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Unit 1 Getting along with othersWord PowerBrainstorming:A: At first, when I saw my best friend start to spend time with new friends, I was jealous.But now I am more open-minded because I have new friends to spend time too. B: Yes, I noticed that sometimes you were moody at the beginning of last term. However, Im pleased to see that you are much more cheerful these days. PositiveNegativegenerous reliablehonest helpfulpolite friendly warm-heartedopen-minded dishonest stubbornmoody unkindimpolite boring narrow-minded bad-temperedTable One:What is synonyms? Words that have the same or similar meaning. What is antonyms? Words that have the opposite meaning.Table Two:SynonymsAntonymsstrong-mindeddeterminedhardworkinglazyshy timidgenerousselfishfriendlykindtalkativequiethappy cheerfulpoliterudebrave _smart_loyal _diligent _passionate_Synonymscourageouscleverfaithfulhard-workingenthusiasticopen-minded _introvert_selfish _AntonymscourageouscleverfaithfulHan Fangs cousin, Ding Wei, just started university. He is writing a letter to Han Fang to tell her all about the new friends he has made. Help him choose the proper adjectives to describe their personalities.Part A Close:Dear Han Fang, How are you? I am doing fine here at university and I have made several good friends as well. I want to tell you about them. First of all, I must tell you about my roommate, Wu Kang. He is from Dalian. We get along very well because he is so _ (difficult /easy-going). We stay up at night and talk about many things. We easy-goinghave interesting conversations. Neither of us is _ (quiet /talkative), thats for sure! Next is my classmate, Li Xiang. His family is from Nanjing, just like ours. When we first met, I thought Li Xiang was quite _(shy/outgoing) because he didnt say much. But now I know he is a very _ (friendly/unfriendly) and _ (dishonest/honest) person. We often study together and he usually helps me with quietoutgoingfriendlyhonestMaths and I help him with English. I am happy to have such a _ (lazy /hard-working) classmate. Finally, I want to tell you about Zhao Jie. He always tells jokes. He is very humorous ever though he has _ (serious/carefree) personality. He is training to be a national athlete. Can you believe that? I have no doubt he will succeed. Maybe one day he will make it to the Olympics! hard-workingseriousI hope that when you come for visitors weekend, you will get to meet some of my friends. Please dont worry about me. I am making friends and studying hard. The professors are _ (easy/strict) but they are kind. I like university very much.Write back soon! Ding WeistrictExercise Match these adjectives to their meanings. treating people as his friends spending more time in study or work deserving trust having or showing that someone has good manners always has consideration for others providing help or always being willing to help others1.friendly2.considerable3.helpful4.well-mannered5.hardworking6.dependable/reliablegenerous talkative moody timid(胆怯的 ) determined fill in the blanksExercise1. When you talk to my cousin, Tommy , I am sure your topic will never dry up because he is quite fond of talking That is to say my cousin is t_alktive2. He is not mean with his money but willing to share or ready to give others freely. So he is _ 3. It is difficult to get on well with Mr. Smith because his feeling or mood is always changing quickly. So Mr. Smith is _ generousmoody4. He is so t_ that he quite easily got frightened.5. Dont waste time to persuade him to give up his plan he has make the decision firmly. So he is a d_ person. imideterminedcomplete part B on page 7 preview the next part Grammar and UsageHomework:Thank you for your time and attention!; http:/www.uuuu.vip/ 有书网 mqx37jop 离水远一些儿的地方去发展,那你们后来去了哪里啊?”耿英无助地看看爹和哥哥,可他们似乎都没有准备回答妹妹问话的意思。再看看可怜 的弟弟,耿直却低声说:“姐,还是你说哇。”郭氏看到耿英为难的样子,心里已经明白了七八分:也许就该是说到他们父子分离的当口了 郭氏咬咬牙,发狠地说:“说哇英子,娘能挺得住”耿英忍忍眼泪,低声说:“爹准备带俺们三个去景德镇发展,可就在穿过山涧小 路翻越大山时,建筑在两山之间的拦水大坝,突然之间就,就垮塌了。当时,俺们三个刚刚到了山顶上,可,可爹他,他,他不见了”快 八年了,而且爹爹现在就好好地坐在自己的面前,但回想起当时那痛心的一幕,耿英还是忍不住夺眶而出的泪水,耿正和耿直也哭了。郭氏和 耿兰同时痛哭失声耿直哭着说:“娘,都怪俺,是俺非要去看山顶上的那个大坝”耿老爹一直认真听着,始终没有插话。听到这里, 他也泪流满面了。懂事的尚武往前挪挪椅子,轻轻推一推他的膝盖。他明白尚武的意思,赶快擦把脸清一清嗓子说:“好啦好啦,俺这不是没 有死嘛!剩下来的俺来说哇!”见妻子略略止住了悲声,小女儿也扬起泪脸来看着自己,耿老爹暗暗咬咬牙,故作轻松地说:“其实啊,说起 来也没有多么复杂。俺被洪水卷走后,努力屏住气,右手抓住扁担抱在胸前,左手像蛤蟆那样划水,竟然就漂浮上来了!眼前正好漂来一块儿 门板,俺就爬上去了。不,是那个会水的白兄弟托着一块儿门板向俺游来,并把俺推上去的!”耿正、耿英和耿直都瞪大了眼睛问:“爹,你 说什么?是白幺爹,他”耿老爹点点头,肯定地说:“对,俺当时真是这样看到和感到的!”耿老爹也顾不了耿正兄妹三人还在瞪着眼儿 互相看呢,只管自己继续说下去:“后来,门板被冲到了一百多里远的一个小寺庙前,老和尚和徒弟们发现了俺,就把俺救了。和尚师徒们对 俺很好,老和尚还给俺调理治病。俺把一个聪明可爱的小沙弥当成了小直子。”郭氏又痛哭开了:“原来,你是急疯了啊!”耿老爹拍拍妻子 的胳膊,轻轻地说:“说好了不兴哭的!”耿兰问:“后来呢,俺三哥,难道说,他,他是老和尚的徒弟”尚武插话了,轻轻地说:“兰 妹妹,你听咱爹慢慢说嘛,三哥怎么会是老和尚的徒弟
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