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第4讲 听力填空12(2011湖南卷)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information youve heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. You will hear the short passage TWICE.23Topic: My Ideal City QuestionsExamples or Requirements LocationNear the sea, 16._, or on an island 17._Depending on your own choice FeaturesMountains to make it 18._, or the fastest trains in the world 19._No less than 3 points Prize: A free trip to Europe for a stay of 20._3www.3edu.net45【录音原文】Now, class! Id like to give some instructions for joining in this years essay competition. So, have your pens ready. The topic for this years competition is My Ideal City and the following four questions must be answered. The first question is where would you build the city? Would you like it near the sea, by a river, or on an island? The second question is how large would you like the city to be? It can be large, medium or small, depending on your own choice. The third question: What would make your city special? 5www.aaaxk.com67【录音原文】Will it have many mountains to make it pretty, or will it have the fastest trains in the world? Finally, you will need to explain why this city is your ideal city. You can give as many reasons as you like. But you are required to make at least three major points. The prize for this years competition is a free trip to Europe for a twoweekstay . So start writing and good luck. 78B 由录音原文I like to buy a mobile phone, please.以及后文的对话可知。 89设题形式: (一)表格式 (二)摘要式 题型特点: “听懂有关熟悉话题的谈论并且能够记录 要点”旨在考查学生获取信息、表达信息的能力,还有些小题需要学生适当地概括和总结。如:摘要式样题 17, 18题。 910解题要领: 1. 快速预读,按图索骥。 听录音前,要有的放矢快速浏览题目,做到目标明确,胸有成竹。2. 抓住关键,边听边记考生解题的重点应该放在问题所在的“考点”上,而不能将思路停留在个别次要的语句上。同时,边 听边在试卷或稿纸上快速巧妙地记录提到的what, who, when, where, which,why以及数字等关键词。 1011解题要领: 3. 循序渐进,有所侧重。这一节录音会播放两遍。考生在听第一遍时,着重理解大意完成简单题;复听时,则侧重解决难点和 重点。在进一步理解全文、把握重要细节的基础上,要特别检查一下自己前一次未听清、误听或漏听的重 要信息,以保证答题的准确率。 4. 要注意所填内容要与题干相互照应,有时甚至要作适当的转化。11www.aaaxk.com12
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