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高中英语写作训练一NMET书面表达题的特征 :l 书面表达”实际上是一种控制性写作( CONTROLLED WRITING)。它不同于自由 写作(FREE WRITING),不能随心所欲,想 写什么就写什么。这种控制首先表现在时间和 字数的限定上,要求在30分钟内写出100字左右 的书面材料;其次表现在情景内容的限定上, 提示中会给出所写内容的目的、对象、时地、 情节等要点,这是书面表达题的基本依据;第 三表现在文章所用的体裁和格式的限定上,例 如提示中规定用书信、日记、通知等形式,此 外还有一个大范围的限定,这就是书面表达题 所用的词语都限定在中学阶段所学的语言知识 范畴之内,可能出现的生词都以附注的形式加 以注明。二:NMET书面表达题的体裁 l 从最近十多年的书面表达题 来看,形式多种多样,有书信、 日记、故事、人物介绍、口头通 知等;所涉及的内容则有古今中 外的各个方面。但是不论体裁、 题材如何,书面材料总是要你叙 述一件事或介绍一个人物,并要 求尽可能地表达清楚连贯。因此 ,重点应放在记叙文上。三:书面表达的最高要求:l 语言基本无误,行文连贯,表达 清楚。l根据所要表达的内容选择语言材 料:该用什么时态,选择哪些词 汇、句型,加哪些结构词、过渡 句等。 四:书面表达训练的方式: l(1)分散法:将文字提供的某一要点或 某幅图中所示要点用两句或两句以上的 话表达出来或分散开来表达。l(2)合并法:将几个要点放在一句中表 达出来。l(3)变换法:变换法又可以分为两种: 一种是运用同义或近义词语表达同一内 容,运用不同词类的词表达同一内容; 另一种是运用不同结构的句子(肯定或 否定,主动或被动)表达同一内容,运 用不同类型的句子(简单句、并列句、 复合句)表达同一内容。l 例(晚会)于8月15日,星期六,晚7:30举行 。(NMET94)The student union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15. It will begin at 7:30 p.m.例我哥哥骑车带我去电影院。(NMET97第一 幅图)The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle. My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind.例:集合/出发,到达。( NMET98)Today early8 in the morning we met at the school gate and went to visit a farm.例(他)8岁进广东省跳水队。(MET 91)At the age of eight, he joined/entered /became a member of /was accepted as a member of the diving team of Guangdong Province.例(在原操场上)新建了一座图书馆。(NMET 99)A. on the other side, where the playground used to be, now stands another new buildingour library.B. Another new buildingour library has been built on the other side, where the playground used to be.C. Another new buildingour library has been built on the old playground.D. Another new buildingour library stands on the other side, where there was a playground three year ago.例1988年(张各庄)成立本村小学。( MET90)A. until 1988 Zhang Ge Zhuang had no school of its own.B. In 1988, Zhang Ge Zhuang began to have its own school.C. There was no school in Zhang Ge Zhuang until 1988.D. No school had ever been built in Zhang Ge Zhuang until 1988.E. Zhang Ge Zhuang set up its own school in 1988.五:做书面表达题的注意事项:(1)认真审题,确定体裁,明确表达要点; (2)紧紧围绕内容要点表达,既不添枝加叶, 又不遗漏要点; (3)谴词造句必须符合语言规范,切忌硬译、 乱译、避免中文式的英语,或根据语法编 造一些不地道的语言; (4)扬长避短,注意语言的灵活运用; (5)正确使用时态、语态、标点符号和字母的 大小写,注意主谓一致和单词拼写的准确 性。 (6)力求做到内容完整、文字通达、书写规范 、条理清楚、卷面整洁、篇幅适中。 记 叙 文 的 写 作 第一讲l记叙文的定义:以记人叙事为主要内 容,以叙述为主要表达方式的文体.像 故事.传记.游记.人物介绍.新闻报道. 成语典故和看图说话都属于记叙文 体.l记叙文的要素:有人物.时间.地点.事 件.原因和结果范文:lOn Mothers DaylAfter dinner(1),Mother(2)was ready to wash the plates and bowls when her daughter(2) came into the kitchen(3),saying, “ Its Mothers Day ,you know(4),and you dont think you need to wash these things,Mother.”The Mother was quite touched and said ,”Its so kind of you ,my dear.But(5)”“But you may leave it till tomorrow(6).”练习:用英文简要写出的故事 ,70140字.要点:找出六要素: 1.时间:从前 2.人物:郑人 3.地点:郑国集市 4.事件:买鞋 5.原因:宁信尺度,不信其脚 6.结果:集市已散,没买到鞋范文: lOnce in the nation of Zheng there was a man who wanted to buy himself a pair of shoes. He took the measurement of his own feet with a piece of string. Then he went to the market. He was looking at some shoes at the shoe-makers when he realized he had left the measurement at home. He rushed home to fetch it. By the time he returned with the measurement,the market was already closed. So he failed to get his shoes. Somebody ask him,” why didntt you just try the shoes on your feet?” He answered,” I trust the measurement rather than my feet.”练习:l 早晨你正沿着一条河走时,听见有 位妇女在喊救命.你跑过去发现她儿 子不慎落水.你毫不犹豫地脱掉雨衣 和鞋,跳入河中.虽然水很凉,但你还 是继续向前游,最后你抓住了孩子的 脚,把他救上了岸.l就上面的内容,先找出六要素,然后 写出80100字的一篇短文.第二讲:记叙文的线索和顺序: 记叙文无论是记人还是记事,总有一 条线索贯穿在文章的始终 这条线索可能以记人为主,即以人物 活动的先后顺序来写 也可以以叙事为主,既以事件发生发 展的顺序来写,使整个文章串联起来 .MET1991书面表达: 请用英语为一家报纸写一段人物介绍,介绍少年体育明星 孙淑伟,内容要点如下: 1. 简况:孙淑伟(Sun Shuwei),男,十四岁,广东省 (Guangdong)人. 2. 训练项目:跳水(diving) 3. 取得成绩:第十一届亚运会冠军,第六届世界游泳锦 标赛冠军(亚运会:the Asia Games;冠军:champion;游泳 锦标赛:Swimming Championship) 4. 其他情况:从小就喜欢游泳,八岁进入广东省跳水队 ;在学校里认真学习,在跳水队里认真训练.十三岁进入国 家队;一年后(1990)夺得第十一届亚运会金牌;今年年初获 得第六届世界游泳锦标赛冠军.范文一:按照顺序lSun Shuwei-A World Champion in DivinglSun Shuwei is a boy of 14 from Guangdong.He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team of Guangdong province.He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team.A year later in 1990,he won a gold medal at the 11th Asia Games and became a world champion at the 16th World Swimming Championship early this year.范文二:按照倒序lSun Shuwei-A World Champion in DivinglEarly this year, Sun Shuwei became a world champion at the 16th World Swimming Championship.He is a boy of 14 from Guangdong. He loved swimming when he was a small boy and at eight he became a member of the diving team of Guangdong province.He studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team.A year later in 1990,he won a gold medal at the 11th Asia Games and became a world champion this year.练习:请根据下述内
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