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高二英语 unit 2英语词汇教学、归类和讲解in-im-dis-un-re- under-over- into; negative, not, without negative( 否定)apart; negative; intensive.n ot; the reversal of an action again, back under, beneath. above; beyond; upside-down Prefix1. Nobody on the sightseeing tour wanted to talk to us. They were so _. 2. Jason is so _ that he will not wait for the bus. He always calls a taxi! 3. His cousin steals money room his company and tells lies - he is very _.unfriendly impatientdishonestEx1.4. He were told that the statue cannot be repaired but to his credit he didnt accept that. He says that nothing is _. 5. He made so many errors in the homework that he will have to _it. 6. The _ in Britain English is the same as the subway in American English.redo undergroundimpossible7. I wrote a description of the wrong building because I _ the question. 8. I _ this morning and only just had time to put on my uniform before leaving for work. 9. We _ about which architectural styles we like. He prefers modern buildings but I like traditional buildings best.oversleptdisagreemisunderstood10. This art collection is closed for the summer, but it will _ in September. 11. At customs the man was _ to open his bags it contained drugs. 12. He is a man of many words, but his actions are often _ with his words.unwillinginconsistentreopenEverybody knows that the United Kingdom _ four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. However, about four hundred years Scotland tried to _ English influence. The Scots want to attack England and decided that France should _ England Ex2.consists ofbreak away fromtake the place ofas their closest friend. England however, was unhappy when the relationship between the two countries _. Queen Elizabeth I did not want to be _ of any decisions to do with Scotland, so she_ the Scottish lords _dividedbreak downleft outintoseveral groups so that they would argue with each other instead of attacking England. This arrangement worked well until 1603 when Queen Elizabeth died. As King James of Scotland was her only relative, he became King of Scotland and England, and everybody was _ the solution.delighted withEx3. (keys)1.大卫贝克汉姆来到日本时, 兴奋的球迷都赶去 迎接。(thrilled) Thrilled fans rushed to see David Beckham as he arrived in Japan. 2. 为了庆祝我表姐的婚礼,我的姨妈和姨父 安排了一个晚会。(wedding; arrange) In order to celebrate my cousins wedding, my uncle and aunt have arranged a party.3. 卡尔马克思有关共产主义的部分著作是在大英国书馆完成的.那里有海量的藏书. (communism; splendid collection)Karl Marx wrote some of his books on communism in the British Library, which has a splendid collection of books.4. 博物馆里的古陶壶以其鲜艳的色泽和精湛的工艺吸引了全国各地的艺术家. (pot; nationwide; workmanship)The ancient pots at the museum attract artists nationwide with their beautiful colours and excellent workmanship.5. “不要对衣服这样不爱惜,”妈妈说.“如 果你小心洗衣服,并把它们叠整齐,衣服 就会更耐穿些。” (treat roughly; fold)“Do not treat your clothes roughly,” said my mother. “They will last longer if you wash them carefully and fold them up neatly.”6. 比赛自始至终越来越紧张。 (tense)The race was getting tenser all the time. 7. 我要租那套带家具的房子的可能性非 常小房主要价太高。 (possibility)The possibility of renting that furnished flat to me is very small the owner of the flat is asking too much money.8. 皇室家庭和普通的家庭都一样。他们也会有分歧,有时还会争吵。 (alike; disagreement; quarrel)Royal families and ordinary families are alike. They often have disagreement and sometimes quarrelExercise in WorkbookUsing StructuresEx1. 1. What did you find had happened to your flower pots when you got home? _ _. 2. What did you do when the paths were covered in snow and you were away? _ _.When I got home I found the flower pots brokenWhen the paths were covered in snow I got them cleared3. How can you use your computer since it is broken? _.4. How did you get those trees to appear in your garden when you were away? _ _As my computer is broken I got it mendedWhen I was away I had the trees planted in my garden.5. When you came back, how did you find the street after the storm? _ _. 6. When did he say he would finish the work? _ _.When I came back I found the street flooded after the stormHe said he would get the work finished by Monday7. How did you find Shanghai after such a long time? _ _. 8. What are you going to do at the hairdressers tomorrow? _ _.I found Shanghai changed a lot after such a long timeI am going to have my hair cut / done at the hairdressers tomorrowReport of a House Break-in at 26 Mount
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