 切碎mincing 切丁dicing 切柳filleting 去骨boning 去壳shelling第一节 我国饮食结构及调制法去皮skinning/peeling 刮鳞scaling 剁末mashing 刻、雕carving 酿stuffing 腌pickling/salting 浸、泡marinating2、各种烹制方法中式菜肴有50种烹调方法,但常用的主要有以下几种: 炒stir-frying 煎pan-frying 爆quick-frying 炸deep-frying 烧braising 煮boiling 蒸steaming 炖、煨、焖、煲simmering/stewing 熏smoking 烤、烘baking/broiling/roasting/basting 白灼scalding第一节 我国饮食结构及调制法我国八大菜系:京菜Beijing Style 鲁菜Shandong Style 闽菜Fujian Style 苏菜Jiangsu Style 徽菜Anhui Style 湘菜Hunan Style 川菜Sichuan Style 粤菜Cantonese Style 第二节 中国驰名菜系Beijing stylenomadic people favor for meat, especially mutton, such as roast mutton, mutton fondue, hot pot Beijing roast duck 第二节 中国驰名菜系Shandong style quick-fry(爆炒) with salty flavor by using soy saucesea food scallion 第二节 中国驰名菜系Fujian Stylesimmering is widely adopted. sea cucumber, dried scallop, sharks fin, ham, tendons of beef, doves eggs, chicken, duck, some bone broth, Shaoxing rice wine and spices第二节 中国驰名菜系Jiangsu Style It is characterized by its mild, tender as well as sweet and sour taste. Sweet and Sour FishNiangao第二节 中国驰名菜系Hunan StyleChili and smoked food are essential in Hunan Style, and Local people are proud of dishes such as Spicy and Hot Spring Chicken and Steamed Fish Head with Diced Hot Red Peppers.第二节 中国驰名菜系Sichuan Style It emphasizes on the quality of cooking materials and seasonings, especially chili and pepper, and is characterized by the thick spicy taste. Kung Pao Diced Chicken Stir-Fried Tofu in Spicy Sauce 第二节 中国驰名菜系Cantonese Style It boasts cooking anything that is alive, whether flying animals, walking animals or swimming animals, such as snakes, cats, monkeys and mice. 第二节 中国驰名菜系第三节 中式菜肴的翻译法For menu translation, the expected communicative function among the target readers must be achieved. The target readers must know what the dish is about; if possible, to appreciate the delicate naming.1、准确、忠实原文; 2、简洁; 3、开门见山,点名菜肴的原料和烹调方法。(一)“写实”型菜肴直译1、烹调法+主料名 煮花生豆boiled peanuts 炖牛肉 stewed beef 煎鸡蛋 fried eggs 清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish 回锅肉 twice-cooked pork 炸春卷deep-fried egg rolls 叉烧肉barbecued pork 香薰鱼smoked spicy fish 炒鸡丝stir-fried chicken 烤乳猪roast suckling pig 涮羊肉instant boiled mutton第三节 中式菜肴的翻译法2、烹调法+主料名+with+配料酿豆腐 beancurd stuffed with minced pork油焖笋 stewed bamboo shoot with soy sauce香菇蒸鸡 steamed chicken with mushrooms糖醋排骨 spareribs with sweet and brown sauce红烧猪肉 braised pork with tomato sauce咸水鸭 boiled shrimps with salt红烧青鱼 stewed black carp with brown sauce第三节 中式菜肴的翻译法3、烹调法+主料名+with/in+配料名冬笋炒鱿鱼 fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots炖栗子鸡 stewed chicken with chestnuts咖喱牛肉 fried beef with curry荷叶粉蒸鸡 steamed chicken in lotus leaf packets冬菇菜心 fried winter mushrooms with green cabbage 腐乳汁烧肉 stewed pork with preserved bean curd第三节 中式菜肴的翻译法4、烹调法+加工法+主料名+ with/in+调料名肉片烧豆腐 stewed sliced pork with beancurd洋葱牛肉丝 fried shredded beef with onion红烧狮子头 stewed minced pork balls with brown sauce青椒牛肉丝 stir-fired shredded beef with green pepper青椒肉片 fried sliced pork and green chilli第三节 中式菜肴的翻译法5、烹调法(+加工法)+主料名+and+主料名虾仁扒豆腐 stewed shelled shrimps and bean cued凤胆虾仁 fired shelled shrimps chicken liver红烧什肉虾仁豆腐 fried bean cued, shelled shrimps and missed meat with brown sauce第三节 中式菜肴的翻译法(二)“写意型”菜肴名意译这类菜肴名称往往不出现原料和烹调方法,因此对这类菜名 的翻译,往往采用以意译的方法,译出原料和烹调的方法。龙凤会 stewed snake and chicken全家福 stewed assorted meats 游龙戏凤 stir-fried prawns and chicken第三节 中式菜肴的翻译法(三)半“写实”半“写意”型直译+意译三鲜汤 soup with fish, shrimp and pork balls木须肉 fried pork with scrambled eggs and fungus翡翠虾仁 stir-fried shrimps with peas第三节 中式菜肴的翻译法(四)典故型直译/意译+解释 1、以人名/地名命名的,人名/地名用音译,菜 名用直译的方法 东坡肉 dongpo braised pork 叫花鸡
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