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Unit 7Lighten Your LoadandSave Your LifePicture showWhat common ground do these stars have?2Do you have any stress?30=Never happen1=If happen occasionally2=If happen frequentlyLet us do a test about stress index. See whether the following happened to you in the past times.6vFeel that you have too many things to do and you cannot cope(处理). vFeel that you have to race through(匆忙) the day, e.g. talking, eating and walking fast. vFeel that there is no time for hobbies and always think about study or work. vBlow up(发脾气) easily when you meet failure or difficulties.75. Worry about others comments(评论)on your performance. 6. Feel that your teachers, classmates or family does not appreciate(欣赏)you.7. Have consistent(持续的)headache /stomach ache /back pain. 8. Get angry easily when you are with your family or classmates.79. Interrupt the other person while they are speaking. 10. Worry about things while in bed and cannot get into asleep. 11. Feel guilty(内疚的)when taking a break. 12. Do things in your own way but feel guilty(后悔的) afterwards.8What your score means : 0-6 marks: Your low level of mental stress may indicate that your current life lacks excitements, comparatively boring, but you still have a happy life. 9What your score means : 7-10 marks: You have moderate level of mental stress. Although you feel more stressful at some times, you still can cope. 9What your score means : 11 marks or above: You have a high level of mental stress. You have to find out what are the sources, and seek resolution. 9What are your symptoms?depressionnerve breakdownheart diseaseinsomnia insmni4Why do we feel stressful?10study stresslife stresswork stressexamjob-huntingmore bonus being promotedhousecar11当北京成功地获得了2008年奥运会主办权时,举国上下都沉浸在激动和喜悦之中。活学活用The whole nation was overwhelmed with excitement and joy when Beijing succeeded in bidding for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.1. 陷入,沉浸于; 被征服 to feel / be overwhelmed (with)2. I feel faint and the house is spinning.The heavy blow sent the enemy spinning to the ground我昏昏沉沉的,感觉房子在旋转。猛烈的一击打得敌人昏头转向, 倒在地上。3. on the exterior, on the interior外表上 本质上 .她貌似怯弱,但内心却十分坚强, 在困难面前从不屈服。活学活用On the exterior, she is timid and weak-willed; but on the interior, she has a rather strong mind and never yields to any difficulties.nMore words with “-ior” exterior, interior, inferior, superior, junior, senior,4. The head office delegates this new manager to reorganize the department.总部派这位新经理重新组织该部门。A delegate may represent, and vote in the name of one country only. 一名代表仅能代表一个国家,并以一个国家的 名义投票。5. recommend v. :suggest, advise The doctor recommended that she (should) stop smoking as soon as possible.e.g.e.g. I wouldnt recommend reading in this light; it may affect your eyes. Can you recommend any good books ?recommend +that -clause doing/n.even /mild /sweet hot /quick /short moody good bad/ill-tempered-tempered6. -tempered a. having the specified type of temper Collocation Collocation 性情平和/温和/温柔的脾气急噪的 喜怒无常的 好脾气的坏脾气的Para 1-2: The stress in life.Learn to take charge of your life where you can - and recognize there are many things beyond your control.5What should you do if you dont want to break your own heart?_higher cholesterol levelhigh blood pressureheart rhythms effects5Para 3-5: The harmful effects of stress.FUD factors; lack of control; anger.12Para 6-11: Major causes of the stress in life.angerthe feeling that everything must be perfect13For many people, whats the root of stress?having no compass in life14FUD factors-fear and lack of control_anger having no compass in lifecauses15_the feeling that everything must be perfectHow to deal with stress?161 717musicexercise18What is your efficient way to alleviate stress?cryingeatingsleepinga._b._c._NICE factorswriting down six things in your liveslearning how to flowand setting your priorities19Para 12-20: How to deal with stress?Main Idea of the TextPart IPart IPart IIPart IIPart IIIPart IIIStress exerts great impact upon people both physically and psychologically. According to the research done by Dr. Robert S. Eliot, excess stress may cause tremendous and rapid increases in blood pressure and then does damage to the health. In general, these problems are attributed to such FUD factors as fear, uncertainty, doubt and lack of control. To cope effectively with stress, we should take charge of our life, lighten the load and learn to fit in with our life.The passage is made up of 20 paragraphs, and, according to the pattern “topiceffectcausesuggestion” the author mainly employs in his writing, it can fall roughly into four parts. For detail Structure of the TextPart IVPart IVMain Idea of Part IDevices for its Developme
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