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Bensberg GmbHDELINSEnhancement componentsDELINS Forecast and JIT Delivery SchedulesBensberg GmbHDELINSWelcome to the presentation of our enhancement componentDELINS Forecast and JIT delivery schedulesWelcome!Bensberg GmbHDELINSThe application of the Bensberg component DELINS and Deadline split improves in large scale the quality of forecast and JIT delivery schedules available in the own system.Crucial for that are the offered check procedures, by which problematic delivery schedules are already filtered in advance and thereby negative effects are avoided e.g. in respect to material planning.The in total improved delivery schedule quality and the possibility to defer or combine schedule lines in regard to deadlines, increases the delivery performance towards the customer, optimizes the production process and reduces the costs e.g. by avoiding unscheduled shipments.The detailed analysis option amplify the efficiency and transparency of the processing before, during and after the electronic transfer of delivery schedules.IntroductionBensberg GmbHDELINSProcessingEDI-ConverterEvaluationsJust-in-time delivery schedule (JDS)Forecast delivery schedule (FDS)Processing- and analysis interfaceCheck proceduresMD04- Material planningDelivery due listCustomer DS by EDI (IDoc)R/3in the StandardBensbergBensberg GmbHDELINSCheck proceduresBensberg GmbHDELINS14 check procedures ensure, that problematic delivery schedules (IDoc) are identifiedDepending on the check procedure it can be decided, if a negative check result leads to an interruption of the posting, if the user is informed by a Mail or if the check result merely is stored for analysis purposesEmbedded in the EDI-entry. All activated check procedures are carried out upon each posting attempt (ALE, BD87, Workflow, Bensberg-user interface.)Activatable according to sold-to party and delivering plant. Transparent, when not activated, i.e. parallel use with other monitorsEach check procedure can be set differentiated and obtains an individual analysis user interfaceCheck proceduresBensberg GmbHDELINSCheck procedureGlobal quantity deviation MaterialQuantity deviation Forecast delivery scheduleQuantity deviation JIT delivery scheduleMinimum/Maximum quantitiesText modificationsSyntax JIT delivery scheduleOrder numberReceived-CQ, DS number, Last delivery, ShAgBacklog Material stagingTarget quantityDelivery schedule dateContents of master dataEnhanced check procedures, activatable according to sold-to party and delivering plant:Bensberg GmbHDELINSCheck proceduresCheck procedure 3Check procedure 1Check procedure 2Customer DS by EDI (IDOC)EDI-converterR/3Activated check proceduresCheck procedure nCheck error cancels the IDoc postingCheck error is logged, IDoc is postedCheck error is mailed, IDoc is postedCheck error Depending on the check procedure it can be determined, if a realized check error cancels the posting or the posting is continued with logging. Additionally an internal Mail can be transmitted to a user. With the Bensberg user interface the check error can be analyzed.Bensberg GmbHDELINSCheck procedures Definition of time windows Any number of Days, Weeks and Months Any time period and item, overlappings allowed Max. deviation in % or piece with warning/error Specification according to sales area, plant, or sales group global according to customer according to material according to customer and materiale.g. Check procedure Quantity deviationBensberg GmbHDELINSSchedule lines DS old in scheduling agreement1. deadlinelast deadlineSchedule lines DS new in IDoccurrent date4 weeks 10% warning20% error3 months 30% warning40% error2 months20% warning25% error10 days 5% warning8% errorCheck procedure Example Quantity Deviation Time windowBensberg GmbHDELINSUser interface of the Bensberg component (Overview with selected screen prints)Bensberg GmbHDELINSBensberg user interfaceDisplay of the available forecast and JIT delivery schedules according to EDI-sender:Bensberg GmbHDELINSDelivery schedule according to EDI-senderDisplay of the available forecast delivery schedules of the selected EDI-sender with detail and status information:The posting of the delivery schedules is executed by the internal call of the SAP-standard function either in the visible mode (display of all posting steps) or invisible mode (without display)Result of the check procedure and scheduling agreement determination (next slide)Bensberg GmbHDELINSCheck result of an IDocResult of the active enhanced check procedures for the selected forecast delivery schedule:Transmission to customer (the next but one slide)Detail information regarding the difference (next slide)Each check procedures obtains a separate, procedure-specific analysis user interfaceBensberg GmbHDELINSComparison of the quantities Delivery schedule new/oldDisplay of the delivery schedule quantity in the existing scheduling agreement and new IDoc-delivery schedule with differ
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