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寻找浪漫Pursuit of Romantic浪漫,可能是世界上最多解释的词语 Romantic must be the most meaningful word辞海说, 浪漫是富有诗意,充满幻想 Romantic is imaginable少年说, 两个人浪迹天涯是浪漫的陶渊明说, 浪漫是一种循世, 是全世界都在前进时,却敢于止步甚至后退的勇气 Romantic need a powerful heart to stop when the whole world go beyond 诗经说, 浪漫是执子之手 与子偕老 Romantic need times徐克说,浪漫是一种经历苦难与沉沦, 却仍然相信美好的态度 Whatever happens still believe the things will be fine卡拉克斯说, 浪漫就是一种虽千万人,吾只信我所信的固执 Romantic is whatever happens , still believe yourself 少年说, 两个人浪迹天涯, 是浪漫的 Romantic is all about love老者说,两个人相濡以沫是浪漫的 Romantic is more than love看电影里 Jack和Rose在“泰坦尼克号”豪华船头 放肆飞翔 How about the film said?所以 相爱 是浪漫的Fall in love is romantic还有幸福的黄手帕 岛勇作看见高高的旗杆上 挂满了象征妻子还在等他的黄手绢Romantic sometimes means happiness原来 被人守候 同样是浪漫的 Being waited is a kind of romantic什么是浪漫可能世上从来没有标准答案What is romantic? There is no standard answer in the world 但浪漫,就在我们左右,从未远离 Romantic is always be here never leave 开启发现浪漫之旅 Discover the romantic戛纳湾戛纳湾说,浪漫 是一种经历Romantic is a experience戛纳湾说,浪漫 是一种心境Romantic is a kind of attitude戛纳湾说,浪漫 是一段愉悦的时光Romantic is a good time戛纳湾说,浪漫 是一种悟性Romantic is a satisfied戛纳湾说,浪漫 是一种生活的从容Romantic is a calm life戛纳湾说,浪漫 是用智识美好生活Romantic is use wisdom to make a better life 戛纳湾,让人重拾梦想Cannes bay,brings the dream戛纳湾,让生活慢下来Cannes bay,brings the slowly life戛纳湾,让生活缤纷 Cannes bay,brings colorful life戛纳湾,让心灵找到归属 Cannes bay,brings your heart to home 最浪漫的事 不是携手变老 是与生活相爱争取的时候用尽全力 退一步懂得欣赏风景 看到所有人看到的美 也触摸到只属于自己的心情生活的张力 不在极致 在于平衡所有努力 只为取悦自己 戛纳湾只要有一颗感知浪漫的心 一双善于发现浪漫的眼睛If you have a heart can feel the life and care about romantic浪漫就在心里,就在戛纳湾里Romantic is in your heart and Cannes bay
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