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1指示、疑问代词指示、疑问代词一、指示代词1. 指示代词的定义:表示“那个”、“这个”、“这些”、“那些”等指示概念的代词。指示代词有this,that,these,those 等。在句中可以作主语、宾语、主语补语、介词宾语等。例句:This is the way to do it. 这事儿就该这样做。(作主语)My point is this. 我的观点就是如此。(作主语补语)I like this better than that. 比起那个我更喜欢这个。(作宾语)There is no fear of that. 那并不可怕。(作介词宾语)2. 指示代词的形式:单数单数复数复数近指thisthese远指thatthose3. 指示代词的用法:1). this 意为“这个”,these 意为“这些”。它们都用来指代在时间或空间上较近的人或事物。如:Is this your iPad? 这是你的 iPad 吗?指示、疑问代词指示、疑问代词知识精讲2These are my brothers. 这些是我的兄弟们。2). that 意为“那个”,those 意为“那些”。它们都用来指代在时间或空间上较远的人或事物。如:Is that your schoolbag? 那是你的书包吗?Those are my friends. 那些是我的朋友们。3). this/these 指下文要提到的事儿。that/those 指前文提到的事儿。如:What I want to say is this : Betty is very busy.Linda had a bad cold yesterday. Thats the reason why she didnt drink.二、疑问代词1. 基本用法英语中的疑问代词主要有 what(什么), which(哪一个), who/whom(谁), whose(谁的),其中,what 一般指物,有时也可用来问人的职业;who, whom, whose 一般指人;which 既可用来问人又可用来问物。如:WhatWhat have you been doing? 你一直在干什么?WhoWho invented the steam engine? 谁发明了蒸气机?WhomWhom are you waiting for? 你在等谁呢?WhichWhich of you have made the most mistakes? 你们当中谁错得最多?WhoseWhose wallet is this? 这是谁的钱包?2. which 与 whatwhich 通常指在一个比较小或比较明确的范围内选择,其后可接表示特定范围的 of 短语;what 通常指在一个比较宽泛或不明确的范围内选择,可接 else 表示“其他的”。如:WhatWhat dresses do you prefer? 你喜欢什么样的衣服?WhatWhat elseelse do you want? 你还要别的什么?WhichWhich of these two dresses do you prefer? 这两套衣服你喜欢哪一套?3重难点:重难点:1. 在疑问句的回答中,用 it 代替 this 或 that;用 they 代替 these 或 those。如:-Whats this? 这是什么?-Its a whistle. 它是一只口哨。-Are these your books? 这些是你的书吗?-No, they arent. 不,它们不是。2. this 可以用来介绍某人。Hello, Tom, this is Mike. 你好,汤姆,这是麦克。3. 用于电话用语中,this 指自己,that 指对方。This is Lily speaking. Whos that?我是莉莉。你是哪位?题模一:指示代词题模一:指示代词例例 Look! Do you know _ man under the tree? Sorry. Its too far to see _ clearly. A. this; him B. that; his C. this; her D. that; him 题模二:疑问代词题模二:疑问代词例例 根据对话内容,用适当的疑问代词填空。-_ do you prefer, tea or milk? - I prefer tea.例例 三点剖析题模精选4_ won the 100th gold at the Olympics for China? Zhang Yining, shes from Beijing. A WhoB WhatC WhenD Where随练随练 1.11.1 Mike,_are my parents and this is my sister. Glad to meet you. Glad to meet you, Mike. A thisB thatC theseD those随练随练 1.21.2 -_ is her aunt?- She is a nurse.随练随练 1.31.3 -Could you tell me_ train is leaving for Xian?-No.41.随练随练 1.41.4 -_ are you going to be when you grow up?-I want to be a dentist.随练随练 1.51.5 There is a BMW parking in our neighborhood. Do you know _ it is? A whatB whoC whomD whose随练随练 1.61.6 _ is your favorite movie? X-Man, of course. A HowB WhoC WhoseD What随练随练 1.71.7 _ schoolbag is this? I guess its Lilys. A WhichB WhoseC WhatD Who随练随练 1.81.8 _this in the picture? Its a quilt. A WhatB Whats随堂练习5C WheresD Hows作业作业 1 1 Whose books are_? They are Stevens A. this B. these C. that D. is作业作业 2 2 What are those? - _. A Those are appleB Those are apple C They are appleD They are apples作业作业 3 3 -_is over there?-Thats Betty. A WhenB WhereC WhoD What作业作业 4 4 _ the weather _ in Jinan? Its cloudy. A How is; likeB Whats; like C How; isD What is; /作业作业 5 5 -_ is on the wall of your classroom?- There is a map of China.作业作业 6 6 -_ are you waiting for here?- Our friends.作业作业 7 7 -Excuse me,_ is the way to the station?- Sorry, I dont know.自我总结课后作业6作业作业 8 8 Could you tell me_ dress is better, the red one or the white one?作业作业 9 9 -Do you know _ dictionary it is?- I think its Lilys.作业作业 1010 -_ is on duty today?- I am.作业作业 1111 -_ do you like about America?- The people and the food.作业作业 1212 -_ do you usually have for breakfast?- Milk and bread.作业作业 1313 -_ will visit you next Sunday?- Two Japanese.作业作业 1414 -_ handwriting is the best in Class One?- Li Leis.作业作业 1515 _ is she? She is my mother. A WhereB WhoC WhatD How作业作业 1616 _ is your favorite sports? Football. A WhatB WhereC WhenD Who作业作业 1717 How beautiful! _ flowers are these? Today is Mothers Day. They are for _ A. Which, you B. Which, yours C. Whose, yours D. Whose, you7答案解析答案解析题模一:指示代词题模一:指示代词例例【答案】【解析】 考查代词。距离说话人较远的使用 that,动词后跟宾格 him。题模二:疑问代词题模二:疑问代词例例【答案】 Which【解析】 考查学生对疑问代词掌握。根据后文句意“茶或牛奶” ,可知前句说的是你更喜欢“哪一个” ,故填 which。例例【答案】A【解析】 根据下文语境可以得出用疑问代词 who随练随练 1.11.1【答案】C【解析】 代词,根据系动词 are 及当面介绍某人可知选项 C 正确。指示、疑问代词指示、疑问代词题模精选随堂练习8随练随练 1.21.2【答案】 What【解析】 考查学生对疑问代词掌握。根据后文句意“她是一名护士” ,可知前句说的是你姑姑是做“什么”的,故填What。随练随练 1.31.3【答案】 which【解析】 考查学生对疑问代词掌握。根据后文句意“41 路” ,可知前句说的是你能告诉我 “哪一”班车去西安,故填which。随练随练 1.41.4【答案】 What【解析】 考查学生对疑问代词掌握。根据后文句意“我想成为一名牙医” ,可知前
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