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贵人鸟品牌营销推广方案Prepared by:PROTAI Creative CenterDate:Apr 25, 2009The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written一、贵人鸟市场定位 二、贵人鸟09年传播策略与展开 品牌 商品 渠道 网络 本次提案内容The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written贵人鸟市场定位The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written目前的贵人鸟藉着高性价比的商品、广泛的消费族群、 快速网路拓展,在三四级市场获得很好的成绩。品牌走向休闲与时尚的运动风格,颇获市场青睐。固基再开拓:稳固既有市场, 往一二级市场拓展。品牌区隔:在非专业运动领域 ,寻找隶属於时尚休闲品牌的区 隔。品牌力提昇:从销售提升到品 牌拉升。现状现状目标目标The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written品牌施策品牌策略思考方向社会趋势社会趋势消费者消费者竞争市场竞争市场品牌足迹品牌足迹The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written施策品牌传播思考方向社会趋势社会趋势消费者消费者竞争市场竞争市场品牌足迹品牌足迹The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written流行开始轻起来The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written流行开始轻起来The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written流行开始轻起来The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written环保 生活绿色 生活慢 生活LOHASlife styles of health and sustainability健康永续的生活方式流行开始轻起来The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written现代人的生活观念重轻轻文化流行力量刺激轻松 和缓The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written社会趋势社会趋势消费者消费者竞争市场竞争市场品牌足迹品牌足迹品牌策略思考方向The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written品牌传播思考方向社会趋势社会趋势消费者消费者竞争市场竞争市场品牌足迹品牌足迹The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written运动也变轻The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written运动也变轻The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written运动也变轻The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being writtenPUMA德国品牌PUMA 从2000年在运动基础上创造时尚潮流品牌, 成功咸鱼翻身,重唤生命力!运动也变轻The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written特步广告表现VS特步广告以明星代言来展现时尚服饰,运动感弱,且与美特斯邦威在广告上表现上并无太大差异!The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written但是特步在另一方面通过不断赞助专业运动,让特步跟专业运动挂钩,尽管特步提出时尚鞋服的口号,但是事实上,特步依然试图进入运动专业运动!The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written竞走瑜伽慢跑自行车都市运动风改变,流汗小,动作幅度小的时尚运动开始风靡东南大学 轻运动会美国明尼苏达大学科学家 坚持8年从事轻运动研究多家知名媒体 疯狂转载轻运动所谓轻运动近年来流行的一种运动方式,指体能消耗少、技术要求低、时间要求松的运动方式,也可以称之为慢运动(著名运动健康专家赵之心老师)轻量型运动开始流行The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written施策社会趋势社会趋势消费者消费者竞争市场竞争市场品牌足迹品牌足迹品牌策略思考方向The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written施策社会趋势社会趋势消费者消费者竞争市场竞争市场品牌足迹品牌足迹品牌策略思考方向The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written穿运动服不代表一定在运动!根据调查,80%的消费者穿运动鞋服不是在运动,运动装的专业性不是他们考虑的重点,而他们选购运动商品的重点是舒适和外形漂亮,可以和一般的衣服搭配。消费者爱运动,但不想运动!消费者习惯日常生活爱运动装The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written施策社会趋势社会趋势消费者消费者竞争市场竞争市场品牌足迹品牌足迹品牌策略思考方向The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written施策社会趋势社会趋势消费者消费者竞争市场竞争市场品牌足迹品牌足迹品牌策略思考方向The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written贵人鸟品牌足迹品牌理念人为本,和为贵明星代言品牌地位国家级赞助2002年刘德华代言2003年邀请张柏芝跟刘德华共同代言只要你知道去哪,全世界都为你让路!三四级市场的时尚休闲品牌中国国家体育总局小球运动管理中心的战略合作伙伴及惟一运动装备赞助商迅速打开品牌 知名度打造优雅时尚运动品牌信赖感The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written社会趋势追求缓压的生活态度轻文化应运而生 !消费者爱运动,但不想运动日常生活的舒适穿着竞争市场将设计路向扩展至非竞技运动。品牌足迹时尚潮流的运动休闲鞋服!轻运动生活品牌定位策略The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written轻运动生活 V.S. 贵人鸟The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written轻运动文化对于贵人鸟目标对象商品品 牌The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written贵人鸟品牌市场占位专业运动专业运动轻运动轻运动时尚潮流时尚潮流大众流行感大众流行感The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written专业运动专业运动轻运动轻运动时尚潮流时尚潮流大众流行感大众流行感时尚轻运动贵人鸟品牌市场占位The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written轻运动以生活中可以轻易完成的运动为主适应的年龄段与目标族群自然扩大,贵人鸟目标族群-18岁-25岁专业运动50岁-14岁-轻运动The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written从贵人鸟自身商品线分析09秋季09款式开发量比例09秋季预计订货量比例贵人鸟的产品线更偏向时尚、生活,轻运动方向! The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written轻运动对于运动服装的诉求点:舒适,方便运动时动作的执行 保护运动中不受伤害 时尚,运动装也要时尚流行贵人鸟产品诉求点:有效提高运动舒适度有效减少运动伤害贵人鸟产品开发的依据: 世界时尚潮流趋势完美 契合轻运动符合贵人鸟的产品诉求,未来贵人鸟产品开发可以针对轻运动的特点,满足人们日常生活的需求,产品开发更轻(light),更时尚!从贵人鸟自身商品开发分析商品The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written从贵人鸟自身商品开发分析商品贵人鸟 商品线轻时尚透气符合 人体 工学鞋服要求通风透气,以适应一整天的舒适穿着鞋服以满足日常搭配的需求以满足一天行走的方便以人们日常行走的工学为主The proposal is protected by Intellectual Property at the same time it is being written社会趋势追求缓压的生活态度轻
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