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高等院校研究生英语系列教材综合教程(下)INTEGRATED COURSE2Unit 4 Science and Technology ContentStarting outReading FocusReading MorePractical TranslationFocused WritingFinal ProjectTask 1Work in groups and solve the following crossword puzzle involving words describing things that have emerged in recent years with the improvement of science and technology, e.g. email, surfing the Net, search engine, cell phone, etc.Starting outStarting outAcross 2. a science which involves developing and making extremely small but very powerful machines 4. to post a reply in order to raise the threads profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads 5. to produce an exact copy of an animal or a plant from its cells 9. someone who secretly uses or changes the information in other peoples computer systems 10.GM food refers to _ modified food which is not affected by particular diseases or harmful insects. 13. A _ potato is someone who spends most of their time surfing the net. 15. email messages that a computer user has not asked for and does not want to read, for example from someone who is advertising something 16. a business that sells products or services on the Internet, instead of in a shop 17. a virtual pet in the form of an interactive program 19. the opposite of cyberspace or the virtual world of the Internet 20. education via the Internet; e- educationDown 1. keyboard characters used in combination to produce whimsical symbols representing a range of emotions, also known as smiley 3. online romance 6. teenagers who spend too much time in front of the screen (television or computer screens) 7. a knowledgeable and experienced Internet user 8. move information or programs from a computer network to a small computer 11. an activity performed on Internet forums or chat rooms that involves wandering the website, reading posts and never actually posting anything 12. the user (or employee) of the forum which is granted access to the posts for the purpose of moderating discussion on the Internet 14. someone who has just started doing something, especially using the Internet or computers 18. China and India will soon have far larger numbers of _(s) than any Western nation. 1EMO2NANOTE3CHNOLOGYIYC4BUMP5CLONE6S7K8DNR9HACKERNOLROWO10GENETICA11LLYWN12MVEUBL13MOUSE14NNRIODE15SPAMK16ETAILERWGIDR17CYBERPETN18NAIRG19MEATSPACETOIRZ20WEBUCATIONNThe Internet is without any doubt one of the greatest inventions in history. Now lets watch a witty speech on “If I Controlled the Internet” and find out about what if the speaker ran the Internet.Click on the pictureTask 2 F Step OneDirections: Work in pairs to match inventors in Column A with inventions in Column B. (P96)Starting outStarting out1) Tim Berners-Lee (England) 2) Alexander Graham Bell (US, born in Scotland) 3) Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright (US) 4) Thomas Alva Edison (US) 5) Cai Lun (China) 6) Alexander Fleming (England) 7) Leo Baekeland (US, born in Belgium) 8) Chester Floyd Carlson (US) 9) Wilhelm Conrad von Rntgen (Germany) 10) Willis Carrier (US) Starting out Starting out g. the World Wide Webd. telephone i. airplane h. electric light bulb c. paper a. penicillin e. plastics j. xerographyb. X-ray f. air-conditionerF Step TwoDirections: Choose two of the inventions mentioned above and talk about their importance. Sample:I think one of the most important inventions is the electric light bulb. The importance of this invention becomes most apparent when there is a power outage and we have to feel for everything in darkness. Another most important invention is the airplane. The invention of airplanes has enabled human beings to fulfill their dream of flying like birds. It is the fastest means of transportation so far. Modern tourism also owes much to the invention of the airplane. Airplanes have shortened the distance between people and made the world smaller. Thanks to the invention of the airplane, people can now travel around the world and enjoy different things in exotic destinations.Starting out Starting out Is Google Making Us Stupid?Reading FocusReading FocusWatch a short video then 1) find out about peoples ideas about what Google has done from different angles and 2) fill in the following paragraph with the information youve got from the video.Six simple letters on a plain white page thats the face of _ in the world, revered, envied, and sometimes scorned. Googles cofounders Sergey Brin and Larry Page started the company as grad students _. It has made them _. Today they stand atop an empire cast in their own image, _, ambitious, and often _. It is a company like no other, _ on long hours, too much coffee, and something quite elusive genius.Background InformationBackground Informationthe most powerful technology companyin 1998 astonishingly rich audaciouscontr
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