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Classroom LanguageWhat is classroom languagelClassroom language is the routine language that is used on a regular basis in classroom like giving instructions of praise, for example “Take out your books” or “Please sit down”. This is language that teachers are used to using and students are used to hearing, but when teaching a language it takes a while to learn this part of the language. Knowing these language basics reduces the amount that students are forced to use their mother tongue and increases the amount of the target language they are using; it makes the language classroom environment more authentic. lUsing English and avoiding L1 for instruction language and common questions in the classroom is absolutely vital if you want students to use English every day and realize that what you are teaching them is relevant to their lives. lThe more that classroom language is used during an English lesson, the less the students will need you to use L1 (the students first language). Teaching and using classroom language during English lessons will make the lessons more authentic.lClassroom language often occurs in an English class. Language such as “Repeat that, please” and “Open your books, please” is very natural. When students are exposed to this language frequently, they will eventually be able to produce it themselves. If classroom language is often used, it is quickly absorbed by the students and becomes part of their natural vocabulary.l语言是人们用来交流思想和感情的工具 。相同的意思,不同的表达方式,可能 会产生不同的效果。作为一名语言教师 ,教学语言的质量和使用在某种意义上 就是其基本素质的缩影,直接影响课堂 的教学效果。 l教师应是“引导者”,“帮助者”,和“交际 合作者”。如何妥善、恰当地做好这三重 角色,依靠的是课堂用语这一交流媒质 。教师的课堂话语应使学生感到是在和 老师进行平等而亲近的沟通,从而使学 生感受到轻松愉快的课堂气氛,解除思 想顾虑。 l作为一个教师,一名语言的教师,一定 要自信,而自信是建立在对某样东西了 解得多少之上的,要想在讲台上激情四 射,就要下功夫去挖掘。l1提问时教师用语l提问是课堂上的一种重要的教学手段,它 是联系师生思想活动的纽带,是开启学生 智慧之门的钥匙。如果教师提问时持责备 和威胁的态度,就会增加学生的心理负担 ,造成恐惧心理,影响课堂气氛和学生参 与的积极性。教师提问时态度应该是和悦 、友好和轻松的。 l教师在提问时可以尽量使用像“Would you please tell us ?” “Would you like to ?” “May I ask you ?” “Would you mind answering a few questions on this?”等 委婉而友好的语气。 l对于回答好的学生,可以用l “Wonderful” “Well done!”l “Very good!” “You did a good job!”l“Marvelous job” “You are great. Im proud of you.” l“Its really a hard question, but your answer is quite right. You are great!/You are successful.”l“Most of you did a very good job. I appreciate what you did in my class. Thank you.” l“Im very glad that you make progress every day. Congratulations!”l等鼓励学生再接再厉。 l对于还在犹豫自己的答案是对还是错的学 生,可以用l“It doesnt matter whether your answer is right or wrong, and just try to say something.” 安慰 他。l对于答得不够好或答错的学生可以说l“I hope you will do it better next time.” l“Try it again.” “Good, but”l等消除学生的自卑和恐惧心理,使学生树 立起信心。l除此而外,教师提问时应尽量多使用体态 语言。教师的表情、手势及姿势能在课堂 教学中起到催化剂的作用。教师的微笑让 学生感到亲切可信;教师鼓励的眼神可以 让学生消除恐惧、产生安全感;教师的手 势可以帮助学生理解问题,更好地思考答 案。 to help teachers become fluent and accurate in the use of the specialized and idiomatic forms of the English(帮助教师在英语的实际运用 中提高讲话的流畅性和准确性); to expand teachers range of classroom language to carry out day-to- day classroom organization in English (扩展教师课堂英语的知识面,以便用语组织日 常教学。Objectives (目的/目标) :Functions of classroom English- a means of instruction (一种教学手段)- a means of class organization (课堂组织手段 ) -a means of communicating with their students (和学生进行交流的手段)Functions (功能/作用)In English learning(对学生的英语学习) not only the specific language items taught in the lesson (不仅学到一些专项习语); but also the language structures and vocabulary which are used repeatedly in classroom English.(而且教师的重复应用中还学到一些语言形式和词语) practising a number of language skills : how to listen, pick out key words and think in English. (同时还能操练一些语言技能:如 听的技 巧、找出关键词和用英语进行思考。How to use classroom language effectively(如何有效应 用课堂英语?* help your students understand what you say in English* make a list of classroom language for each activities while preparing your lesson; -tone of voice - intonation - eye contact - gestures - facial expression - pictures/ diagrams - real thingswith your by using and by -using familiar contexts and topics -rephrasing what you say in as many ways as you can - occasional use of Chinese * first grade your English ;Some everyday classroom languagefor different activities and stages (不同教学活动和教学阶段的常用语) 1. Greetings and forms of address (问候和称呼 )注意多样性 !Good morning/ hello. Class 1/Boys and girlsHappy childrens day! (Thank you!) Happy new year! (The same to you!) Merry Christmas! (The same to you!) How are you all Are you all well How are you today?this morning /after-noon?) . Remember: shortly and informally 2) Chatting (聊天)(to converse about feelings, interests and experiences) did you have a did you enjoy the did anyone do anything interesting during Well, weekend?holiday?What did you do last night?Can you tell us what the party was like?Oh, you have a new T-shirt on. It looks nice.(Thank you.)3 ) Checking attendance (点名)Right!Now !Ok!Im going to Ill Letscal
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