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李阳疯狂英语第一辑 发泄的句子: 1,Stop picking on me and get off my back. Man!Ive had it. 别再对我进行挑刺,别再找我麻烦了,我受够了。 2,Get off my back,will ya? Ill do it when I have time. 别罗唆了,好不好?我有时间就去做。 3,Get your crap off my bad! 请你把那些乱七八糟的东西从我床上搬走。 伟大的句子: 1,Laughter has no foreign accent. 笑声没有外国口音。 2,Such men are the backbone of the country. 这样的人是国家的栋梁。 3,Selfishness and unhappiness often go hand in hand. 自私的人通常无幸福可言。 4,He who laughs last laughs best. 谁笑到最后,谁就笑得最好。 集中训练: 1,The manager was hired at a handsome salary. 这个经理被高薪聘用。 2,Who must take action before it is too late. 我们必须及早采取行动。 3,Actions are more important than works. 行动胜似语言。 4,That man is always handing out unwanted advice. 那个人总是给别人说没有用的建议。 5,We handed in our exams at the last minute of the class. 在下课的最后时刻,我们交了考试卷。 6,The two brothers worked hand in hand. 两兄弟携手合作。 7,The family went to the graduation at Stanford. 全家人去斯坦福大学参加了毕业典礼。 8,I ran as fast as I could. 我跑得不能再快了。 9,We had to act fast. 我们不得不尽快行动。 10,It happended in the past. 它发生在过去。 11,Dont miss your last chance. 不要错过最后的机会。 12,It is absolutely impossible to sure AIDS. 要治愈艾滋病是绝对不可能的。 13,We will have a fat chance to win the game on Saturday. 我们几乎没有可能赢得星期六的比赛。 14,Casual dress is becoming more and more fashionable. 休闲服装变得越来越流行了。 15,The match wont catch. 这火柴檫不着。 16,The dog went after a rabbit but didnt catch it. 狗追兔子,但没有逮住兔子。 17,The mad dog ran past Dan. 那疯狗从丹身边跑过。 18,Alice dashed to the back of the shack to stashthe bag. 爱丽斯跑到小木屋后面把包藏起来。 19,Stan took a rabbit form his magic hat. 斯坦从他的魔术帽里把兔子那出来。 20,A:d*amn it. 混蛋。 B:Watch your mouth! 嘴巴放干净一点。 A:I learned that bad habit form you. You should have watched you mouth first. 这个坏习惯是你传给我的,你要先注意自己 李阳疯狂英语第一辑(二) 51,How did? 进行的怎么样? How did the game turn out? 球赛结果怎么样? 52,How was? 怎么样? How was your date? 你的约会怎么样? 53,How are you doing with? 做得如何? How are you doing with your new boss? 你跟你的新上司处得如何? 54,How should I? 我该如何? How should I tell him the bad news? 我该如何告诉他这个坏消息? 55,How much? 多少? How much money did you make? 你赚了多少钱? 56,How much does it cost to? 要多少钱? How much does it cost to abroad? 出国要多少钱? 57,How long will it take to? 去要多久? How long will it take to get to your house? 到你家要多久? 58,How long have you? 你多久了? How long have you been here? 你在这里多久了? 59,How! 多么! How nice! 真好! 60,How about? 如何? How about going out for dinner? 出去吃晚餐如何? 61,Im sorry我对很遗憾(难过) 。 Im sorry that you didnt get the job. 很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。 62,Im afraid 我恐怕 Im afraid that its not going to work out. 我恐怕这事不会成的。 63,I guess 我想 I guess I could come over. 我想我能来。 64,Is it okay to 可以吗? Is it okey to smoke in the office? 在办公室里抽烟可以吗? 65,It was kind of 有一点 It was kind of exciting。 有一点刺激。 66,I know what 我知道是什么。 I know what you want. 我知道你想要什么。 67,Is that why? 就是这个缘故才导致吗? Is that why you dont to go home? 就是这个缘故,你才不想回家的吗? 68,Im sure 我很肯定 Im sure we can get you a great deal. 我很肯定我们可以帮你做成一笔好交易。 69,helpwith 帮助做 Would you help me with the report? 你愿意帮我写报告吗? 70,I didnt know 我不知道 I didnt know he was the richest person in the world. 我不知道他是全世界最有钱的人。 71,Ill have to 我必须 Ill have to ask my boss. 我必须先问一下我的老板。 72,I take it 这么说来,我认为你是 I take it you dont agree. 这么说来,我认为你是不同意。 73,I tried 我试过 I tried losing weight,but nothing worked. 我曾试着减肥,但是毫无效果。 74,It makes no sense to 做丝毫不可理解 It doesnt make any sense to get up so early. 那么早起来,没有任何意义。 75,It fells like 他感觉上像是 It fells like Ive been here before. 感觉好像我以前来过这里。 76,It took+(表示时间的词)+to 做(某事)花了(时间) It took years of hard work to speak good English. 讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦训练。 77,I wonder if 我在想是否 I wonder if they can make it. 我在想他们是不是能办得到。 78,Its not asas 他不像一样 Its not as easy as you think. 他不像你想象的那么容易。 79,Its not,its 不是的问题,而是 Its not his work that bothers me,its his attitude. 困扰我的不是他的工作,而是他的态度。 80,It sounds 听起来 It sounds like you enjoyed it. 听起来你好象蛮喜欢的。 81,It seems 好象 It seems to me that he would like to go back home. 我觉得他好象要回家。 82,It looks 看起来 It looks very nice. 看起来很漂亮。 83,Is everything? 一切都吗? Is everything under control? 一切都在掌握之中吗? 84,I thought我以为 I thought you could do a better job. 我以为你的表现很好。 85,Its time to是的时候了 Its time for us to say“No”to America. 是我们对美国说“不”的时候了。 86,Its supposed to 那应该是 The show is supposed to be good. 这场表演应当是相当好的。 87,It really depends on 那全看情况而定 It really depends on who is in charge. 那纯粹要看谁负责了。 88,It involves a lot of 那要牵涉到很多 It involves a lot of hard work. 那需要很多的辛勤工作。 89,infavor对有利 That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。 90,I didnt realize 我不知道 I didnt realize how much this meant to you. 我不知道这个对你意义有多大。 91,I didnt mean to 我不是故意。 I didnd mean to offend you. 我不是故意冒犯你。 92,I was wondering if 我想知道 I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend. 我想知道这个周末你有什么要做。 93,May I? 我可以吗? May I have your attention,please? 请大家注意一下。 94,This is greatweather. 这是个的好天气。 This is great golfing weather. 这是个打高尔夫球的好天气。 95,Thanks for 谢谢你 Thanks for taking me to the movie. 谢谢你带我去看电影。
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