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1. 超市在学校对面。 The supermarket is _the school. 2. 往面条里面加点盐。 _some salt _ the noodles. 3.你刚才看见我们英语老师了吗? Did you see our English teacher _? 4.六月末我们要考试。 We will have a test_. 5.他们两个同时到达。 They both arrived _. 6.他四岁会游泳。 7. 他像往常一样很早来到了学校。 8.一些广告是特别针对青少年的。翻译句子每日一练(11分) No.1 1.across from 2.Add,to3.a moment ago 4.at the end of June 5. at the same time6.He could swim at the age of four7.He comes to school early as usual.8.Some ads are aimed specifically at teenagers1.一些学生已经走了。 _students have left. 2.我想周游全世界。 Id like to travel _. 3.汤姆一直在看电视。 Tom are watching TV _. 4.你看见书桌上有一串钥匙吗? Have you seen _ on the table? 5.他想吃一片面包。 He wants to have _ bread. 6.我们应该尽可能多地说英语。 7.毕竟你成功了。 8.目前我们不需要它们。翻译句子每日一练(11分) No.2 1.A number of 2.all over the world3.all the time 4.a set of keys5.a piece of6.We should speak as much English as possible7.After all, you have succeeded8. At present, we dont need them那里全年都很冷。 Its very cold there _. 这个公司至少有10000人。 There are _ 10 000 people in the company. 据圣经记载,亚当是人类始祖。 _ the Bible, Adam was the first man 这里的天气与南方的不同。 The weather here _that in the south. 我的自行车与两年前一样新。 My bike is _ it was two years ago. 我同意你的意见。 我一到北京就给你打电话。 你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?翻译句子每日一练(11分) No.3 1.all year round 2.at least 3.According to 4. is different from 5.as new as 6. I agree with you. 7. Ill call you as soon as possible I arrive in Beijing. 8. Can you come to my birthday party1.工人们正在要求再次加薪。 The workers _ another increase in pay. 2.那家商店卖各种学习用品。 That shop sells _ school things. 3.对他来说学英语很难。Its _ English. 4.违反学校规则是不对的。 Its wrong to _. 5.我听到这消息很遗憾。_ hear that news. 6.他对看电视不感兴趣。 7.你害怕夜晚独自外出吗? 8.那个小男孩会说很多种语言。翻译句子每日一练(11分) No.41.are asking for 2. all kinds of 3. very difficult for him to learn 4. break the school rules 5. Im sorry to 6.He isnt interested in watching TV 7. Are you afraid to go out alone at night 8.The little boy can speak many languages1.有时我会熬夜学习。 _, I stay up studying. 2.这个俱乐部是由30个男生和80个女生组成的。The club _ 30 boys and 80 girls. 3.由于那场大雪,许多人没能回家过春节。_, many people didnt go home for the Spring Festival. 4.在日本,初次见面你应该鞠躬。 You are _ in Japan when you meet someone for the first time. 5.他此刻不能回答这个问题。 He couldnt answer the question _. 6.刀是金属制成的。 7.他习惯早起。 8.老师对你们要求严格吗?翻译句子每日一练(11分) No.5 1. At times 2. is made up of 3. Because of the heavy snow 4. supposed to bow 5. at the moment 6. A knife is made of metal 7.He is used to getting up early 8. Are your teachers strict with you1.一定不要错过这次比赛。 _miss the match. 2.对不起,我拿错了你的钢笔。 Im sorry I took your pen _. 3.你过马路时要小心。 _ when you cross the road 4.毛衫是用来保暖的 Sweaters _keeping warm. 5.上个星期我意外地遇见了约翰。 I met John _ last week. 6.你上学迟到过吗? 7.那辆新车是属于我叔叔的。 8.你过去害怕黑暗吗?翻译句子每日一练(11分) No.6 1.Be sure not to 2. by mistake3.Be careful 4. are used for5. by accident6. Have you been late for school7. The new car belongs to my uncle8. Did you use to be afraid of the dark1.吸烟有害健康。 Smoking _ health. 2.大部分人同意水果和蔬菜对健康有益 Most people are _that fruit and vegetables are good for health. 3.你愿意承担责任吗?Are you _ accept responsibility? 4.他明天出发去伦敦。He is_ London tomorrow. 5.我们不应该中断友谊。We shouldnt _ a friendship. 6.我非常惧怕在公共场所讲话。 7.你还生他的气吗? 8.你应该出去玩,而不是老在屋里呆着。翻译句子每日一练(11分) No.7 1.is bad for 2. in agreement 3. willing to 4. leaving for 5. break off 6.I am terrified of speaking in public. 7. Are you still angry with him 8. You should be out playing instead of staying in the room.1.他不太开心,因为他的新车在去学校的路上抛锚了。He was unhappy because his new car _ on the way to school. 2.葡萄酒是由葡萄制成的。Wine _ grapes. 3.在哥伦比亚,人们对时间很随意。In Colombia, people _ time. 4.刘翔对跑步是认真的。Liu Xiang _. 5.当我到达车站时,火车已经开走了。_,the train had already left. 6.顺便问一下,几点了?_? 7.你来自加拿大吗? _?. 8.他迫不及待的把门打开了。_. 翻译句子每日一练(11分) No.81.broke down 2. is made from 3. are relaxed about 4.is serious about running 5. By the time I got to the station 6.By the time, what time is it 7.Are you from Canada 8.He couldnt wait to open the door1.不要把自己的孩子与别人的孩子作比较。 _your child _ others. 2.抄袭他人的作业是不对的。 Its not right to _. 3.他很穷负担不起孩子的教育费用。 He is so poor that he _his childs education. 4.横过马路时要小
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