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Direct Speech and Indirect Speech 直接引语和间接引语Made by Timmy綦江县郭扶中学 田蜜直接引语就是直接引用别人的原话,如: “Are you feeling better,granny?”the journalist asked.“老奶奶,你现在感觉好些了吗?”记者问。 间接引语就是用自己的话来转述别人的话,如: The journalist aked granny if she was feeling better.记者问老奶奶是否感觉好些了。 直接引语和间接引语可以相互转化,但这 种转化需要遵循一定的原则。具体来说就 是要注意转化时引导词的变化、人称代词 的变化、指示代词的变化、时间状语和地 点状语的变化、语序的变化和时态的变化 。一 直接引语变为间接引语时,引导词要根据句子类型的不同 有所变化。(1)如果直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,引导词用that。 如:She said,“Im very glad to have such a chance.” 她说:“我很高兴有这样的机会。”She said thatthat she was very glad to have sucha a chance. 她说她很高兴有这样的机会。(2)如果是一般疑问句,要用连词whether或if引导。如:He asked me,“Do you like playing computer game?” 他问我:“你喜欢玩电脑游戏吗?”He asked me if/whether I liked playing computer games. 他问我是否喜欢玩电脑游戏。(3)如果直接引语是特殊疑问句,要用相应的疑问词 who,whom,whose,how,when等引导。如: My sister asked me,“What are you doing?”我姐姐问我:“你在干什么?”My sister asked me what I was doing.我姐姐问我在干什么。(4)如果直接引语是祈使句,变间接引语市多用“名词(代词)+不 定式”结构,引述动词常用ask,tell,say,order等。如:My mother said to me,“Dont do that again.”我妈妈对我说:“别再做那种事了。”My mother asked(told) me not to do that again.我妈妈让我别再做那种事了。二 直接引语变为间接引语,要注意人称的变化,根据说话 的对象进行人称的变化,使句子意思前后一致。如:He asked me,“Do you like coffe?”他问我:“你喜欢咖啡吗? ”He asked me whether/if I liked coffee.他问我是否喜欢咖啡。 三 直接引语变为间接引语时,指示代词也要做相应的变化, 如:thisthat,thesethose。如: He asked me,“Do you like this one?”他问我:“你喜欢这个吗?” He asked me whether/I liked that one.他问我是否喜欢那个 。四 直接引语变为间接引语时,时间状语、地点状语都要做相 应的变化。如:nowthen,todaythatday,yesterdaythe day before,last yearthe year before,tomorrow the next day, agobefore,herethere等。The teacher asked him,“Did you come to school yesterday?” 老师问他:“你昨天来上学了吗?”The teacher asked him if he had come to school the day before. 老师问他昨天是否来上学了。五 直接引语变为间接引语时,在间接引语一般要用陈述句语 序,即:主语+谓语+其他。如: He asked me,“Whats your telephone number?”他问我,“你的电话号码是多少?” He asked me what my telephone number was. 他问我我的电话号码是多少。六 直接引语变为间接引语时,间接引语中的时态要与主句中 的时态保持一致。具体的时态变化的一般规律可以通过下表来说明。主句 直接引语语 间间接引语语 现现在时时 任何时态时态 相对应对应 的任何时态时态 将来时时 任何时态时态 相对应对应 的任何时态时态 过过去时时 一般现现在时时 一般过过去时时 一般将来时时 过过去将来时时 现现在进进行时时 过过去进进行时时 现现在完成时时 过过去完成时时 一般过过去时时 过过去完成时时 过过去完成时时 过过去完成时时 例题讲解: 1.过去时(主句),一般现在时(直接引语),一般过去时(间接引语 )。如:She asked me,“Do you have a knife?”她问我,“你有一把 小刀吗?”She asked me if I had a knife.她问我是否有一把小刀。2.过去时(主句),一般将来时(直接引语),过去将来时(间接引 语)。如:Maria said,“I will go to the Great Wall next month.”玛 丽亚说,“下个星期我将要去长城。”Maria said that she would go to the Great Wall next month.玛丽亚说她下个星期将要去长城。3.过去时(主句),现在进行时(直接引语),过去进行时(间接引 语)。如:Mr. Lee asked Jane,“What are you doing?”李老师问 Jane,“你在干什么?” Mr. Lee asked Jane what she was doing.李老师问Jane 正在干什么。4.过去时(主句),现在完成时(直接引语),过去完成时(间接引语 )。如:Kangkang told me,“I have finished my homework.”康康告 诉我,“我已经完成了我的家庭作业。”Kangkang told me that she had finished his homework.康 康告诉我他已经完成了他的家庭作业。5.过去时(主句),一般过去时(直接引语),过去完成时(间接引语) 。如:The teacher asked me,“Where did you go?”老师问我, “你去哪儿了?”The teacher asked me where I had gone。老师问我去哪 儿了。6.过去时(主句),,过去完成时(直接引语),过去完成时(间接 引语)。如:She said,“I had never been to Paris.”她说,“我从来没有 去过巴黎。”She said that she had never been to Paris.她说她从来没 有去过巴黎同学们,学了这么多,你听懂了多少呢 ?让我们放松一下,待会来做做练习!直接引语和间接引语专项练习.句型转换1.She said to me,“Dont eat too much.”She asked me too much.not to eat2.I asked him,“Will you go shopping with me tomorrow?” I asked he go shopping with me .ifwouldthe next day3.Jack said,“I have finished my work.” Jack said that finished work.hehadhis4.Mary asked the old man,“Are you from Beijing?” Mary asked the old man he from Beijing. ifwas5.Linda said,“Ill do my best to learn English well.” Linda said that do best to learn English well.she wouldher6.Mr Li said,“Ill visit you.” Mr Li said me.hewould visit7.He said to me,“What are you going to do?” He asked me what going to do.Iwas8.She said,“I fought with him here two years ago.” She said fought with him two years .shehadtherebefore9.Miss Wang said,“The moon goes around the earth.” Miss Wang said the moon around the earth.goes10.Mr Smith asked,“Do you prefer French or German?” Mr Smith asked us we French or German.ifpreferredOK! Boys and girls! Lets call it a day! Lets end our class with a song! 好了!同学们!今天到此为止!让我们以一首歌来结束本节课!Welcome to Beijing!北京欢迎你!
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