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Unit 1 Great scientists 伟大的科学家. 单词盘单词盘 点根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇1. _ (vt. ) 打败败;战胜战胜 ;使受挫(n. ) 失败败2. _ (vt. ) 照顾顾;护护理;出席;参加3. _ (vt. ) 暴露;揭露;使曝光defeatattendexpose4. _ (n. ) 治愈;痊愈(vt. ) 治愈;治疗疗5. _ (n. ) 挑战战(vt. ) 向挑战战6. _ (vt. ) 吸收;吸引;使专专心7. _ (vt. ) 认为认为 ; 怀怀疑(n. ) 被怀怀疑者;嫌疑犯curechallengeabsorbsuspect8. _ (vt. ) 责备责备 ;谴责谴责(n. ) 过过失;责备责备9. _ (n. ) 柄;把手(vt. ) 处处理;操纵纵10. _ (vt. 护护理; 出席; 参加 attend a meeting/wedding/lecture/movie参加会议议/出席婚礼/听演讲讲/看电电影attend school/class/church 上学/上课课/去教堂attend to 处处理;对对付;照料attend (on/upon) sb. 照顾顾(侍候)某人He is famous in this field, and tens of thousands of fans will attend his lecture this evening. 他在这这个领领域很出名,今晚会有成千上万的粉丝丝听他的讲讲座。He has to attend (on) his sick son. 他不得不照顾顾生病的儿子。 Well _ _ the problem later. 稍后我们们将处处理这这个问题问题 。attend to【辨析】理解下列区别别并选词选词 填空attendjoinjoin intake part in表示出席或参加会议议、仪仪式、典礼;也可表 示上课课、上学、听报报告等。表示加入某一组织组织 ,并成为为其中的一员员,如 加入党派、组织组织 、社团团、俱乐乐部等。其宾语宾语 也可以是人。表示参加活动动,侧侧重说说明主语语参加并在其中 发挥发挥 一定的作用,part前若有修饰语饰语 ,前面 要用不定冠词词。表示参加正在进进行的小型活动动,也可用于join sb. in (doing) sth. 表示加入某人一起做某事。Thank you all for coming and _ our camp. I tried to persuade her to _ the club. I shall _ the meeting. Everyone in the class is expected to _ the discussion. taking part injoinattendjoin in【助记记】2. expose vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光expose. . . to 使显显露;暴露be exposed to 暴露于,处处于危险险中expose sth. to sb. 向某人揭发发某事expose sb. to sth. 使某人接触到某物,使面临临,使遭受Dont expose your skin to direct sunlight, or youll get sunburnt. 不要让让你的皮肤直接暴晒于阳光下,否则则你会被晒伤伤。We want to expose the kids to art and culture as much as possible. 我们们想让让孩子们们尽可能多地受到艺术艺术 和文化的熏陶。There were reports that about 160 local residents may _ _ _ _ radiation in Japan. 有报报道称,日本大约约160名当地居民可能已经经遭受核辐辐射。The journalist _ that officials scandal _ the public. 这这位记记者向公众揭发发了那位官员员的丑闻闻。havebeen exposed toexposedto3. cure n. 治愈;痊愈vt. 治愈;治疗疗(1)cure sb. /a disease 治疗疗好某人/治疗疗(治愈)某种疾病cure sb. of. . . 治愈某人的疾病/改掉某人的恶习恶习 等(2)a cure for. . . 针对针对 的治疗疗(法)Nine out of ten doctors advised their patients to take Yucky Pills to cure toothache. 十有八九的医生建议议病人吃Yucky Pills 来治疗疗牙疼。【辨析】理解下列区别别并选词选词 填空curetreatheal意为为“治愈”,常指治疗疗疾病、痛苦或革除恶恶习习、弊害等,侧侧重结结果;可构成cure sb. of sth. 结结构。意为为“治疗疗”,强调调治疗疗的过过程;常用treat sb. for sth. 结结构。意为为“(使)愈合, 治愈”, 指治愈伤伤口尤其是灼伤伤,使愈合或恢复正常。Which doctor is going to _ him for his illness? She tried every means to _ her child of the bad habit. His wound _ after the treatment. 【助记记】 The doctor is treating him and he will be cured in three days. 医生正在为为他治疗疗,三日后他将痊愈。treatcurehealed4. blame vt. 责备责备 ;谴责谴责 ;归归咎于n. 过过失;责备责备(1)blame sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)而责备责备 某人blame sth. on sb. 把某事归归咎于某人be to blame (for. . . ) 应应承担责责任;该该受责备责备 (用主动动形式表被动动意义义)(2)accept/bear/take the blame for. . . 对对某事负责负责 ;承担责责任put/lay the blame for sth. on sb. 把责责任推到身上I dont blame you for doing that. 我不责备责备 你做了那件事。You must bear the blame for the accident. 你必须须承担这这次事故的责责任。The police _ the traffic accident _ Jacks careless driving. 警察把那起交通事故归归咎于杰克的粗心驾驶驾驶 。The driver _ _ _ _ _ the traffic accident. 这这位司机不应应承担交通事故责责任。blamedonwas not to blame for5. contribute vt. 有意义义(1) make sense of. . . 理解,明白make no sense 没道理,没意义义there is no/much sense in doing sth. 做没道理(意义义)/很有意义义(2)common sense 常识识have a sense of. . . 有感in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义义来说说in no sense 决不It makes no sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这这些便宜的大衣也很好,何必非买买那件贵贵的不可呢?Only after I read the poem a second time did I make sense of it. 我把这这首诗诗又读读了一遍之后才理解了它的含义义。Theres no sense in getting angry about it. 为为此生气是没有意义义的。This sentence just doesnt _ _ , no matter how you read it. 无论论你怎样读这样读这 个句子,它还还是讲讲不通。You are right _ _ _ , but you dont know all the facts. 在某种意义义上你是对对的,但你不了解全部事实实。make sensein a sense7. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. 每次暴发发霍乱时时,都有成千上万的惊恐的老百姓病死。此句中的every time为为名词词短语语作连词连词 使用,引导时间导时间 状语语从句,意思是“每当”,相当于whenever。可充当连词连词 的名词词组词词组the+瞬间间名词词(minute, moment, second, instant)the+序数词词+timeeach/every+timethe + day(week, month, year)Every time I catch a cold, I have pains in my back. 我每次感冒背就痛。She let out a cry the moment she saw the snake. 她一看到蛇
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