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选修8 Units 35话题话题 之十六人际际关系三年9考2010湖北请请你根据以下提示,结结合生活中的一个事例,用英语语写一篇短文,谈谈谈谈 微笑的作用。The best example of universally understood body language may be the smile. A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of strangers. A smile can open doors and tear down walls. 注意:词词数为为100左右。I still remember how nervous I was on my first day in the new school three years ago, when I found it difficult to follow my teacher in the first English class. The teacher spoke English throughout the class, which was totally different from the lessons I had taken before. In the morning class the next day, the English teacher came to me while I was reading the text as loud as other students. After listening to me for a while, she gave me a big smile and said she liked my voice very much. The smile shone on the whole day and the following days. A week later, I volunteered to take charge of English study in my class. Thanks to the comforting smile in that morning class, I began to be more confident. 1. 本文为记为记 叙文,通过记过记 述生活中的一个具体事例,说说明微笑的巨大作用。第一段开门见门见 山,直接点明生活实实例第一节节英语课语课 听不懂英语语老师师的课课堂用语语。第二段记记述老师师的微笑对对我本人学习态习态 度的转变转变 的影响。第三段说说明从该该生活实实例中所发发出的感慨和感恩。2. 全文行文流畅畅,用词词地道。高级词汇级词汇 和短语语:totally, shine, thanks to, confident高级级句型:. . . , which. . . (非限制性定语语从句)语语篇过过渡语语:In the morning class the next day,after,a week later 【佳作习习得】完成句子He got killed,_(对对此我感到不奇怪). which didnt surprise me写作提升(十一)开放作文开放类作文在近几年高考中的比例不断增大,试题往往给出一定素材或主题,让学生在此基础上自由发挥,不受“文体形式,内容要点”的限制,难度较大。写该类作文时,首先要立意准确,把握好文章要表达的中心思想,然后再谋篇布局。现现如今我国中小学生近视视率普遍增高,请请你就自己学校的情况,用英文说说一说说中学生近视视的情况。注意:1.100120词词。2.参考词汇词汇 : 近视视的near-sighted【审题谋审题谋 篇】1.本篇为为开放性作文,为为常见见形式,目的是引起学生对对中学生近视这视这 一现现象的重视视。2.人称:第三人称3.时态时态 :一般现现在时时 4.写作要点:介绍调查绍调查 中学生近视视的情况分析近视视的原因就怎样预样预 防近视视提些建议议【常用模板】.格式模板开头头:Recently a survey was conducted.正文:According to the survey.I think one of the reasons is that.23% of.结结尾:As far as I am concerned.If you want to.you should.句式模板1.有23%的小学生近视视。23% of the primary school students are near-sighted.2.随着年龄龄的增长长with the growing of the ageas the age growswith the age growing3.原因(之一)是one of the reasons is that.why.is that.【尝试尝试 运用】1. 随着年龄龄的增长长,越来越多的学生受到近视视的影响。With the growing of the age, more and more students are affected by near-sightedness. (改成状语语从句)_ _As the age grows, more and more students are affected by near-sightedness. 2. 我认为认为 原因之一是他们们用眼时间时间 太长长。_3.我认为认为 ,如果你想有明亮的眼睛,你就要避免长时间长时间 用眼的坏习惯习惯 。_, if you want to have bright eyes, you should avoid the bad habit of using eyes too long.I think one of the reasons is that they use their eyes too long.As far as I am concerned【佳文点睛】Recently a survey was conducted in my school. _ the survey, the near-sighted rates and reasons for it can be varied in terms of age and personal habit. 23% of the primary school students, 55% of the junior school students and 70% of the senior school students are near-sighted. According toWhy are they affected by near-sightedness? I think one of the reasons is that they use their eyes too long._, they read books while walking, taking the bus and under the strong light._, they lack the knowledge of eye protection. _, if you want to have bright eyes, you should avoid the bad habit of using eyes too long. Whats worseBesidesAs far as I am concerned古人云:“笑福开来”。微笑是和谐谐的开始,微笑是沟通的通行证证,微笑可以冰释释前嫌,微笑可以舒缓缓窘迫,微笑可以感化灵魂,微笑可以增强自信,微笑可以增添魅力,微笑可以请请你以微笑为为主题题写一篇英语语短文,题题目自拟拟。注意:1.对对所提示内容不要简单简单 翻译译,可以适当发挥发挥 。2.词词数100120。3.文中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。【参考范文】Why Do We Smile? Everybody likes smiling. But why do we smile? Smiling makes us attractive. We are drawn to people who smile. Smiling changes our mood, as it can trick the body into feeling better. Smiling relieves stress. It helps to prevent us from looking tired. Smiling makes us look healthier. It can bring us energy and pleasure. Smiling makes us seem successful. Smiling people appear more confident, and are more likely to beapproached. Smiling helps us stay positive. When one smiles his body is sending us a message“Life is good! ”So just try smiling our way through the day. Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.
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