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PEPPEP 小学英语五年级上期终测试试卷小学英语五年级上期终测试试卷 免费下载免费下载PEP5 期终测试试卷班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听 力 部 分一、Listen and choose(选出你听到的词) (读两遍) (5%)1、 ( ) A. lake B. listen C. like2、 ( ) A. bit B. big C. bag3、 ( ) A. six B. sixteen C. seventeen4、 ( ) A. on B. in C. over5、 ( ) A. park B. path C. bath二、Listen, answer and choose (听录音回答问题)(读两遍) (5%)1、 ( ) A. Monday B. TuesdayC. Wednesday2、 ( ) A. Shes tall. B. Shes youngC. Shes smart. .3、 ( ) A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt.C. Yes, there are.4、 ( ) A. Its on the bed. B. Its near the bed.C. Its under the table.5、 ( ) A. Tomatoes B. PotatoesC. Fish三、 Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音选词填空)(读三遍PEP5 期终测试试卷班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听 力 部 分一、Listen and choose(选出你听到的词) (读两遍) (5%)1、 ( ) A. lake B. listen C. like2、 ( ) A. bit B. big C. bag3、 ( ) A. six B. sixteen C. seventeen4、 ( ) A. on B. in C. over5、 ( ) A. park B. path C. bath二、Listen, answer and choose (听录音回答问题)(读两遍) (5%)1、 ( ) A. Monday B. TuesdayC. Wednesday2、 ( ) A. Shes tall. B. Shes youngC. Shes smart. .3、 ( ) A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt.C. Yes, there are.4、 ( ) A. Its on the bed. B. Its near the bed.C. Its under the table.5、 ( ) A. Tomatoes B. PotatoesC. Fish三、 Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音选词填空)(读三遍PEP5 期终测试试卷班级_ 姓名_ 得分_听 力 部 分一、Listen and choose(选出你听到的词) (读两遍) (5%)1、 ( ) A. lake B. listen C. like2、 ( ) A. bit B. big C. bag3、 ( ) A. six B. sixteen C. seventeen4、 ( ) A. on B. in C. over5、 ( ) A. park B. path C. bath二、Listen, answer and choose (听录音回答问题)(读两遍) (5%)1、 ( ) A. Monday B. TuesdayC. Wednesday2、 ( ) A. Shes tall. B. Shes youngC. Shes smart. .3、 ( ) A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt.C. Yes, there are.4、 ( ) A. Its on the bed. B. Its near the bed.C. Its under the table.5、 ( ) A. Tomatoes B. PotatoesC. Fish三、 Listen and fill in the blanks(听录音选词填空)(读三遍
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