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工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-5工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-5高考命题点(二) 夹叙夹议文工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-5夹夹叙夹议夹议 文是高考完形填空题题的主选选体裁,也是高考完形填空题题中较难较难 理解和把握的,因此,大家应该对应该对 其给给予足够够的重视视。高考完形填空题选题选 取的夹夹叙夹议夹议 文一般有两类类:第一,先叙述具体的人或事,然后引出作者的议论议论 ;第二,先提出作者的观观点,然后再用具体的人或事去证证明它。所选选文章都具有一定的社会价值值和教育意义义。工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-51抓住作者在第一句话话中交代的人物的姓名、身份、业绩业绩 或事件发发生的时间时间 、地点、事件的发发生、发发展以及最后得出的结结果。2不仅仅要理解文章的字面意思,更重要的是挖掘文章的内涵,尤其要体味议论议论 部分,因为该为该 部分往往是文章的升华华。3要跟着作者的思路读读全文,思维维要有灵活性,要随着记记叙与议论议论 的转换转换 ,及时调时调 整思维维方式。工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-5(2011江苏苏卷)A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large,tempting (诱诱人的) apple on one of the branches of an apple tree hanging out over a tall fence.The boy wasnt much of a fruiteater , 36 a bar of chocolate if given the choice, 37 ,as they say,the forbidden fruit can be tempting.Seeing the apple,the boy wanted it.The more he looked at it,the 38 he felt and the more he wanted that apple.工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-5He stood on tiptoe (脚尖), 39 as high as he could,but even at his tallest 40 he was unable to touch it.He began to 41 up and down,as high as he could,at the 42 of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple.Still it remained out of 43 .Not giving up,he thought,if only he had something to 44 on.His school bag wouldnt give enough height and he didnt want to 45 the things inside,like his lunch box,pencil case,and Gameboy.Looking 46 ,he hoped he might find an old box,a rock,or, 47 luck,even a ladder,but it was a tidy neighbourhood and there was nothing he could use.工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-5He had tried everything he could think to do. 48 seeing any other choices,he gave up and started to walk 49 .At first he felt angry and disappointed thinking about how hungry he had become from his 50 ,and how he really wanted that apple.The more he 51 like this,the more unhappy he became. 工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-552 ,the boy of our story was a pretty smart guy,even if he couldnt always get what he wanted.He started to say to himself,“This isnt 53 .I dont have the apple and Im feeling miserable as well.Theres 54 more I can do to get the applethat is unchangeablebut we are supposed to be able to 55 our feelings.If thats the case,what can I do to feel better?”工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-5语篇解读: 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是一个小学生在回家的路上看到伸出墙外的苹果树上有一个诱人的苹果,从而想得到它,并做出了努力,但最终没有办法而放弃后能正确地对待这次失败的故事。工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-536A.preferring BofferingCreceiving Dallowing解析: 句意为:如果让选择的话,他宁愿要巧克力,而不是苹果。与前句The boy wasnt much of a fruiteater 相呼应,故答案为A,宁愿。答案: A工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-537A.so BthenCbut Dor解析: 根据下句“正如人们所说的,被禁止的水果可能是最有诱惑力的”,联系上句,可知前后两句之间的逻辑关系为转折关系,故答案为C。答案: C工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-538A.sadder BangrierChungrier Dtastier解析: 他想摘到苹果,所以越看它就感到越想吃并且越想摘。此处表示人的一种心理作用。sad悲伤的;angry生气的;hungry饿的,想吃的;tasty可口的。答案: C工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-538A.sadder BangrierChungrier Dtastier解析: 他想摘到苹果,所以越看它就感到越想吃并且越想摘。此处表示人的一种心理作用。sad悲伤的;angry生气的;hungry饿的,想吃的;tasty可口的。答案: C工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-540A.strength BlengthCrange Dheight解析: 由39小题的解析可知,到了最高高度还是够不着。strength力气,优点;length长度;range山脉,范围;height高度。答案: D工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-541A.jump Blook Cwalk Dglance解析: 根据42空后面的each jump可知,他开始跳起来去摘苹果。答案: A工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-542A.tip Bstage Ctop Dlevel解析: 每当他跳到最高的时候他都会伸长胳膊去摘苹果。at the top of在顶部,这里指他跳到最高处的时候。答案: C工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-543A.hope BhandCsight Dreach解析: 尽管这样他还是摘不到苹果。out of reach摘不到。答案: D工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-544A.put Bstand Cget Dhold解析: 由下文的“.give enough height”可知此处表示他想要是有个东西能够站在上面就好了。因此选择stand。答案: B工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-545A.break BshakeCtake Dstrike解析: 根据上空可知,主人公准备找个东西站立在上面。根据常理推测,如果站在书包上,书包里的东西,如午餐盒、铅笔盒是会压碎的,他并不想这样做。break弄坏,弄碎;shake摇晃,颤抖;take带走;strike打,袭击,罢工。答案: A工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-546A.up BforwardCdown Daround解析: 句意为:于是,他向周围环顾了一下。look around环顾周围,符合文意。答案: D工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-547A.for BwithCon Dof解析: 根据下句可知,如果他足够幸运,他甚至可以找到梯子,即:with luck,故选项B是正确的。答案: B工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-548A.After BThroughCWithout DUpon解析: 在看不到还有什么其他的选择的时候,他放弃了。without表示否定,符合语境。答案: C工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-549A.back BawayCup Ddown解析: 他放弃了摘苹果,走开了。walk away走开,符合语境。答案: B工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-550A.wishes BbeliefsCefforts Dgoals解析: 此处表示他因努力摘苹果而变得饥肠辘辘,efforts指上文他为了摘苹果所付出的努力。答案: C工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-551A.thought BimaginedCtried Dclaimed解析: 他越这样想就越不高兴。think想,imagine想象,设想,try努力,尝试,claim声明,认领。答案: A工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-552A.Therefore BHoweverCMoreover DOtherwise解析: 虽然很生气,但小男孩却作了反思。故事叙述至此进行了转折,此处应填表示转折关系的词,故选B项。therefore因此;however但是;moreover此外,而且otherwise否则,要不然。答案: B工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-553A.skilful BcheerfulCharmful Dhelpful解析: 俗话说:牛奶撒了,哭也无用。生气是无济于事的。skilful熟练的,技术好的;cheerful兴高采烈的,harmful有害的;helpful有帮助的。答案: D工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-554A.something BanythingCeverything Dnothing解析: 句意为:没有什么办法(nothing more)可以得到那个苹果。答案: D工具工具栏目导引栏目导引必修1 Units 3-555A.change BexpressCforget Ddescribe解析: 根据下句what can I do to feel better和上句提到事情已经这样,恼火也于事无补,可知我们自己可以在这种情况下做自我调整,故
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