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Festivals around the worldFestivals around the worldWhich is your favourite festival?Which is your favourite festival?Halloween What can you write about Halloween?What is Halloween?31st Octoberpeople in the West celebrate it.How do people celebrate Halloween?dress upplay trick or treatplay trick or treatget a treat or play a trickmake pumpkin lanternscut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp teethput candies in themhave Halloween partieseat lots of special chocolates and candiesHHalloween is on_. People in the West _it. P People celebrate Halloween in many ways. Chirldren wear special _ and masks at Halloween. Many children play a game called _. They knock on neighbours doors and shout _.Their neighbours usually give them a treat of some candy. If the children do not get any candy, they can play a _ on the neighbour. S Some people also make_out of orange _. They cut out the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth. They put _in them so the lights shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth.31st October celebratecostumestrick or treat trick or treattricklanterns pumpkins candlesgive sb give sb sth as sth as a treata treatTranslate the following phrases into Chinese:Translate the following phrases into Chinese:1. 狮子舞 2. 度假 3. 兴奋 4. 在夜晚 5. 从晚上九点一直持续到半夜 6. 剪出几长卡片 7. 画一张图片 8. 在反面 9. 试着做某事 10.庆祝春节 11.以多种方式 12.以招待某人 13.透过发光lion dance be on holiday/ holidaies be excited at night from 9 p.m to midnight cut out pieces of card draw a picture on the other side try to do sth celebrate the Chinese New Year in many ways give sb a treat of/ give sb sth as a treat shine throughTranslate the following sentences into English:Translate the following sentences into English:1. 这是我第一次看狮子舞,我十分兴奋。This is _to watch _, and I _.my first timethe lion dance am very excited2. 在夜晚,将会有烟火观看。_, there will_to watch.At nightbe fireworks3. 中国人民一般怎么庆祝春节呢?What do Chinese people _ to _the Chinese New Year?docelebrate4.米莉的生日庆祝会一直晚上九点持续到半夜。Millies birthday party lasts _ 9 p.m. _.from to the midnight5. 感谢你告诉我关于中秋节的情况。Thank you for _ me _ the Mid-Autumn Festival.tellingaboutFind the mistakes and correct them1. It will the first time I see the singer.1. It will the first time I see the singer.will be2. We dont play some games on the party.2. We dont play some games on the party.any 3. Thank you for give me so many sweets.3. Thank you for give me so many sweets.giving4. There has a lion dance in Chinatown.4. There has a lion dance in Chinatown. is5. Lets to go and ask him .5. Lets to go and ask him .6. His birthday is on June.6. His birthday is on June.gogoin7. He will want to go to the park tomorrow.7. He will want to go to the park tomorrow.wantsChoose the correct answerChoose the correct answer1. Would you like something _? A. to drink B. drinking C. drink 2. -_did you come here? -By air. A. Where B. How C. What3. When I saw him, I felt _. A. excited B. exciting C. excitedly4. My father is _ holiday in Beijing. A. in B. on C. at5. We dress up ourselves and dont want others _ who we are. A. knowing B. to know C. know6. Jack_a lot of time _ pumpkin lanterns. A. spend, making B. spends, to make C. spends, making7. -Are there _students in the classroom?-No, but there are _teachers. They are having a meeting there. A. some, some B. any, any C. any, some 8. Tree Planting Day is _. A. in March 12th B. in March 12th C. on May 12th Blank fillingBlank fillingOur English teacher holds a H_ party in our classroom. I am very e_. I w_ a special c_. I d_ up as Monkey King. There is a big “ pumpkin L_” in the class. And it is made of paper. Our teacher c_ out some holes. The light shine t_ the holes and it looks very beautiful.We eat a lot of candies.alloween xcitedear ustomeress antern uts hroughHomework 1.Finish period 9 of Unit 3 in the Handbook of Evaluation.2. Make a writing plan foryour poster. Then make a poster about your favourite festival.Thanks a lot!
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